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81. Welcome To Pf's Plant & Garden Societies! A gardenful of info on houseplants, herbs, vegetables, lawn care, pruning, fruittrees, plus links to ALL the best gardening companies online and off! http://pages.prodigy.com/gardenshop/society.htm | |
82. PlantMall - UK Plant Directory - Directory of nurseries, garden centres, societies, discussion groups, wholesale suppliers and gardens to visit. http://www.plantmall.co.uk/ | |
83. Home Page Of Phytopathological Society Of Japan Promotes the increase and diffusion of knowledge relating to plant diseases and their control. Contains abstracts of the societies' journal, membership information, details of local and international meetings, and relevant links. http://ppsj.ac.affrc.go.jp/ppsj_e/index_e.html | |
84. ^ The Alpine Garden Society ^^ One of the largest specialist garden societies in the world (an international membership of over 13,000) with the aim of promoting an interest in all aspects of alpine plants, their cultivation in rock gardens, and plant conservation in natural habitats. http://www.alpinegardensociety.org/ |
85. Plant Delights Nursery -- List Of Societies And Groups Hardy plant Society Anne Stolar 1549 Clayton Rd. West Chester, PA 19382 Southeastern Palm Exotic plant Society Will Taylor, Treasurer 214 Oak Street http://www.plantdelights.com/More/societies.html | |
86. Plant Delights Nursery - Plant Society Links This section includes sites for specialized plant groups and societies relatedto those plant groups. Southeastern Palm and Subtropical plant Society http://www.plantdelights.com/More/links_societies.php | |
87. Chapters Many chapters sponsor annual native plant sales, seed exchanges and workshops . You also receive the societies Newsletter which is published quarterly. http://npsnm.unm.edu/chapters.html | |
88. Northwest Garden Societies And Clubs - Rainyside.com plant and garden societies of the maritime Pacific Northwest; We have a hugelisting of various plant and garden societies from around the Pacific http://www.rainyside.com/resources/societies.html | |
89. Royal Horticultural Society - Useful Links: Gardening Societies Australasian plant Society A UKbased society promoting the growing of Australianand New Zealand plants particularly in the UK and Europe http://www.rhs.org.uk/about/links_societies.asp | |
90. UBC Botanical Garden Links: Plant And Gardening Societies - British Columbia Native plant Society of British Columbia // NPSBC. Pacific Northwest Palm Exoticplant Society // PNWPEPS. Peace Arch Rhododendron Society // PARS http://www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org/resources/links/cat_plant_and_gardening_societ | |
91. Native Plants Societies Top / Home / Gardens / Wildflowers / Native plants societies. Oklahoma Nativeplant Society No description; Arizona Native plant Society Nonprofit http://www.reference.com/Dir/Home/Gardens/Wildflowers/Native_Plants_Societies/ | |
92. Plant Ideas - Wildflowers: Native Plants Societies plant Ideas will assits you in your gardening needs. Flower to Garden information. http://www.plantideas.com/link/Native_Plants_Societies.html | |
93. BOTANY SOCIETIES & ASSOCIATIONS German Carnivorous plant Society (Gesellschaft für Fleischfressende Pflanzen) International Society for plant Molecular Biology http://www.il-st-acad-sci.org/botsoc.html | |
94. Palm Beach County Extension plant Society Meetings Mounts Building Auditorium PBC Chapter of the FloridaNative plant Society, 3rd Tuesday @ 730 pm, Cynthia 561-585-1278 http://www.pbcgov.com/coopext/home/societies.htm | |
95. Arizona Native Plant Society Statewide nonprofit organization devoted to Arizona native plants; missions areeducation, conservation, and encouraging use of appropriate native plants in http://aznps.org/ | |
96. Arizona Native Plant Society Statewide nonprofit organization devoted to Arizona native plants; missions areeducation, conservation, and encouraging use of appropriate native plants in http://aznps.org/html/np_resources_other.html | |
97. The Virginia Native Plant Society (VNPS) Its purpose is to further appreciation and conservation of Virginia s nativeplants and habitats. Incorporated in Virginia as a notfor-profit, http://www.vnps.org/ | |
98. Welcome To Louisiana Native Plant Society New Web Space Lnps.org! Want to Join the Louisiana Native plant Society EMail List? The purpose of ouremail group is to provide a simple and easy method of communication for http://www.lnps.org/ | |
99. Grand Prairie Friends British Columbia Native plant Society of British Columbia. CaliforniaCalifornia Botanical Society California Native plant Society http://www.prairienet.org/gpf/natives.html | |
100. The Succulent Plant Page about growing, propagating showing and conserving succulent plants. other succulent plants why not join your local cactus and succulent plant society ? http://www.succulent-plant.com/home.html | |
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