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         Prefixes & Suffixes:     more books (100)
  1. Prefixes And Suffixes (The Magic of Language) by Ann Heinrichs, 2005-08
  2. Leveraging your Russian with roots, prefixes, and suffixes by Gary Browning, 2001
  3. 1,001 Affixes and Their Meanings: A Dictionary of Prefixes, Suffixes and Inflections by Raymond E. Laurita, 1995-06
  4. Prefixes & Suffixes by Karen Shackelford, 2006-03-01
  5. Vocabulary Through Morphemes: Suffixes, Prefixes, And Roots For Intermediate Grades CD, Book, & Reproducibles by Susan M. Ebbers, 2004-01-31
  6. Making Words Fourth Grade: 50 Hands-On Lessons for Teaching Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots (Making Words Series) by Patricia M. Cunningham, Dorothy P. Hall, 2008-05-05
  7. Prefixes and Suffixes (Home Workbooks)
  8. Prefixes and Suffixes: Systematic Sequential Phonics and Spelling by Patricia Cunningham, 2002-09-17
  9. ESL Language Game: Prefixes and Suffixes (ESL Language Games) by School Specialty Publishing, 2005-05-02
  10. Encyclopedia of English: And dictionary of: grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, roots, prefixes & suffixes, rhetoric, rimes, world literature by Arthur Zeiger, 1947
  11. Instant Vocabulary Through Prefixes and Suffixes (Power Japanese) by Timothy J. Vance, 1991-03
  12. Homophones, Homographs, Prefixes & Suffixes Grades 4-6 (Word Study Blackline Masters)
  13. Vocabulary building: Prefixes and suffixes by C. F Navarro, 1990
  14. Word Wall Workbook - Prefixes and Suffixes!: Skill Based Worksheets and Reproducible Word Cards for Each Group of Words! by Karen Sevaly, 1999-02

21. Greek And Latin Base Transition Page
A table of common Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes in English.
Roots Prefixes Suffixes BASE MEANING ORIGIN act to act Latin acu, acr, ac needle Latin alt high Latin anima, anim life, mind Latin ann, enn year Latin anthrop man Greek aqua water Latin arch, archi govern, rule Greek arm army, weapon Latin arbitr, arbiter to judge, consider Latin art craft, skill Latin arthr, art segment, joint Greek aud to hear Latin bell war Latin biblio, bibl book Greek bio life Greek capit, cipit head Latin caus cause, case, lawsuit Latin cede to go, yield Latin cele honor Latin cell to rise, project Latin cent one hundred Latin cept, capt, cip, cap, ceive, ceipt to take, hold, grasp Latin cert sure, to trust Latin cess, ced to move, withdraw Latin cid, cis to cut off, be breif, to kill Latin circ, circum around Latin civ citizen Latin claud close, shut, block Latin clin to lean, lie, bend Latin cog to know Latin column a column Latin comput to compute Latin cont to join, unite Latin cor, cord, cour, card heart Latin corp body Latin cosm world, order, universe Greek crac, crat rule, govern Greek cred believe, trust Latin crit, cris separate, discern, judge Latin culp fault, blame Latin curs, curr, corr to run Latin custom one's own Latin dem people Greek dent, odon

22. Test Prep Review
bullet, prefixes and suffixes. Prefix. Meaning. Examples. a. in, on, of, up, to. abed, afoot. a. without, lacking. atheist, agnostic. ab. from, away, off
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Prefixes and Suffixes Prefix Meaning Examples a in, on, of, up, to abed, afoot a without, lacking atheist, agnostic ab from, away, off abdicate, abjure ad to, toward advance am friend, love amicable, amatory ante before, previous antecedent, antedate anti against, opposing antipathy, antidote auto self autonomy, autobiography belli war, warlike bellicose bene well, good benefit, benefactor bi two bisect, biennial bio life biology, biosphere cata down, away, thoroughly catastrophe, cataclysm chron time chronometer, synchronize circum around circumspect, circumference com with, together, very commotion, complicate contra against, opposing contradict, contravene

