U.S. Geological Survey Manual 500.5 - News Release and Media Relations Policy OPR: Office of Communication News Release and Media Relations Policy. As an integral part of its mission, the USGS has a continuing responsibility to keep the public informed of its various programs, activities, and research. Information provided to news media representatives should refer to data and information that is in published format or to data that are publicly available. This policy covers all communication to the news media including: news releases, media advisories, formal statements, interviews, press conferences and briefings, letters to the editor, opinion pieces that are opposite the editorial page ("op eds"), technical announcements, and other information or material given to news media representatives, a collective term that includes, but is not limited to, reporters, editors, and writers for newspapers, magazines, scientific journals, and trade publications; radio or television stations or networks and online news services; and any other electronic or print media related to news distribution that could serve as an information outlet. Non-Advocacy. The USGS reputation for science excellence is based, in large part, on its neutrality and the unbiased and impartial nature of its information. All USGS products, materials, and communications with the media must remain neutral and not advocate, persuade, advise, recommend, sanction or prescribe actions. For additional information contact the bureau ethics counselor ( | |