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Presidential Sites American History: more detail | |||||
41. History Resources This is a great resource for early american history. sites are listed in such categories as General, World, and US history, Government/Politics, http://www.educationindex.com/history/ | |
42. American Experience | The Presidents | PBS A collection of research developed for the PBS television series. Includes a review of all 20th century chief executives, a collection of presidential quotes, links to related sites, a comprehensive collection of primary source materials, and a teachers' guide. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/presidents/ | |
44. Virginia History Betsy Ross Flag Virginia history sites Virginia Flag Food history. Interesting notes and stories about food in american history. http://marg.mhost.com/vahistory.html | |
45. NMAH: Smithsonian Web Sites Honor And Explore The Presidency The National Museum of american history is one of the Smithsonian Institution Other Smithsonian Web sites About Presidents Archives of american Art The http://americanhistory.si.edu/news/pressrelease.cfm?key=29&newskey=91 |
46. DiscoverySchool.com My Virtual Reference Desk history  history sites by the dozens american history Links  Wonderful site with links to many american history sites http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjhistory.html | |
47. Report To The President: Japanese-American Internment Sites Preservation Report to the President Japaneseamerican Internment sites Preservation Manzanar National Historic Site represents a microcosm of the history of water http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/online_books/internment/reporta1.htm | |
48. U.S.History Lesson Plans (Page Two) Using Cultural Patriotic Holidays (all Donn sites). Presidents Day * Columbus Day * July 4th american history Mobile County Schools (lots of help! http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/2American.html | |
49. Welcome To The American Presidency Historical Web sites. Presidents First Ladies White House Other http//www.debates.org/pages/history.html. american Presidents Life Portraits http://ap.grolier.com/staticbp?page=/static/hist_links.html&templatename=/static |
50. Welcome To The American Presidency Grolier Online s american Presidency presentation explores the history of the presidency and Each article provides direct links to annotated Web sites, http://ap.grolier.com/staticbp?page=/static/about.html&templatename=/static/ap.h |
51. Cyndi's List - U.S. - History CSpan site for their series on all of the american Presidents. Cyndi s List of Genealogy sites on the Internet - US - history http://www.cyndislist.com/hist-us.htm | |
52. ReferenceResources:UnitedStatesPresidents american Presidency Articles on the presidents, the presidency and Links to Other history sites That Might Also Contain Information about US Presidents http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Presidents.html | |
53. PBS | History | United States history Be more Courageous. United States. PBS Program and Series sites blank The american President blank Ancestors in the Americas http://www.pbs.org/history/history_united.html | |
54. TeacherSource . Concepts Across The Curriculum . The Presidency | PBS January 2001 The Presidency. Younger Students Older Students sites Programs The most famous duel in american history climaxed a longstanding http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/thismonth/jan01/index3.shtm | |
55. Amercan History And World History american and World history your one source for everything on american history, Americas Wars, american history presidential Election America s Wars http://www.multied.com/ | |
56. The American Presidency Field Trip Intro The american Presidency is an office unique in world history. Though I have selected sites for you to visit, keep in mind that sites that are here today http://www.field-trips.org/ss/prez/ | |
57. White House Studies: Presidential Places: A Guide To The Historic Sites Of US. P AfroAmericans in New York Life and history Alabama Heritage This guide to presidential sites should be an important contribution to the study of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0KVD/is_2_2/ai_93792514 | |
58. WWW-VL: History: American West History Index: American Westward Expansion: Ameri Keyword Search through all WWWVL history sites. Search for american West sites More searches american Memory history or simple http://www.ku.edu/kansas/west/ | |
59. Government And Civics The american Presidency Here are biographies for every President. list of links to sites related to american history and government is on this Webpage. http://members.tripod.com/exworthy/civics.htm | |
60. PresidentS Resource The presidential sites Specific Presidents. This list idenfies sites by Eisenhower Center resource maintained by history professors at U. of Kansas http://www.ibiblio.org/lia/president/pressites/PresidentS-list2.html | |
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