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61. MiddleWeb | Of Particular Interest
Looking to marshal your parent volunteers into an effective fundraising team? directions for planning and executing school fundraisers big and small.
Our Recent Resources
"Of Particular Interest" - Sponsored by Stenhouse Publishers - In his new book, Teaching Reading to Black Adolescent Males
Alfred Tatum provides first-hand insights that bridge the connections among theory, instruction, and professional development to create a road map for better literacy achievement. Click here to review the entire book online!
This Week
We don't mean to overhype the Awesome Stories website, but what can we say? When you need substantive content on history and social studies topics, it's a great place to look. As we are preparing this week's newsletter, powerful Hurricane Rita is bearing down on the Texas coastline. Awesome Stories offers a feature on "Galveston: The Great Storm of 1900" that can help students understand the vulnerability of this area of the Texas coast and why the historic 1900 storm caused such a disastrous loss of life. The AW story includes links to primary sources from the Library of Congress, the National Archives and the Rosenberg Library in Galveston. You'll also find movie-film footage made by Thomas Edison's company of a seawall (built after the 1900 storm) which was designed to prevent another catastrophe in the event of a direct hurricane hit. You can sample the story at the above link. To access the entire story, sign up for a free academic membership at the

62. Untitled
athletics is responsible for planning, management, administration, and fundraising The office assists with fund raising and cultivates prospects by Handbook/Chapter 3.htm
UAH is administered by a president, a provost and vice president for academic affairs, and four other vice presidents heading the administrative units of research, student affairs, finance and administration, and university advancement. The administrative structure is displayed on the chart below. Details concerning administration under the provost are given in Chapter 4 and that for the senior vice president for research in Chapter 5. President
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Senior Vice President for Research and Associate Provost

Vice President for Student Affairs
Return to Main Page
3.1 President
3.2 Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs 3.3 Senior Vice President for Research and Associate Provost
The senior vice president for research and associate provost is the chief research officer of the university, and, under supervision by the president, provides overall executive leadership and coordination in the support and development of research in the academic departments and research units of the university. The senior vice president for research and associate provost is responsible for oversight of all sponsored programs in the university and for the management of resources and services required for the research operations. As associate provost, the senior vice president coordinates the development of research programs with the provost and with deans, department chairs, and faculty. The senior vice president for research and associate provost holds a tenured professorship in an academic department.

63. Minutes Of February 9, 1995 UPBC Meeting
Process for Reviewing New Academic planning Proposals Pack discussed a the goal of eliminating no staff positions directly involved in fund raising.

64. Corporate Plan 1996-2000
We shall also continue to review the profile of our teaching and research and through the fundraising activities of the University s Development and
University of Edinburgh - Planning Section Web Site
Home Up Strategic Plan 2003-2007 Strategic Plan 2002-2006 ... Strategic Plan 1997-2001 [ Corporate Plan 1996-2000 ] Annual Plan 1999/2000 Annual Plan 1998/99 Annual Plan 1997/98 Annual Plan 1996/97
The University's fundamental mission is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and understanding. As a leading European centre of academic excellence, the University's core strategic objectives are: to sustain and develop its identity as a research and teaching institution of the highest international quality; to provide an outstanding educational environment, supporting study across a broad range of academic disciplines and serving the major professions; to produce graduates equipped for high personal and professional achievement; and to enhance the scientific and cultural vision of society as well as its economic well-being. As a great civic University, Edinburgh especially values its intellectual and economic relationship with the Scottish community that forms its base and provides the foundation from which it will continue to look to the widest international horizons, enriching both itself and Scotland.

In the event that fund raising efforts might fall short of such an ambitious fund raising potential are fully considered in a careful planning process.
Executive Summary
The establishment of academic Chairs at the University of Waterloo can serve to recognize faculty members of exceptional academic distinction, and provide incremental resources to strengthen research and teaching programs in their areas of expertise. Opportunities exist to create NSERC/Industry Chairs, Chairs associated with the Centres of Excellence funded by government, and endowed Chairs. A major limitation to NSERC/Industry and Centres of Excellence Chairs is short-term (5-year) funding. Applicants must plan from the outset to fold any incremental positions into the faculty complement when this funding is phased out. NSERC/Industry Chairs may therefore be considered only to provide seed funding to strengthen areas in which the University wishes to pursue further development. Endowed Chairs can provide the security of long-term financial resources, but a very substantial endowment is necessary in order to accommodate inflationary increases over the years. In the event that fund raising efforts might fall short of such an ambitious target, there must be contingency plans in place to make the best use of available funds. When establishing a Chair, the University's commitment to the discipline must first be determined, and the feasibility of the long-term plan must be assessed. Then, if all indicators are positive, it will be important to plan and monitor the fund raising phase carefully, and to co-ordinate the efforts of the researchers, the Faculty, the Office of Development, and the Office of Research.