23. Vocabulary Workshop
Knowing prefixes and suffixes can also assist in the process. prefixes and suffixes are called affixes because they are attached to a root.
Preparation for an American University Program
Vocabulary Workshop
Vocabulary: Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes
Most words used in the English language today were not originally English. These words were borrowed (taken) from other languages. The majority of English words have Latin or Greek origins. When taking the TOEFL* (Test of English as a Foreign Language), it is helpful to know some of these origins or "roots" of English vocabulary. It may be possible to guess the meaning of an unknown word when one knows the meaning of its root. Knowing prefixes and suffixes can also assist in the process. An English word can consist of three parts: the root , a prefix and a suffix . The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning (definition) of the word. The root is the base element of the word. A prefix is a word element that is placed in front of a root. A prefix changes the word's meaning or makes a new word. A suffix is a word element that is placed after the root. The suffix changes the word's meaning as well as its function (use). Prefixes and suffixes are called affixes because they are attached to a root.

24. Grammar: Prefixes And Suffixes | EThemes | EMINTS
These sites include interactive games that have students choose which prefixes and suffixes they should add to root words to create new words.
About eMINTS Communities Equipment eThemes ... eThemes
Grammar: Prefixes and Suffixes
Contact if you have questions or comments about this resource. Printer-friendly version Please preview all links before sharing in class with students. Title: Grammar: Prefixes and Suffixes Description: These sites include interactive games that have students choose which prefixes and suffixes they should add to root words to create new words. Includes some sites with rules on how to add prefixes and suffixes. Grade Level: Resource Links: Quia: Prefix
Play these four different games to practice using prefixes.
Quia: Roots and Prefixes

Site has three games that require you to match the root word to a prefix.
Spelling Rules

This page has definitions for prefixes and suffixes as well as examples.
Greek and Latin Root Words

Scroll down to the table at the bottom that lists prefixes and suffixes, their meanings, and examples of how to use them.
ABC: "er" Suffix

Print out and complete this worksheet on the suffix "er".
Spelling: Suffixes "ible" vs. "able"

25. Greek And Latin Roots For GRE Preparation
Learning to recognize common roots and affixes (prefixes and suffixes) will help you build your vocabulary and improve your ability to make educated guesses
Common Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words
The English language has its roots in several languages, including Greek, Latin, and older forms of English, German, and French. Learning to recognize common roots and affixes (prefixes and suffixes) will help you build your vocabulary and improve your ability to make educated guesses about unknown words you encounter in reading and test-taking situations. Good dictionaries will give you information about the origins of words. Whenever you look up a new word, make a point of reading this information. Some of the roots and affixes that appear in a large number of words. Learning these will enhance your ability to comprehend course readings and learn new terminology. Prefixes Printer Friendly Version Prefix Meaning Example a, an without, not asexual, amoral, anarchy, anhydrous, Anabaptist, anachronism ab, abs, a apart, away from abnormal, abduct, abductor (muscle), abscission .See ad in Prefixes ad toward adhere, adductor (muscle) . See

26. Territories, Prefixes And Suffixes Of The Former USSR
Territories, prefixes and suffixes of the Former USSR European Russia prefixes and Zones (via AD1C) Includes both CQ and ITU Zones
Territories, Prefixes and Suffixes of the Former USSR
Amateur Radio Callsigns
Compiled by Oleg Chernozyomov, UA4CIF, 31 March, 1995
Text corrections and additional information by RW3AH, Dec. 24th 1995. Source: Literature - "Amateur Stations of the former Soviet Commonwealth" by RA6YR, 1995. Two-letter combinations after oblasts names in Russia and Ukraine are adopted for ham tests and other purposes. For detailed callsign information, choose the area of interest (e.g. Armenia, Moldavia, etc.). from the table below and just "click" on its link. Country Prefix Fmr Prefix Russia R, RA, RK, RN, RU, RV, RW, RX, RZ, UA; l Armenia EK UG Moldavia ER UO Byelorussia EU-EW; EV5 UC Kirghizia EX UM Tadjikistan EY UJ Turkmenia EZ UH Uzbekistan UK UI Kazakhstan UN; UP UL Ukraine UR-UY; EM-EO; UV, UW, UZ, U5 UB Azerbaijan UD Georgia UF
Other Resources

