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81. People For The American Way - Religious Freedom Civil libertarian organization opposing the political activities of the religious right in the U.S. and advocating strict separation of church and state. Talking points and position papers on current legislation and events. http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=111 |
82. Democratic Underground Democratic Underground provides political satire and commentary for Democrats. But now itÂs time for him to level with me and with the American people. http://www.democraticunderground.com/ | |
83. Inclusion And Equality Research Cluster Research and teaching that engages with inclusion and equality in different personal and political arenas, including disabled people and their views on professional and educational practice http://www.shef.ac.uk/inclusive-education | |
84. Alarming News The Politicker is running a 10 most beautiful people in City Politics contest. Having seen people in NY City politics, I can t imagine they ll come up http://www.alarmingnews.com/ | |
85. Officium - Domestic Violence, Support For Abuse Victims, Criminal Justice, Suppo Handbook written to assist people affected by violent crime which covers personal, legal, community and political matters. http://www.officium.org.uk | |
86. Manshorts.net A way to get his stance on technology and political views across to people who may or may not care. http://manshorts.net | |
87. PFIR - People For Internet Responsibility people For Internet Responsibility (PFIR) is a global, grassroots, ad hoc network of individuals who are concerned about the current and future operations, development, management, and regulation of the Internet in responsible manners. The goal of PFIR is to help provide a resource for individuals around the world to gain an ability to help impact these crucial Internet issues, which will affect virtually all aspects of our cultures, societies, and lives in the 21st century. PFIR is nonpartisan, has no political agenda, and does not engage in lobbying. http://www.pfir.org/ | |
88. Alaska Public Health Association Public Health professionals in Alaska use the combined strength of scientific knowledge, professional skill, individual commitment, community support, and political will to enable people to achieve their potential to live full, active lives. http://www.alaskapublichealth.org/ | |
89. Tamil Nadu, India, Eelam, Sri Lanka Politics, Language, Business, AIADMK, LTTE, Articles relating to current events, political analysis and culture of Tamil people in India, Sri Lanka and around the world. http://www.geocities.com/tamiltribune/ | |
90. Citizen Works Group working on a campaign to eliminate the corosive political influence of corporations and restore democracy to the people. Founded by Ralph Nader. http://www.citizenworks.org/ | |
91. Canadian Politics Federal political parties; Election news, finances; Polling firms; Provincial politics Other Canadian political news. Parliament Hill news Sources http://www.journalismnet.com/canada/politics.htm | |
92. ABC News: People Of The Year: Bloggers Bloggers are among World news Tonight s people of the Year. As a driving force in politics this year, bloggers covered the 2004 presidential campaigns http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/PersonOfWeek/story?id=372266&page=1 |
93. HyperMart Issues and opinions survey site for Chinese people. Brief and pithy, online polls cover cultural and political issues, living, sexuality, and technology. http://huahoo.hypermart.net/ | |
94. Old Page Title - Permanent Redirect people of the future give advice on spiritual and political development. Excerpts from Dr. Allen Tough's book of the same title. http://members.aol.com/allentough/fg.html | |
95. Uk-p.org - Uk-p.org A directory of UK political web sites covering parties, elections, media, people, pressure groups, issues, lobbyists and political consultants. http://www.uk-p.org/ | |
96. Tibetan Support Programme A nonreligious, non-political group dedicated towards improving the quality of life of ethnic Tibetan people. http://www.tibetsupport.org/ | |
97. CNN.com - Poll: Bush's Iraq Rating At Low Point - Aug 5, 2005 CNN.com. INSIDE POLITICS He doesn t care what the people want. CNN TV CNN International Headline news Transcripts Advertise with Us http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/08/05/bush.ap.ipsospoll.ap/ | |
98. Tommy Shannon's Column: Welcome To Political Humor For Today's American News\Hum political humorist of the 21st Century writes on social politics. http://tommyshannoncolumn.com | |
99. Direct Democracy Center Proposes a Constitutional Amendment to enfranchise all Americans into the political process through an electronic polling system connected to every home. Contains a repository of information about and links to other efforts to empower all of The people. http://RealDemocracy.com | |
100. Lgf: Anti-idiotarian Headquarters We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan news. If you hover over the headline, a popup box will show you a http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/ | |
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