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81. Math patterns, fractals, algebra, polyhedra, place value, and other topics in gradesK12. tesselations, creating magic squares, polyhedra, and fractals. http://www.sitesforteachers.com/resources_sharp/math/math.html | |
82. Educational Toys And Games Mathartfun.com Books, puzzles, posters and art gallery related to tessellations,polyhedra, fractals, anamorphic art, and MC Escher. Arizona http://www.sightquest.com/shopping/educational-15408.htm | |
83. Kadon Enterprises, Inc., Other Game And Puzzle Sites site of tessellations, polyhedra, spirals, fractals, and a math art gallery . fractals, Fibonacci numbers, polyhedra, math and art, and asteroids. http://www.gamepuzzles.com/resourc5.htm | |
84. ENC Online: ENC Features: Digital Dozen Specific topics include Gold Bach s conjecture, fractals, and polyhedra. (Formore details, see ENC Record.) NeMO, New Millenium Observatory a seafloor http://www.enc.org/features/dd/?ls=fe |
85. Homeschool Virtual Science Fair - Science Fair Resources This page is full of practical, fascinating mathbased science fair projects,from fractals to polyhedra! Math Forum Math Ideas for Science Fair Projects http://www.homeschoollearning.com/vsf/resources.shtml | |
86. Virtual Physics WWW Archive - Fractals, Wavelets, Percolation And We will see that in the case of polyhedra they coincide with the naive notion of This method provides you with special fractals only but you already got http://www.swin.edu.au/chem/complex/vp/vp07/vp07.html | |
87. CHS Departments fractals, Crystals, Tessellations, polyhedra, Studying Mandlebrot fractals More.Category Geometry Subcategory NA - Date Checked 09/03/2001 http://www.chaffey.org/departments/department_links.asp?department=Mathematics |
88. Platonic Solids, Math And Chaos Links polyhedra Pastimes is a great links page about polyhedra and Tesselations Chaos Hypertextbook covers iterated maps, strange attractors, fractals with http://ebeltz.net/niftylinks/mathlinks.html | |
89. Redirect Plese look at Generation of 3D fractals for Web. http://www.people.nnov.ru/fractal/VRML/3dLsys/3Dtree.htm | |
90. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Mathematics - Geometry - S Take a look at miscellaneous sketches of tessellations and polyhedra. Includesfractals and scripts that demonstrate geometric principles. http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=573974 |
91. Winter Academic Term 2004 Course Guide - English (English Language And Literatur For poetic structures, we will therefore attempt to utilize the structures ofpolyhedra, foam, fractals, and whatever other structures can assist us in http://www.lsa.umich.edu/saa/publications/courseguide/grad/winter/archive/w04fin |
92. ENC Online: Curriculum Resources: Suzanne's Mathematics Lessons 2001 (ENC-011220 Also found at this site are interactive student lessons for investigating polyhedraand Mandelbrot fractals with Java Applets and four interactive games http://www.enc.org/resources/records/0,1240,011220,00.shtm | |
93. Frequently Linked Web Pages Related To Science Fairs The WWW with Circles Exploring Pascal s Triangle - Exploring polyhedra - InvestigatingFractals - Magic Squares - Pick s Theorem - Probability and Statistics | |
94. Principia College Catalog (2003-2004) basic constructions, transformations, and similarity; tessellations, regularpolyhedra and fractals; introduction to coordinate geometry. http://www.prin.edu/college/academics/catalog/section_3/courses/math.htm | |
95. Tanya Khovanova's Links Bits and Pieces Mindware Math Art Fun, You can buy here things inspired bypolyhedra, fractals, tesselations, Escher etc. http://www.tanyakhovanova.com/links.html | |
96. BOTW Directory - Science > Math > Geometry - Submit Site Bob s Pages An interactive presentation of different geometric figures, includingpolyhedra, fractals, the arbelos, logarithmic spiral and Soddy s Hexlet. http://botw.org/top/Science/Math/Geometry/ | |
97. Paul Bourke - Personal Pages Discussion and formulas for many elementary geometric forms, as well as renderingand computer modeling of a variety of shapes and surface textures. http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/ | |
98. Tessellations Logo Page Tessellations offers educational products to teachers and others across the globe.Our goal is to provide unique items of the highest quality. http://members.cox.net/tessellations/LogoPage.html | |
99. Foreign Dispatches: Lecture Notes On Geometric Calculus - Part I http://foreigndispatches.typepad.com/dispatches/2005/01/lecture_notes_o.html | |
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