27. Greek And Latin Base Transition Page
Roots, prefixes, suffixes. BASE. MEANING. ORIGIN. act. to act. Latin. acu, acr, ac Back to the transition page Click here for Greek and Latin suffixes
Roots Prefixes Suffixes BASE MEANING ORIGIN act to act Latin acu, acr, ac needle Latin alt high Latin anima, anim life, mind Latin ann, enn year Latin anthrop man Greek aqua water Latin arch, archi govern, rule Greek arm army, weapon Latin arbitr, arbiter to judge, consider Latin art craft, skill Latin arthr, art segment, joint Greek aud to hear Latin bell war Latin biblio, bibl book Greek bio life Greek capit, cipit head Latin caus cause, case, lawsuit Latin cede to go, yield Latin cele honor Latin cell to rise, project Latin cent one hundred Latin cept, capt, cip, cap, ceive, ceipt to take, hold, grasp Latin cert sure, to trust Latin cess, ced to move, withdraw Latin cid, cis to cut off, be breif, to kill Latin circ, circum around Latin civ citizen Latin claud close, shut, block Latin clin to lean, lie, bend Latin cog to know Latin column a column Latin comput to compute Latin cont to join, unite Latin cor, cord, cour, card heart Latin corp body Latin cosm world, order, universe Greek crac, crat rule, govern Greek cred believe, trust Latin crit, cris separate, discern, judge Latin culp fault, blame Latin curs, curr, corr to run Latin custom one's own Latin dem people Greek dent, odon

28. Latin Roots, Prefixes, And Suffixes
Writingwise, it s best to avoid clumsy suffixes and prefixes.(MASTERING THE ART WORDS AND LANGUAGE) (The Quill). Latin is Greek to me.
in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
Daily Almanac for
Sep 25, 2005

29. Greek Roots, Prefixes, And Suffixes
Greek Roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Latin is Greek to me. (Latin language) (Technical Writer) (Journal of Environmental Health)
in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
Daily Almanac for
Sep 25, 2005

30. Carolina: AP* Science: Scientific Prefixes And Suffixes (A-B)
Carolina markets science supplies and lab science materials for educators and science teachers from elementary school through university in biology,

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and receive classroom activities and news about science supplies. Scientific Prefixes and Suffixes
By Joni Driscoll
This handy list of prefixes and suffixes can be used to help students understand the meaning of scientific words and build their vocabulary. Assign a group of prefixes and suffixes, print them, and pass activity sheet to students. Ask students to comb through the readings you assign and find several examples of scientific words and terms that contain Latin prefixes and suffixes. Students then define the words they find and compile lists of relevant terms for study.
Have a word scavenger hunt, with students foraging through newspapers, magazine articles, etc., to see who can find the most examples of prefixes and suffixes you assign for the day.
If students have access to the Internet, another option is to assign readings (or words or terms) and ask students to search through the prefixes and suffixes given below. They should try to formulate definitions of the given terms by understanding the meanings of the prefixes and suffixes. Directory: a-b

31. Glossary Of Genetic Disorders- Prefixes And Suffixes.
Definitions of words used to describe genetic disorders and birth defects.
For Information on Workshops and Seminars for Special Needs Children click here The GAPS INDEX
to Information on the Internet about Genetic Disorders and Birth Defects

Genetic Information and Patient Services, Inc. (GAPS) A Quick TUTORIAL - "How to Translate Medical Terms into Understandable English" HOME DISORDERS GLOSSARY including root words
Scroll down or click on a letter to jump to a prefix, suffix, or root word beginning with that letter A B C D ... Z
Not; without; absent; less.
(Example: Achlorhydria, absence of hydrochloric acid; Aplastic Anemia, anemia due to bone marrow failure; Aphasia, without speech; Asexual - without sex, or reproducing without sex)

ab-, abs-
Away from, from, off.
(Example: Aboral, away from the mouth; Abductor, leading away from.)

