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81. Left Menu plant taxonomy The Universal Language (DVD), is a video program which covers many related topics including scientific nomenclature, classification, http://www.slvideopublishing.com/productlist.cfm?c=56&sd=7403927&rd=701480989 |
82. Links For Plant Taxonomy International Association for plant taxonomy (IAPT). Taxon, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature American Society of Plant Taxonomists http://www2.educ.fukushima-u.ac.jp/~kurosawa/links-taxon.html | |
83. International Association For Plant Taxonomy/Smithsonian Institution - Index Nom VIVO International Association for plant taxonomy/Smithsonian Institution Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). International Association for Plant http://vivo.library.cornell.edu/entity?home=1&id=5082 |
84. ELTE Department Of Plant Taxonomy And Ecology Address of the department. Loránd Eötvös University Department of plant taxonomy and Ecology H1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter Sétány 1/C HUNGARY http://ramet.elte.hu/~ramet/indexe.html | |
85. Diversity Of Life Web Index plant taxonomy This site is a syllabus for a college course. Gives taxonomic classification for many plants in shortgrass steps. http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/6243/diversity4.html | |
86. Other Plant Taxonomy Courses Good Looking plant taxonomy Course Web Pages. Taxonomy of Flowering Plants Colby College Systematics of Flowering Plants - University of Illinois http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~patters/planttax/pages/othercrs.html | |
87. SLTER Plant Taxonomy Field Trip To Indiantown, Virginia 4/20-21/2001 plant taxonomy Class and Field Trip Indiantown Park, Virginia April 1920, 2001. NHS Field Trip Leader Tom Bonniwell VCR/LTER and UVA Instructors http://www.vcrlter.virginia.edu/~crc7m/slter/planttax.html | |
88. Rubriek: 42.48 Botany: Plant Taxonomy Link Index Nominum Genericorum (Plantarum)(ING) / International Association for plant taxonomy (IAPT), Smithsonian Institution, University of Utrecht, http://www.kb.nl/dutchess/42/48/ | |
89. SASB Book Review -- Sivarajan However, no actual principles of plant taxonomy are ever enumerated, which belies the title somewhat. Chapter 2 (10 pages) is an interesting history of http://www.sasb.org.au/Sivarajan.html | |
90. Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Publications: Blumea logo BLUMEA. JOURNAL OF plant taxonomy AND GEOGRAPHY journal containing papers on descriptive botany (taxonomy, plantgeography, morphology, http://www.nationaalherbarium.nl/pubs/blumea/home.htm | |
91. Subject Guides Introduction to the principles of plant taxonomy 2nd ed. plant taxonomy and biosystematics 2nd ed. Science Engineering QK 95 .S73 1989 http://www.lib.wayne.edu/resources/subject_guides/guide.php?id=11 |
92. Names In Current Use - Genera> Names in Current Use for Extant Plant Genera. Query the electronic version (1.0) by International Association for plant taxonomy. http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/ncu/genera/Default.htm | |
93. GMOs - Taxonomy plant taxonomy, Environmental releases of GMOs. taxonomy. Total number of summary notifications circulated on 17/12/2004 http://biotech.jrc.it/deliberate/taxonomy.asp | |
94. Taxacom 1994 Archive North American Working Group On Cultivated North American Working Group on Cultivated plant taxonomy. Steven Clemants (clemants@PANIX.COM) Fri, 9 Dec 1994 144738 0500 http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~gophtax/_gophtax.1994/0551.html |
95. Survey Of The Plant Kingdoms Explores plant anatomy, taxonomy, and classification, from Monera through the higher plants. Includes descriptions as well as graphics and schematics. http://home.manhattan.edu/~frances.cardillo/plants/intro/ | |
96. Systematic Botany The Jornal Of The American Society Of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT) Promotes research and teaching in the taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of vascular and nonvascular plants. http://www.sysbot.org/ | |
97. Topics In Plant Pathology s of projects, taxonomy of plant viruses, posters presented at scientific meetings, and related links. Dundee, Scotland....... http://www.scri.sari.ac.uk/SCRI/Web/Site/home/ResearchAreas/TopicsinPlantPatholo | |
98. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Home Page Housing the largest living plant collection in the world, Kew Gardens also undertakes reaserch into taxonomy, economic and ethnobotany and conservation. http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/ | |
99. The GRIN TAXONOMY HOME PAGE Has Moved www.arsgrin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/tax_search.pl More results from www.ars-grin.gov Systematic Botany the Jornal of the American Society of plant Promotes research and teaching in the taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of vascular and nonvascular plants. http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/tax/ | |
100. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Australian Systematic Botany A journal for publication of research on taxonomy, biogeography, and evolution of all plant groups. http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/150.htm | |
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