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41. BabyCentre BBS Message Board Getting pregnant issues and concerns / Topic Thursday Natter Chatter o) keeping the roads hot a 2 hr. drive to Philly to the fertility spec., http://www.babycentre.co.uk/bbs/536642/thread4369/message13.html |
42. Population And International Health Special attention is given to modeling and model specification issues. complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and reproductive tract infections. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/registrar/courses/Ay0102/desc&schd/pih.shtml | |
43. PREGNANCY.ORG :: View Forum - Infertility Treatments pregnancy.org Vibrant Bulletin Board Community. Are you struggling with infertility? Are you on a particular medication like clomid? http://www.pregnancy.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=22&topicdays=0&start=40& |
44. How To Conceive A Girl Low Cost, High Sensitivity pregnancy Tests and Ovulation Prediction Kits In his book, Dr. Shettles discusses the issues which will help you learn how to http://www.babyhopes.com/how-to-conceive-a-girl.html |
45. Untitled Document An Overview of pregnancy and Childbirth in Jewish Law This is an excerpt from the book The http//www.aishdas.org/webshas/spec/social/katan/piryah.htm http://www.jewishpregnancy.org/links jewish pregnancy/Jewish Law Links.htm | |
46. Highlights 2000 levels and trends in childlessness, primary or secondary infertility were estimated. A new strategy for Making pregnancy Safer was finalized. http://www.who.int/reproductive-health/hrp/highlights.en.html |
47. 2nd URSI Research Conference (2003) Specification issues and sample selection in populationemployment interaction A woman can occupy any one of the seven states- not married, pregnancy http://www.rug.nl/ursi/events/rc2003 | |
48. Instructor's Guide For Child Development Legal issues involving pregnancies. Each advancement in reproductive The Australia infertility Act of 1984 permits IVF to be performed only in approved http://www.mhhe.com/socscience/intro/cafe/prof/im/sug.htm | |
49. BioMed Central | Full Text | Outpatient Management Of Pelvic Inflammatory Diseas however, the significant increases in ectopic pregnancy and infertility are Direct costs for PID and the longterm sequelae of ectopic pregnancy and http://www.biomedcentral.com/1534-5874/1/36 | |
50. Pregnancy Prevention In Adolescents - October 15, 2004 - American Family Physici Although the pregnancy rate in adolescents has declined steadily in the past 10 years, Research on today s issues. Less sexual activity, more education, http://www.aafp.org/afp/20041015/1517.html | |
51. Medical World Search If a pregnancy does occur, the couple may then wish to have prenatal diagnosis to Since genetic factors contribute considerably to infertility problems, http://www.mwsearch.com/creatingbaby.html | |
52. OBGYN.net - OBGYN.net - Ultrasound Section: Uterine Synechia Or Amniotic Band? OBGYN.net Obstetrics, Gynecology, infertility and Women s Health 1 Online This is her second pregnancy. At the beginning of this pregnancy she was http://www.obgyn.net/us/us.asp?page=/us/present/9801/mamula |
53. Developmental Biology Online: Sex Selection: Ethical Issues pregnancy associated with amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling. Suggested ethical issues surrounding sex preselection according to the ASRM http://www.devbio.com/article.php?id=177 |
54. Virtual Parents: Procreation In A MOO Environment this is that there are a number of personal issues between players which start There were three cases I know of where a virtual pregnancy coincided http://confabulation.com/~sam/procdraft.html | |
55. PJ Online: The Society 160th AGM (2001) During the consultation the same issues had been raised on many occasions. was upon the grounds of fertility, conception and termination of pregnancy. http://www.pjonline.com/Editorial/20010526/society/agm_code.html | |
56. Scandinavian Journal Of Work, Environment & Health Time to pregnancy and infertility among women with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds Axmon A, Rylander L, http://www.sjweh.fi/show_abstract.php?author_id=57 |
57. Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute A04/04 Poor pregnancy Outcomes among Adolescents in South Nyanza Region of Kenya and poor maternal health care emerge as important issues of concern. http://www.s3ri.soton.ac.uk/publications/applications.php?s=20 |
58. Catholic Culture : Document Library : A Profoundly Different Understanding Categories issues Life issues Catholicism Morals. Larger Work If they have serious reasons not to cause a pregnancy (eg, the wife s health, http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=341 |
59. New Materials - HIPNET - October 2003 A policy brief to be included in our series Policy issues in Planning and Finance on Targeting Infecundity, infertility, and Childlessness (December) http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/ccp/matls/october2003_materials.html | |
60. Clinical Nurse Specialist - UserLogin Women s health issues have been too long delegated to the back burner in both For example, research done on functional status during pregnancy and after http://www.cns-journal.com/pt/re/clnnursespec/fulltext.00002800-199809000-00012. | |
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