Pertaining to the abdomen or belly.
(Example: Abdominalgia, abdominal pain.)

Pertaining to, or relating to.
(Example: Cardiac, pertaing to the heart.)
acanth-, acantho-
Thorny or spiny. (Example: Acanthocyte - Thorny cell, i.e., an abnormal red blood cell with spurlike projections.)

32. Medical Prefixes And Suffixes
Word Roots prefixes - suffixes prefixes. A or AN - Absence of, without AB - from, away AD - To, near, toward AMBI - Both ANTE - Before ANTI - Against
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This list of words and their definitions is more or less restricted to terminology used most commonly in relation to subjects that involve prescribing or selection of wheelchairs and patient aid equipment. Word Roots Prefixes Suffixes
Word Roots
ARTHO - Joint
BIO - Life
CARDI - Heart CEPHALO - Relating to the head CEREBRO - Cerebral, cerebrum, the brain CRANIO - Relating to the skull DERMA - The skin ENCEPHALO - The brain (combining form) GASTRO - The stomach HEM, HEMAT - The blood HYDRA - Hydro, water MYO - Muscle NEURO - Nerve OSTEO - Bone PATHO - Relating to disease PHLEBO - Vein SEPTIC, TOXIC - Poison SPONDYL - Vertebra SYNDES - Ligaments (and by extension, the joints) TENO - Tendon Back to top
A or AN - Absence of, without

33. Hyphenated Prefixes And Suffixes
Hyphenated prefixes and suffixes. Use a hyphen after a prefix followed by a proper noun or proper adjective. Examples midJune pre-Columbian Afro-American
Hyphenated Prefixes and Suffixes Use a hyphen after a prefix followed by a proper noun or proper adjective. Examples: mid-June pre-Columbian Afro-American Use a hyphen in words beginning with the prefixes all-, ex- (meaning "former"), and self- and in words ending with the suffix -elect. Incorrect: selfpropelled ex-treme
(Prefix self- needs hyphen. The prefix in extreme does not mean "former.") Correct: all-knowing ex-wife self-propelled mayor-elect extreme exacting Complete Contents
Grammar Contents English Plus,

34. Latin And Greek Word Elements
that is, the root and any prefixes or suffixes that are attached to it. Latin Roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Latin was the language spoken by the
  • Home U.S. People Word Wise ... Homework Center Fact Monster Favorites Reference Desk
    • Atlas Almanacs Dictionary Encyclopedia ... Speaking of Language
      Latin and Greek Word Elements
      English is a living language, and it is growing all the time. One way that new words come into the language is when words are borrowed from other languages. New words are also created when words or word elements, such as roots, prefixes, and suffixes, are combined in new ways. Many English words and word elements can be traced back to Latin and Greek. Often you can guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word if you know the meaning. A word root is a part of a word. It contains the core meaning of the word, but it cannot stand alone. A prefix is also a word part that cannot stand alone. It is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. A suffix is a word part that is placed at the end of a word to change its meaning. Often you can guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word if you know the meaning of its parts; that is, the root and any prefixes or suffixes that are attached to it.
      Latin Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes

35. Prefixes And Suffixes
Don Johnston Incorporated is an educational software company with reading and writing solutions for students who struggle or who have physical disabilities.
text only version Prefixes and Suffixes
Lessons teach common prefixes and suffixes by Patricia M. Cunningham
Provides teachers with hands-on, minds-on, manipulative activities in which students learn to decode words and properly use common prefixes and suffixes and spelling changes. This book includes 120 lessons, which teach the most common prefixes, suffixes and spelling changes.
Prefixes and Suffixes Return to Word Study Interventions main page
Don Johnston Incorporated

36. Prefixes And Suffixes
Don Johnston Incorporated is an educational software company with reading and writing solutions for students who struggle or who have physical disabilities.
Prefixes and Suffixes
Lessons teach common prefixes and suffixes by Patricia M. Cunningham
Provides teachers with hands-on, minds-on, manipulative activities in which students learn to decode words and properly use common prefixes and suffixes and spelling changes. This book includes 120 lessons, which teach the most common prefixes, suffixes and spelling changes.
Prefixes and Suffixes
Return to Word Study Interventions main page

