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         Polio:     more books (100)
  1. A Paralyzing Fear: The Triumph Over Polio In America by Nina Seavey, Paul Wagner, et all 1998-10-01
  2. Elegy for a Disease: A Personal and Cultural History of Polio by Anne Finger, 2006-10-31
  3. Splendid Solution: Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio: Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio by Jeffrey Kluger, 2005-01-27
  4. The End of Polio? : Behind the Scenes of the Campaign to Vaccinate Every Child on the Planet by Tim Brookes, 2006-11-30
  5. Managing Post-Polio: A Guide To Living Well with Post-Polio Syndrome
  6. Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine (Unlocking the Secrets of Science) by John Bankston, 2001-08-10
  7. Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio
  8. Jonas Salk: Polio Pioneer by Corinne Naden, 2001-09-01
  9. Polio's Legacy by Gottfried George, 1996-03-19
  10. Diet prevents polio by Benjamin Pincus Sandler, 1951
  11. Jonas Salk: Conquering Polio (Lerner Biographies) by Stephanie Sammartino McPherson, 2001-09
  12. Ill Watch the Moon: A Novel by Ann Tatlock, 2003-06-01
  13. The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis by M.D., Paul A. Offit, 2007-09-28
  14. The End of Polio: A Global Effort to End a Disease by Sebasti?o Salgado, 2003-10-01

41. Polio Eradication, Conquering Poliomyelitis: Virus & Vaccine Against Poliomyelit
Informations sur la vaccination contre les virus de la polio. Historique sur la recherche et le d©veloppement du vaccin contre la polio. Par un laboratoire pharmaceutique.
Conquering polio Polio in figures Partnerships The disease ... Polio vaccines In the last 15 years, the number of cases of polio worldwide has dropped spectacularly, going from 350,000 cases in 1988 when the Global Polio Eradication Initiative began to just a few hundred today. This eradication initiative aims to eliminate all cases due to the wild virus throughout the world. Polio is a unique disease in the history of medicine. In more than one instance, the fight against polio has given rise to an extraordinary public reaction and mobilization. The first polio vaccine, the injectable vaccine developed by Jonas Salk, was hailed as a breakthrough in medical research. Health care for polio victims has led to advances that have become standard practice in today's hospitals. In addition, the methods used to produce the polio vaccine revolutionized manufacturing techniques, which were then applied to other vaccines. Smallpox, eradicated in 1980 through vaccination, was the first infectious disease to ever be eliminated from the planet. Today polio is on the verge of becoming the second such disease, eradicated thanks to the efforts of countless people.
NEWS 930 cases in 2003 , compared to 1,918 in 2002 and 201 cases in 2004, according to data centralized by the WHO on MAy 25, 2004. Breakdown by country...

42. Lincolnshire Post-Polio Network - Main Gate To Polio And Post-Polio Information
Lincolnshire Postpolio Network Main Gate. An Information Service for polio Survivors Medical Professionals. The core of this site is a library of well
The core of this site is an online library of well over one hundred full text articles on Post-Polio conditions, many from peer reviewed medical journals. The library is catalogued to assist reading. A categorised directory of Polio resources is also provided with every entry having a description. The bi-monthly LincPIN Post-Polio information newsletters are available in the Networking section. Information
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The Library The Directory
Information about us including online copies of all our Newsletters, our World-Wide Conference and Seminar Diary and how to become a member. Over one hundred Polio and Post-Polio articles online. Fully catalogued. All articles are full text versions, not abstracts. Comprehensive catalogue of Polio and Post-Polio resources on the Internet and elsewhere.

43. Landsforeningen Af Polio-, Trafik- Og Ulykkesskadede (Paraplegi, Tetraplegi, Whi
Interesseforening, med medlemstilbud, forskning, nyheder, informationsmateriale og projekter.
Landsforeningen af Polio-, Trafik- og Ulykkesskadede (Paraplegi, Tetraplegi, Whiplash, Piskesmæld, Trafikulykke) Landsforeningen af Polio-, Trafik- og Ulykkesskadede arbejder for integration og lige muligheder for personer med bevægelseshandicap som følge af polio, para- og tetraplegi, rygmarvsskade, ulykker og trafikskader samt personer med whiplash læsioner. PTU, Polio, Paraplegi, Tetraplegi, Whiplash, Piskesmæld, Trafikulykke, Handicapbiler, køreskole, Trafikofre, Whiplashforening

