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21. Postpartum Depression And The Baby Blues Familydoctor.org Information for women about postpartum depression and the baby blues from theAmerican Academy of Family Physicians. http://familydoctor.org/379.xml | |
22. Depression After Delivery, Inc. - Home National resource for education and referral for postpartum disorders. Postpartum depression Postpartum Psychosis What Causes This? Treatment http://www.depressionafterdelivery.com/ | |
23. EMedicine - Postpartum Depression : Article By Ruta M Nonacs, MD, PhD Postpartum depression During the postpartum period, up to 85% of women experiencesome type of mood disturbance. For most women, symptoms are transient http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3408.htm | |
24. Postpartum Depression: One Woman's Journey One woman s account of her decent into and back out of postpartum depression andanxiety. http://www.thelaboroflove.com/forum/karena/ | |
25. PostPartum Depression Community @ Www.ezboard.com Are you a new mom who s feeling overwhelmed, sad, angry? Do you wonder if somethingis wrong with you? Worried it might be PPD, PPP, or baby blues? http://pub30.ezboard.com/bpostpartumdepression | |
26. EMedicine Health - Postpartum Depression Overview Extensive information about postpartum depression; including causes, symptomsand treatment. Also gives practical, selfhelp techniques. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/10311-1.asp | |
27. Postpartum Depression For the one in 10 new dads whose partners suffer from postpartum depression, itcan be a frightening and lonely experience. Looking at PPD from the Father s http://my.webmd.com/content/article/14/3606_214.htm | |
28. : Depression After The Birth Of A Child (Postpartum Depression) An understanding of postpartum depression, the depression which sometimes comesafter the birth of a child. http://my.webmd.com/content/article/62/71508.htm | |
29. Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression other postpartum mental health disorders. http://www.wellmother.com/postpartum.htm | |
30. WellMother.com - PMS, Pregnancy Depression, Pregnancy Loss, Postpartum Depressio Information resource for postpartum depression, depression in pregnancy, infertility,PMS, menopause, pregnancy loss and other reproductive mental health http://www.wellmother.com/ | |
31. The Functions Of Postpartum Depression Mother with postpartum depression, quoted in Beck 1996 Mothers with postpartumdepression (PPD) exhibit fewer positive emotions and more negative http://www.anth.ucsb.edu/faculty/hagen/working.html |
32. Postpartum Depression - MayoClinic.com You may feel thrilled and overwhelmed by the birth of your baby. But in the weeksafter childbirth, you may feel angry, stressed and depressed, too. http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=DS00546 |
33. Postpartum Depression - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia About 10% of new mothers develop the more severe postpartum depression The diagnostic criteria for postpartum depression (PPD) are the same as that for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postpartum_depression | |
34. Postpartum Disorders Postpartum depression (PPD) is a major form of depression and is less common than For a clinical diagnosis of postpartum depression to be made, http://www.nmha.org/infoctr/factsheets/postpartum.cfm | |
35. The Drugging Of "Postpartum Depression" - Paxil Clearing up Misconceptions About Chemical Imbalances, Antidepressant Drugs,NonDrug Solutions, and Postpartum depression. http://www.cchr.org/postpartum.htm | |
36. Psychiatry Is A Pseudoscience - Psychiatric Drugs And Post Partum Depression The Drugging of Post Partum depression  Clearing up Misconceptions About ChemicalImbalances, Antidepressant Drugs and NonDrug Solutions. http://www.cchr.org/pseudoscience/ | |
37. Postpartum Major Depression: Detection And Treatment - April 15, 1999 - American Postpartum depression is a clinical term referring to a major depressive episode Postpartum major depression is not recognized by the Diagnostic and http://www.aafp.org/afp/990415ap/2247.html | |
38. Postpartum Depression And The "Baby Blues" - April 15, 1999 - American Academy O Postpartum depression is an illness, like diabetes or heart disease. Postpartum depression is more likely if you had any of the following http://www.aafp.org/afp/990415ap/990415e.html | |
39. Expert Consensus Guideline Series - Patient Family Guides Postpartum depression A Guide for Patients and Families. Get Acrobat Reader Somefiles are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You can download the free Acrobat http://www.psychguides.com/pfg11.php |
40. The Postpartum Stress Center: Treatment For Postpartum Depression(PPD) A Support and Counseling Service for Postpartum Stress Syndrome, PPD, Postpartumdepression, Prenatal depression and Pregnancy Loss. http://www.postpartumstress.com/ | |
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