Don Johnston Incorporated

37. Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes
Simple teaching Roots, prefixes and suffixes. Root Words Suffix Prefix. COMMON ROOT WORDS AND WORD ORIGINS. Roots. Meaning. Word. alter. other Words.htm
Simple teaching Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes Root Words Suffix Prefix COMMON ROOT WORDS AND WORD ORIGINS Roots Meaning Word alter other alternate, alter ego ami, amic- love amiable, amicable amphi both ends or all sides amphibian ann, enni year anniversary, annual, biennial, perennial anthrop human, man anthropology, anthropomorphic, misanthrope aqua, aque water aquatic, aquarium, aqueduct arch chief, leader, ruler archangel, monarch, archaic, archenemy arthro joint arthritis aud sound auditorium, audible, audiologist, audiotape bell war belligerent, bellicose biblio book bibliography, bibliophile bio- life biography, autobiography, biology, antibiotic brev short brief, abbreviate cap take, seize capture, captivate, capacity carn meat carnivorous, chili con carne ced yield, go recede, secede, proceed, intercede, concession chrom- color chromatic, monochrome, polychrome chron- time chronicle, chronology, chronometer, synchronize cogn know recognize, cognitive, incognito cord/chord cord harpsichord corp body corpus, corpse, corporal crac, crat

38. Greek & Latin Roots, Prefixes,and Suffixes
words about words, onym,words ending in oym, etymology, word games.
StartWright is the leading reference site for the information needs of information technology project managers and support staff traveling to, starting up, and working on remote, dispersed or virtual projects. document.write(""); We have had visitors from over 114 countries Check out Click here to go to StartWright's Table of Contents and see all the great information on this site! A Little Etymology Buncha Roots - A Selection of Latin and Greek Roots Etymology of Geometry Terms Focusing on Words Latin and Greek elements used in English. Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes from Kent School District Indo-European Roots leading to Greek and Latin Roots Latin Roots for English Wordpower Roots and Affixes Roots of English Dictionary "free software will help you find the Greek and Latin roots of thousands of words in the English language" Understanding Botanical Plant Names Verbal Clues from Greek Word Explorations A program of Latin-Greek cross references that will enhance your English-vocabulary skills and word studies! top Home Site Search Feedback ... tm
Last modified: April 01, 2005

39. Dutch Grammar Spelling And Pronunciation Syllables Prefixes
prefixes and suffixes that always form a separate syllable. There is one particular type of prefix and two suffixes that always form a separate syllable,
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40. Pittman- Building Vocabulary Through Prefixes, Roots & Suffixes (I-TESL-J)
Then define the prefixes and suffixes of those words. They will know the most popular prefixes and suffixes (ad, de-, ex-, in-, and –tion, -ate,
The Internet TESL Journal
By William Pittman
dselbyfing [at]
Nagasaki University Faculty of Environmental Studies (Nagasaki, Japan)
Are you looking for an element of English language study that is utilized in every aspect of language usage? Are you frustrated that vocabulary building in textbooks is limited to memorization of individual words? Would you like to systematize vocabulary building so that your students can continue to learn vocabulary once they are out of your class? If this is the case with you, I recommend the study of prefixes roots and suffixes. This is not a single class exercise, nor a single lesson plan. It is an introduction to the most utilized word parts that, in their many combinations, make up 50% of the English language. It requires perseverance, but is rewarded by students who are grateful that they have become comfortable with the ability to recognize words they are not immediately familiar with. And confidence with vocabulary goes a long way in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and with standardized test-taking.
English vocabulary is enormous and grows steadily with technological and cultural assimilations. The vast majority of the new words introduced, and a great percentage of the words used to express abstract ideas, are complex words that are made up of simple word parts (prefixes, roots, and suffixes) that have their own definitions and, when familiar to the student of English, can be understood in context without an exact definition. This is the foundation of the system which I present to my students. By slowly and steadily studying the most prominent prefixes, roots, and suffixes, students can acquire a vocabulary that is far greater than the sum of its parts.

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