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81. Programming Dynamic HTML In Java The com.ms.wfc.html package of the Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) framework lets you access the power of Dynamic HTML (DHTML) on a Web page directly from a Java class. Learn more about how Visual J++ 6.0 can allow you to create seamless DHTML Web pages. (Microsoft) http://msdn.microsoft.com/vjsharp/productinfo/visualj/visualj6/technical/article | |
82. Perl Tutorial Perl is an interpreted programming language known for its power and flexibility. http//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/general/Training/PerlIntro/ http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Training/PerlIntro/ | |
83. GAMS Home Page (general Algebraic Modeling System) Highlevel modeling language for mathematical programming problems and a popular tool for solving CGE-models. Documentation and examples. http://www.gams.com/ | |
84. SURPAC - Products :: Addons :: Tcl Programming TCL programming general information. What is Tcl? Tcl is an interpreted scripting language that can be used for cross-platform applications. http://www.surpac.com/products/TCL/page2.shtml | |
85. Start-up Aims To Simplify XML | CNET News.com Clear Methods says XML programming must be simplified, so it created Water, a generalpurpose language that can replace the many languages programmers need to master to produce Web services. CNET News.com http://news.com.com/2100-1013_3-5053623.html | |
86. Harry's Public Mind /programming/general permanent link. Sat, 14 Jun 2003. Software Development as a Craft. I was just watching a show on old handcrafts and compared to these http://blog.scheirich.info/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi/Programming/General | |
87. The Starlog Project At The University Of Waikato Declarative temporal logic programming language for general purpose programming, simulation, modeling reactive systems. Starlog programs consist of 2 components a set of timed facts, a set of temporal logic rules. Somewhat like Prolog. http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/Research/starlog/index.html | |
88. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) & DHE (Design Human Engineering) NLP and DHE general Information books Andy Bradbury s book reviews. Certification. The Society of NeuroLinguistic programming Certification in NLP http://www.nlpschedule.com/ | |
89. SURVEY OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES general feature comparisons, explanations. http://faculty.frostburg.edu/cosc/htracy/cosc120/MODULES120/NetPL/PL_Net.htm | |
90. The Annual Berkeley Programming Contest general information, problem statements and contest results of this contest at the Computer Science Division of the University of California, Berkeley. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~hilfingr/programming-contest/ | |
91. Jorge Nocedal: Optimization Software KNITRO, general Nonlinear programming Solver; LBFGS, Limited Memory Codes; PREQN, Preconditioning the Conjugate Gradient Method; and CG+, Conjugate Gradient Software. http://www.ece.northwestern.edu/~rwaltz/software.html | |
92. BOOKSAMILLION.COM (BAMM.COM) - Search And Browse Remove Go To, programming general Product Cover Game programming for Teens by Maneesh Singh Sethi; Andre LaMothe / Paperback / June 2003 / ISBN http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?N=8752&id=3238192720254 |
93. WFC Programming Concepts Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) provides a framework of Java packages that support components targeted for the Windows operating system and the Dynamic HTML object model. Learn more about how Visual J++ 6.0 can allow you to build tight applications using new features included in Visual J++ 6.0. (Microsoft) http://msdn.microsoft.com/vjsharp/productinfo/visualj/visualj6/technical/article | |
94. PayBreeze, Paycheck Calculator, W4, 401(k), Payroll Taxes, Paycheck What-ifs general programming, Inc. PO Box 1002 Tracy, CA 953781002 (209) 832-4417 (209) 832-4431 fax. Purchase Order. Check ( 5% discount). Email. PAYBREEZE! http://www.paybreeze.com/ | |
95. The Scala Programming Language A general purpose programming language with a special focus on web services. It combines objectoriented, functional and concurrent elements. It is a successor of Funnel. Java-based implementation. http://lamp.epfl.ch/scala/ | |
96. Programmers Heaven - General Programming Programming Zone Programmers Heaven general programming programming zone. http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone22/ | |
97. Clp(Q,R) ( 5-Oct-2000) Implementation of general Constraint Logic programming scheme introduced by Jaffar, Michaylov 1987. As full as other CLP(R)s solves linear equations over rational or real valued variables, and covers lazy treatment of nonlinear equations. http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/clpqr/ | |
98. VAC Home Page A general software package in Perl and Fortran 90 for hydro and magnetohydrodynamics. Developed as part of the Massively Parallel programming, Computational Magneto-Fluid Dynamics project. http://www.phys.uu.nl/~toth/ | |
99. Secondary Audio Programming - General Information Information about Secondary Audio programming. What it is and how to get it. http://www.accessdome.com/com-sap/sap.general.asp | |
100. History-making Components Explores some of the key events of objectoriented programming and components in the last 50 years in the greater context of general computing history. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/co-tmline/ | |
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