44. Index.html
H¡jen­ a prosazov¡n­ z¡jmů osob postižen½ch n¡sledky poliomyelitidy


Asociace Polio Èeské Republiky
Kardiologické rizikové faktory u poliomyelitikù

HBO Films Warm Springs
Janské Láznì - nadstandard

a rezervace 2005

Láznì Velké Losiny

Pokyny pro lázeòskou péèi
ve Velkých Losinách
Postpolio syndrom (PPS) PPS odborné texty PPS pøíznaky PPS na Internetu PPS a léky ... SLL Janské Láznì Polio v Èeské Republice Výskyt polio v ÈSR v období 1945 - 1960 Polio v ÈSR po druhé svìt. válce Je polio ještì problémem ? ... Ze zahranièního Internetu Polio ve svìtì Eradikace polio Sestra Kenny Foto: F.D. Roosevelt a polio WHO fotogalerie polio ... Výbor a Revizní komise Asociace 2005 Foto: Alfred Jindra Poslední aktualizace: Poèet návštìvníkù od 20.10.1999: Poèet návštìv stránky zjišuje WWW poèítadlo Adresa pro ohlasy a pøipomínky:

45. NMAH | Polio
This site explores the history of polio, the science and philanthropy behind the vaccines, the experiences of people who contracted polio and their
In the United States, polio was the most notorious disease of the 20th century until AIDS appeared. On April 12, 1955, it was announced that Jonas Salk, using March of Dimes donations from millions of people, had developed a vaccine to prevent polio. Accessibility Press Credits Privacy ... LARGE TEXT

Report on a scientific study on bromocriptine in the treatment of postpolio fatigue.
A pilot study with implications for the pathophysiology of fatigue.
American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1997 (in press)
Lincolnshire Post-Polio Library copy by arrangement with the Harvest Center Library
  • Post-Polio Rehabilitation and Research Service
    Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation
    East Orange, New Jersey Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    UMDNJ/New Jersey Medical School
    Newark, New Jersey Harvest Center
    Hackensack, New Jersey
  • Address all correspondence and reprint requests to:
    Dr. Richard L. Bruno,
    Post-Polio Rehabilitation and Research Service,
    Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation,
    300 Market Street, Saddle Brook, New Jersey 07662. This research was supported by grants from the George Ohl, Jr. Infantile Paralysis Foundation, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, The Joel Leff Charitable Trust, and the Deluxe Corporation. Short Title: Bromocriptine and Post-Polio Fatigue
    Objective: Determine the effectiveness of bromocriptine in the treatment of severe and disabling post-polio fatigue. Design: Placebo-controlled drug trial in a pilot series of patients.

    47. Post-Polio-Med
    Forum for researchers, medical professionals, polio survivors, and anyone interested in PPS for research and treatment issues, conferences, support group
    This site accessible by people living with disabilities
    Welcome to the
    Web Pages!
    An Email List for and about Post-Polio Syndrome Read about PPMed and PPS-Central and see the awards the sites have won Search PPS Central What's New Add URL ... PPS Survey Take the Post-Polio Syndrome/New Health Problems Survey!
    See the up to date results!: Post-Polio Syndrome Survey CAUTION! Proceeding beyond the following constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: YOUR PRIVACY Although this has been an unwritten policy since the first day ... due to recent events, we think it's wise to make all subscribers and potential subscribers aware of of this policy. At NO time will your email address will be loaned, given or sold to anyone for any reason, nor will anyone be subscribed to PPMed or any list associated with PPMed without their express permission permission or request. Harvesting email addresses from PPMed will NOT be tolerated. All email addresses and posts are considered property of the email address owner and PPMed. == INDEX ==
    Info File
    Rules Archives
    Links to other PPS Information
    Maelstrom Listserv Mini-History, Policy and System News

    48. NMAH: Whatever Happened To Polio?
    The National Museum of American History is one of the Smithsonian Institution museums located on The Mall in Washington DC.

    49. Home For Polio-Handicapped Children
    Offers shelter, community programmes, support groups, and physiotherapy treatement for children affected with polio.
    "Whosoever shall receive
    this child in my name receiveth me:
    and whosoever shall receive me
    receiveth him that sent me:
    for he that is least among you all,
    the same shall be great."
    -The Bible-
    Centre for Rehabilitation of the Disabled Dedicated to the rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy and Polio Centre for Rehabilitation of the Disabled
    LMS Compound, Trivandrum - 695 033
    Kerala, India
    Fax: e-mail: Home The CRD Community Programmes ... Newsletter
    Site donated and maintained by C. A.-K.

