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21. The Math Forum - Math Library - Fractals This page contains sites relating to fractals. tessellations, polyhedra,limits, logs, fractals (with galleries), puzzles and problems, fun with numbers http://mathforum.org/library/topics/fractals/?keyid=14240478&start_at=51&num_to_ |
22. 3D Fractals It generates 3dimensional fractals by superimposing polyhedra upon themselvesrecursively. You get to pick the polyhedron, the level of recursion, http://www.houseof3d.com/pete/applets/wireframe/fractal/ | |
23. What Is A Fractal? Fractal Is A Word Invented By Benoit Mandelbrot 3D IFS fractals are 3D analogous to 2D IFS fractals using polyhedra instead ofpolygons. ie Menger sponge is 3D analogous to Sierpinski Carpet. http://www.fractal3d.com/faq/faq.html | |
24. Amby's Education Site -- Math Puzzles & Learning Activities Applied Math / Simulations, Games Puzzles, Origami, polyhedra, fractals,Optical Illusions. Math Games Puzzles. GuessA-Number http://amby.com/educate/mathgame.html | |
25. Some Common Themes In Visual Mathematical Art One of the common themes in mathematical art is polyhedra. His recognitionof the esthetic content of fractals is shown in the following quote. http://www.mi.sanu.ac.yu/vismath/fath/ | |
26. Coolmath4kids -- GEOMETRY There a lots of cool polyhedra AND you can spin them around! Learn all aboutfractals. There are different types of fractals and the ones explained here http://www.coolmath4kids.com/geometrymain.html | |
27. Books About Polyhedra (Science U) polyhedra Tiling Symmetry fractals General Interest. polyhedra, by Peter R.Cromwell. Build Your Own polyhedra, by Peter Hilton, Jean Pedersen http://www.scienceu.com/store/mathematics/polyhedra.html | |
28. Books About Fractals (Science U) polyhedra Tiling Symmetry fractals General Interest fractals Everywhereis the most comprehensive, upto-date volume on fractals available today http://www.scienceu.com/store/mathematics/fractals.html | |
29. Zometool Geometry Workshop in the classroom to present interesting geometric ideas, including polyhedra,tessellations, fractals, space structures, the fourth dimension, etc. http://www.georgehart.com/zome-workshop/workshop.html | |
30. Hands-On Math Modules fractals; Gumdrop polyhedra; Mathematical Games and Brain Teasers Sonobe.pdf These are instructions for making the origami polyhedra. http://amanda.serenevy.net/GirlScouts/ |
31. Efg's Fractals And Chaos -- Von Koch Curve Lab Report Koch s Flakes in fractals polyhedra, Flakes Ltrees www.people.nnov.ru/fractal/VRML/3dLsys/3Dtree.htm. Koch Snowflake from EricWeissteins s World of http://www.efg2.com/Lab/FractalsAndChaos/vonKochCurve.htm | |
32. Favorite Links Of Andrea And Friedrich Lohmueller - 3D Computergraphics, Mathema (en) About polyhedra, Stellations, fractals. Tymless by Julian Davies. (en)Tymless is a computer language for drawing and colouring shapes. http://www.f-lohmueller.de/links/index_se.htm | |
33. Fractal Polyhedra I ve started with these amazing Fractal polyhedra obtained by LaurensLapre s LParser pascal2 Hop David attracted my attention to Keplerian fractals. http://www.ibiblio.org/e-notes/VRML/Poly/Poly.htm | |
34. Mathematical Resources: Mathematical Art, Graphics, Chaos And Fractals (Math Lin Mathematical Art, Graphics, Chaos and fractals Mathematical Resources. Perspective Drawing, Moebius Strip, polyhedra, and Spreadsheets by Jan Garner http://mathres.kevius.com/art.html | |
35. Internet Resources For Use In Mathematics Classes Building polyhedra Project Students will work in groups to build six solids frompatterns Allows you to change the rules and make your own fractals. http://www.internet4classrooms.com/math_topic.htm | |
36. Modular Origami - Fractal Models Folded By MichaÃ
 Kosmulski Images of modular origami fractals folded by Michal Kosmulski. fractals Balls polyhedra Planars Spiky Balls Miscellaneous http://hektor.umcs.lublin.pl/~mikosmul/origami/fractals.html | |
37. Modular Origami - Balls And Polyhedra Folded By MichaÃ
 Kosmulski Images of modular origami balls, polyhedra and other models with high symmetryfolded by Modular origami main page fractals Intersecting planes http://hektor.umcs.lublin.pl/~mikosmul/origami/balls.html | |
38. Generation Of 3D Fractals For Web A wide variety of amazing 3D fractals can be obtained by iteration of very Fractal Trees and polyhedra. It turns out that very realistically looking 3D http://www.people.nnov.ru/fractal/VRML/Web3D/Web3D.htm | |
39. Math Surfaces, curves, fractals, and polyhedra, platonic solids, polytopes. Topics covered Geometry formats, curves, surfaces, polyhedra, fractals, http://mainelearns.org/materials/math | |
40. 3D Inversion Fractals 3D Inversion fractals. By Anders Sandberg. This page deals with the limit sets of One can also use other things than polyhedra for sphere centers. http://akira.nada.kth.se/~asa/Klein/ |
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