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41. Minicourse Descriptions An emphasis will be placed on creating fractals by repeating simple sets ofinstructions. Examine the mathematics of polyhedra that pack space cube, http://www.math.washington.edu/~nwmi/sum/summer2001/mini-contents.html | |
42. Minicourse Descriptions An emphasis will be placed on creating fractals by repeating simple sets of maxmin problems, nets for polyhedra, dynamic graphs linked to models, http://www.math.washington.edu/~nwmi/sum/summer2002/mini-contents.html | |
43. Erik D. Demaine And Martin L. Demaine: Planar Drawings Of Origami Polyhedra To understand these polyhedra and their underlying bases, It displays arecursive structure in the polyhedra that may lead to interesting fractals. http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~mdemaine/papers/DrawingExtremeTR/ | |
44. Connect-ME - Weblinks This Math Forum Unit offers links to various investigations of polyhedra. Many of these patterns are fractals. Fractal forms are ubiquitous in Nature, http://educ.queensu.ca/connectme/weblinks/strands.htm | |
45. Hop's Gallery Kepler fractals Some Koch like fractals based on Kepler s polyhedra PerspectiveStudy Including some of MC Escher s observations http://www.clowder.net/hop/ |
46. Slavik Jablan Reviews Jay Kappraff's Connections In The Nexus Network Journal Vo new access to software which explores fractals, tessellations, polyhedra, Five new sections have also been added focusing on star polyhedra and http://www.nexusjournal.com/reviews_v4n4-Jablan.html | |
47. Fractal Resources Fantastic fractals (Features an interactive Fractal Explorer for several different George W. Hart s Virtual polyhedra, Vladimir Bulatov s polyhedra http://home.att.net/~Novak.S/resources.htm | |
48. Mainframe and VRML displays of complex polyhedra (including kaleidoscopic polyhedra), fractals Unleashed cited above also includes a similar application. http://home.att.net/~Novak.S/main.htm | |
49. DISCUSSIONS INDEX Plane Figure fractals, Compares fractals with one and two dimensional generators . polyhedra, Questions about dice lead to a discussion of polyhedra and http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/discussions/ | |
50. Shiki.archive.9512: Fractals polyhedra are not fractals. There are two notions of dimension in geometry (in fractals are mostly irregular, and they are never as simple as polyhedra. http://haiku.cc.ehime-u.ac.jp/~shiki/shiki.archive/html/9512/0172.html | |
51. David's Links Page polyhedra, fractals, chaos, curved surfaces, loops, interference, tilings big gallery with explanations of the works. http://davidf.faricy.net/links.html | |
52. IDE Corp. - Innovative Designs For Education This WebQuest is, essentially, an onlineassigned report on fractals. Not veryhigher order, Looking for interesting activities to explore polyhedra? http://www.idecorp.com/link_math.htm | |
53. Xah: Great Math Programs PDF on various geometry topics on curves, surfaces, comlex mappings, fractals . You can see how some polyhedra can be generated by mirroring tiles in http://www.xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/MathPrograms_dir/mathPrograms.html | |
54. Mathematics For The Non-Mathematician Something of a modern classic by the man who helped develop fractals into an There is a wealth of historical information on the study of polyhedra, http://math.bard.edu/bloch/biblionm.htm | |
55. Spidron System ÷ Polyhedra 1. General Concept 2. Tilings 3. Reliefs 4. fractals and Variations. 5.polyhedra. 6. Dissections 7. Spacefilling 8. Transformations 9. Extra. http://www.szinhaz.hu/edan/SpidroNew/polyhedra.htm | |
56. Spidron System ÷ Fractals And Variations 1. General Concept 2. Tilings 3. Reliefs. 4. fractals and Variations. 5.polyhedra 6. Dissections 7. Spacefilling 8. Transformations 9. Extra. http://www.szinhaz.hu/edan/SpidroNew/fractals.htm | |
57. Mathematics Archives - Topics In Mathematics - Geometry Ford s touching circles, Isoperimetric Theorem and Inequality, fractals,Napoleon s Theorem, Ptolemy s Theorem, Regular polyhedra and Euler s Theorem, http://archives.math.utk.edu/topics/geometry.html | |
58. TSG 10 - Research And Development In The Teaching And Learning Of Geometry (eg tessellations, polyhedra, fractals); Would they modify the learners notionsabout geometry and the ways they learn it? Study of instrumental genesis http://descartes.ajusco.upn.mx/varios/tsg10/ | |
59. Double Helix Mathematics Websites Dynamical Systems and fractals www.math.okstate.edu/~wrightd/ Systems andTechnology Project, fractals, Math in Daily Life, Paper Models of polyhedra http://www.csiro.au/helix/websites/maths.shtml | |
60. Alexa - Browse: Chaos and Fractals Search in Chaos and fractals Shows how to create fractal mountains,threedimensional Mandelbrot and Julia sets, convex, stellated and polyhedra. http://www.alexa.com/browse?&CategoryID=26913 |
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