    50. Albert Sabin, Oral Polio Vaccine Discovery, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medic
    Information on Albert B. Sabin, MD, developer of the polio vaccine from the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
    Home Contact Us Site Map Go to Advanced Search ... Heart-Lung Machine Albert Sabin: Oral Polio Vaccine Discovery Essential Insight into Birth Defects Breakthrough Discoveries
    Dr. Albert Sabin's Discovery of the Oral Polio Vaccine
    Dr. Albert Sabin's Research Oral Polio Vaccine Discovery "Sabin Sunday" Sabin Education Center Born in Poland in 1906, Albert Sabin, MD, and his family left in 1921 to escape anti-Semitism. He came to Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Ohio, in 1939.
    Dr. Albert Sabin's Research
    Dr. Sabin's research, documented in some 350 scientific papers, would include work on pneumonia, encephalitis, toxoplasmosis, viruses, sandfly fever, dengue and cancer. But his passion was poliomyelitis, and this was where he turned his attention after World War II. Dr. Sabin first thought the polio virus gained entrance through the respiratory tract, then found evidence that entry was through the digestive system. His studies of incidence showed that, contrary to many diseases, acute polio was rare in urban populations with poor sanitation conditions (as existed in many parts of China). Return to Top
    Follow-up studies showed children in such places had protective antibodies in their blood, though they exhibited no sign of ever having had polio.

    51. Development Of Polio Vaccines
    Vaccine developments for polio had begun in the early 1900 s. The discovery and use of polio vaccines has all but eliminated polio in the Americas.
    Access Excellence Classic Collection
    Development of Polio Vaccines
    by Bonnie A. Maybury Okonek and Linda Morganstein, editor In 1921, outbreaks of poliomyelitis plagued America. That summer, a young politician named Franklin Delano Roosevelt was vacationing with his family at their Campobello estate. After an exhausting day fighting a local forest fire, taking a cold swim for relief, and then lounging in his wet swimsuit at home, he went to bed feeling as though he had contracted a cold. In a few days Roosevelt found out he had polio. As it did with Roosevelt, polio can strike quickly. The virus enters the body by nose or mouth and travels to the intestines, where it incubates. A few days later, most patients are either asymptomatic or they experience flu-like symptoms, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Whether they are symptomatic or not, people at this stage can pass the disease on to others. Polio can be spread through contact with infected feces or through infected droplets traveling through the air, in food, or in water. The virus next enters the bloodstream, and the patient makes antibodies against it. In most cases, this stops the progression of the virus; lifelong immunity against the disease is acquired. 10% of infected people develop symptoms and 1% develop the paralytic form of polio. Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center.

    52. Lincolnshire Post-Polio Library [Anticholinesterase-responsive Neuromuscular Jun
    Article about anticholinesteraseresponsive neuromuscular junction transmission defects in post-poliomyelitis fatigue.
    JNS 03922
    Anticholinesterase-responsive neuromuscular junction transmission defects in post-poliomyelitis fatigue
    Daria A. Trojan, Daniel Gendron and Neil R. Cashman Department of Neurology
    McGill University
    Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Received 27 May, 1992)
    (Revised, received 18 August, 1992)
    (Accepted 28 August, 1992) Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 114 (1993) 170-177
    Lincolnshire Post-Polio Library copy by kind permission of Dr. Trojan Correspondence to: Neil R. Cashman, M.D., Montreal Neurological Institute, 3801 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4. Tel.: (514) 398-8532: Fax: (514) 398-8540. Key words: Postpoliomyelitis syndrome; Neuromuscular junction; Single fiber electromyography; Fatigue; Anticholinesterase; Electromyography Summary Disabling generalized fatigue and muscle fatiguability are common features of post-poliomyelitis syndrome (PPS). In 17 fatigued PPS patients, we measured jitter on stimulation single-fiber electromyography (S-SFEMG) for at least 3.5 min before and after i.v. injection of 10 mg edrophonium. We observed reduction in jitter (defined as a significant difference in jitter means before and after edrophonium, unpaired t -test P P P P = 0.03). In addition, the 9 pyridostigmine responders experienced a significant reduction in jitter means pre- and post-edrophonium (100% vs. 88%, Bonferroni corrected

    53. International Broadcasting Bureau Homepage
    Information about the drive from International Broadcasting Bureau.

    IBB Home

    IBB Info

    Voice Of America

    VOA News Now
    ... What is Polio?
    A description of the disease and its causes. What is the Risk? What are the risk factors and what you can do to prevent the spread of the disease? What is the World Doing? A profile of worldwide polio eradication efforts and links to other partnering organizations. What Can You Do? How to become involved in eradicating polio. Photo Gallery Take a walk through a slideshow from our reporters. Audio/Video Library A library of some VOA and WorldNet programs. The Polio Eradication Project Annual Report Download a PDF file of the PEP's annual report.
    Designed and updated by Lauren Chang

