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41. Maine Natural Areas Program - Rare, Threatened, And Endangered Plants The Official List of endangered and threatened plants in Maine is a list of Elements of Natural Diversity Rare, threatened, and endangered plants http://www.mainenaturalareas.org/docs/rare_plants/ | |
42. IA DNR: Threatened And Endangered Species Iowa s endangered and threatened species law was enacted in 1975. The currentlaw, entitled endangered plants and Wildlife is Chapter 481B of the Code of http://www.iowadnr.com/other/threatened.html | |
43. Florida Statewide Endangered And Threatened Plant Conservation Program: Division The goal of the Florida Statewide endangered and threatened Plant ConservationProgram is to restore and maintain existing populations of listed plants on http://www.fl-dof.com/forest_management/plant_conservation_index.html | |
44. Florida Forestry Information - Threatened And Endangered Species threatened and endangered species reach their status because of one or more of and maintains the list of endangered and threatened Wildlife and plants. http://www.sfrc.ufl.edu/Extension/ffws/tes.htm | |
45. Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants endangered and threatened Wildlife and plants; Notice of Remanded Determinationof Status for the Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus); http://www.propertyrightsresearch.org/articles5/endangered_and_threatened_wildli | |
46. Zen's WNC Nature Notebook - Plant Index Of Endangered And Threatened Species A LIST OF plants IN THE WNC AREA THAT ARE endangered OR threatened There areplenty more threatened and endangered vascular plants in the Eastern part http://www.main.nc.us/naturenotebook/plantendangeredindex.html | |
47. Threatened Endangered Species Of South Florida S National Parks threatened, endangered and extinct are words that have become all too common in who are known dealers in endangered or threatened plants and wildlife. http://everglades.fiu.edu/education/threatenedbr.html |
48. Endangered/Threatened Plants/Animals Of The US Virgin Islands endangered AND threatened plants AND ANIMALS OF THE US VIRGIN ISLANDS 1* =threatened, ** = endangered 2C = St. Croix, J= St. John, T = St. Thomas, http://rps.uvi.edu/CES/endangered.html | |
49. NH Natural Heritage Bureau - Rare Plants plants Listed as endangered or threatened. This category includes 288 species In addition to recognizing endangered and threatened plant species, http://nh.gov/dred/divisions/forestandlands/bureaus/naturalheritage/RarePlants.h | |
50. Endangered Species threatened and endangered Species of Alabama A Guide to Assist with Forestry Listed plants should be protected on all lands, but endangered Species Act http://www.pfmt.org/wildlife/endangered/default.htm | |
51. An Illustrated Guide To Endangered Or Threatened Species In Kansas soaring Bald Eagleendangered or threatened plants and animals of of sixtyplants and animals currently listed as endangered or threatened in http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/colill.html | |
52. ND Endangered And Threatened Species information on 45 federally listed endangered, threatened and candidate species in Environmental monitors Many species of wildlife and plants are more http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/distr/others/nddanger/nddanger.htm | |
53. 1994 Endangered And Threatened Species Recovery Program It features six threatened or endangered animals and plantsÂfrom the bald eagleto the western prairie fringed orchidÂthat are now stable or even improving http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/recovprg/recovprg.htm | |
54. Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants; Notice Of Reclassification Of Nin endangered and threatened Wildlife and plants; Notice of Reclassification of NineCandidate Taxa AGENCY Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. http://www.wminteractive.org/Articles/fr10-20(2).htm | |
55. Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants; 90-Day Finding For A Petition To endangered and threatened Wildlife and plants; 90Day Finding for a Petition ToDelist the Woodland Caribou AGENCY Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. http://www.wminteractive.org/Articles/fr11-6(2).htm | |
56. Endangered And Threatened Species Of Archbold Biological Station, Kevin N. Main Extracted from Florida s endangered Species, threatened Species And Species OfSpecial Concern, plants amphibians reptiles birds mammals http://www.archbold-station.org/abs/regionalecol/archlistedspp.htm | |
57. Plant Species Of Oklahoma For Listing As Endangered Or Threatened The US Fish and Wildlife Service maintains a list of plants and animals native to as threatened or endangered under the endangered Species Act. However, http://www.biosurvey.ou.edu/candhome.html | |
58. June 30, 1998 -Insects And Plants Listed As Threatened Or Endangered Species - O 1. Insects are ineligible for listing as a threatened or endangered species underthe California endangered Species Act. 2. A landowner may destroy a plant http://caag.state.ca.us/opinions/published/98-105.htm | |
59. Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants; Endangered Status For ``Erigeron in alphabetical order, under FLOWERING plants, to the List of endangered andthreatened plants Sec. 17.12 endangered and threatened plants. http://www.pacificbio.org/ESIN/Butterflies/Fender-Blue/Backround_Webpages/federa | |
60. Plants USFWS Division of endangered Species; endangered threatened and Sensitive VascularPlants of Washington. WA Department of Natural Resources, August 1997. http://www.pacificbio.org/ESIN/Infopages/plantlist.html | |
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