    54. SAPP Online
    Information on polio, postpolio syndrome, diagnosis, treatment, biographies, links to other resources, and equipment for the disabled.
    Saskatchewan Awareness of Post Polio Society Inc.
    Thanks for visiting our site. We have moved to a new home. Click on the link below to enter the website. While you are there, be sure to update your bookmark or link with our new location.
    Click this icon to go to the new Sapp Online!!!

    55. Harvest Center's Post-Polio Page
    polio and PPS educational AUDIO tapes, The Postpolio Institute, The International Centre for Post-polio Education and Research. How to STOP Being Vampire
    There's No More Time to Waste!
    O verwhelming fatigue, new muscle weakness, pain and cold intolerance. These Post-Polio Sequelae (PPS) are being reported by at least 70% of people who had paralytic polio, and 40% who had "non-paralytic" polio, 40 years ago.
    Unfortunately, most physicians (and even many polio survivors) do not "believe" that PPS are real or know that they are very treatable!
    harvest center is dedicated to providing polio survivors, their families, physicians and therapists the facts about the cause and treatment of PPS , because THERE'S NO MORE TIME TO WASTE . . .
    IT'S HERE!
    How to STOP Being Vampire Bait:
    Your Personal Stress Annihilation Program
    by Dr. Richard L. Bruno
    Dr. Richard Bruno, the world's expert on STRESS and Post-Polio Sequelae, teaches you not merely to manage but actually to annihilate STRESS with his new e-book, How to STOP Being Vampire Bait: Your Personal Stress Annihilation Program.
    Through clear explanations, common sense examples and simple homework assignments this self-taught, four-week program will:

    56. UN Polio Cases Spreading

    57. End Of Polio

    58. - Islamic-ruled Nigerian State Rejects Polio Vaccine - Feb. 22, 2004
    International Edition MEMBER SERVICES The Web Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Autos SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters Your E-mail Alerts RSS ... Contact Us SEARCH Web
    Islamic-ruled Nigerian state rejects polio vaccine
    Province at heart of outbreak alleges anti-Muslim plot
    Oluwatope Ewunuga, 2, gets his thumb painted to show he was immunized in Lagos, Nigeria, in this photo from October 24, 2003. Story Tools RELATED Mother sentenced to stoning freed Beauty queens flee Nigeria Pakistan region adopts Shariah YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Nigeria Islam Health or Create your own Manage alerts What is this? KADUNA, Nigeria (AP) A northern state in Nigeria that is at the heart of a spreading polio outbreak said Sunday that it would not relent on its boycott of a mass vaccination program, which it has called a U.S. plot to spread AIDS and infertility among Muslims. "Kano state will not participate in tomorrow's polio campaign. Our team made the discovery of contaminants first, remember," state government spokesman Sule Ya'u Sule told The Associated Press, referring to tests the state says its scientists conducted on the polio vaccine last year. "Unless we are convinced by our committee [of health experts] that the oral polio vaccines are safe, the exercise remains suspended in Kano state," Sule said.

    59. End Of Polio

    60. - Three Nigerian States Halt Polio Vaccinations Over AIDS Fears - Oct. 2
    The Web Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters CNNtoGO SEARCH Web
    Three Nigerian states halt polio vaccinations over AIDS fears
    In November 2002, officials went door to door administering oral polio vaccine in the Nigerian state of Kano. Story Tools RELATED World Health Organization: Nigeria YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Nigeria Diseases AIDS (Disease) World Health Organization (WHO) or Create your own Manage alerts What is this? ABUJA, Nigeria (Reuters) Three states in northern Nigeria have suspended a polio immunization program led by the World Health Organisation (WHO) because they feared it spread AIDS and caused infertility, Nigerian officials said on Monday. In Geneva, the WHO said there was no question about the purity or safety of the vaccine it used and warned that Nigeria was exporting the disease to neighbouring countries. The mainly-Muslim states of Kano, Zamfara and Kaduna suspended the program last week, said Chinwere Chukwuani, a director at Nigeria's National Polio Immunization Office. She told Reuters the suspension meant the debilitating disease could spread further in Nigeria, one of only seven countries where the virus is still prevalent and which has the highest number of cases in the world.

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