66. Earth And Environment, Leeds University.
In 1991 Sally became the University s Director of planning; in this role she Through the memorial event on 12 May and the fund raising initiative,
- Navigator - Home Page Earth Sciences Undergraduate admissions Taught postgraduate admissions Research postgraduate admissions Environment Undergraduate admissions Taught postgraduate admissions Research postgraduate admissions Institute for Atmospheric Science Institute of Geological Sciences Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics Sustainability Research Institute Internal Professor Michael Arthur
Professor Peter Mackie
Professor Stephen Mobbs
Mr Roger Gair
University of Leeds
Colleagues will be aware of the tragic loss of Professor Sally Macgill in the Asian tsunami on 26 December 2004. This message brings to your attention two initiatives which the University is undertaking to commemorate Sally's remarkable career at the University and to create a lasting memory of her work for the benefit of future students.
There will be a memorial event open to all present and past members of the University to celebrate Sally's many contributions to life in Leeds. This will take place at 3 pm on 12 May in the Great Hall and will be followed by a reception in the Parkinson Court. There will be speeches by Sally's friends, colleagues and family and music by the Leeds Sinfonia, in which Sally was a violinist.
Throughout her career Sally was an inspiration to students at all levels. This was never more true than in recent years when she was the driving force behind the rapid development of the Sustainability Research Institute. The University has therefore decided to raise funds to create studentships and scholarships in memory of Sally. These will help overseas and home students to study environmental issues to which Sally contributed so much during her career. We aim through this fund raising initiative to create postgraduate studentships or bursaries and undergraduate prizes. All members of the University are invited to contribute to this

67. UGA Strategic Planning
UGA Strategic planning. Index. Introduction The planning Environment Source Internal Redirect Students Sponsored Research fundraising State Support
UGA Strategic Planning
Index: The Institutional Strategic Plan:

68. UGA Strategic Planning
Because the Veterinary Teaching Hospital represents the top of the hierarchy hired a fulltime director of development to expand fund raising efforts.
The College of Veterinary Medicine
Approved by the Strategic Planning Advisory Group STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE October 27, 1999 VISION STATEMENT AND INTRODUCTION Our vision is that the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine be in the top tier of veterinary colleges in the nation by the year 2010. The College (at 50 years of age) is relatively young and has real potential to achieve excellence. Two goals are proposed to attain greater excellence over the next 10 years. These are: 1) to restore and enhance the environment for state-of-the-art veterinary clinical science and practice and 2) to increase research productivity. The rationale for these goals is based on an assessment of where the College now ranks and the external and internal forces affecting it. Where do we now rank among the 27 schools and colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States* In some ways we are the best in the nation. Certain of our programs are internationally acclaimed, and many faculty are likewise renown. Strengths * Faculty excellence. Seven College faculty members have received the UGA Josiah Meigs teaching award. Two of our faculty have been recognized nationally with awards for teaching. In addition, we have many faculty who are internationally recognized experts in their areas of research, including diseases of poultry, caged birds, fish, wildlife, companion animals, and horses. The majority of our faculty hold the DVM or equivalent degree, and 56% have PhD*s.

69. Wiley::Strategic Planning For Fund Raising: How To Bring In More Money Using Str
Strategic planning for fund Raising How to Bring In More Money Using Strategic the name of the professor(s) teaching the course; confirmation that your,descCd-eval_form.h
Location: United States change location Shopping Cart My Account Help ... Contact Us
By Keyword By Title By Author By ISBN By ISSN Wiley Business Nonprofit Organizations General Nonprofit Organizations Strategic Planning for Fund Raising: How to Bring In More Money Using Strategic Resource Allocation Related Subjects General Higher Education
Law for Nonprofit Organizations

Join a Business Mailing List Related Titles General Nonprofit Organizations
Leadership and Management of Volunteer Programs: A Guide for Volunteer Administrators (Hardcover)

by James C. Fisher, Kathleen M. Cole
Principles of Professional Fundraising: Useful Foundations for Successful Practice (Hardcover)

by Joseph R. Mixer
The Good Corporate Citizen: A Practical Guide (Hardcover)

by Doris Rubenstein
The Good Corporate Citizen: A Practical Guide (E-Book)
by Doris Rubenstein Nonprofit Essentials: Endowment Building (Paperback) by Diana S. Newman Nonprofit Essentials: The Capital Campaign (Paperback) by Julia Ingraham Walker Nonprofit Essentials: The Capital Campaign (E-Book) by Julia Ingraham Walker General Nonprofit Organizations Strategic Planning for Fund Raising: How to Bring In More Money Using Strategic Resource Allocation Wesley E. Lindahl

70. Student Bios
During her junior year at the University, she engaged in fundraising activities of Rhode Island, planning fundraisers and conducting donor research.
Leadership for Results Bios of the Full-time 2nd Year Students Swati Aggarwal , originally from India, is
Mohamed Bah
Rachel Barkley , a native of Cape Cod, graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 2003 with a major in Political Science and a minor in Economics. While attending Bryn Mawr, she debated in the American Parliamentary Debate Association. Rachel has interned for The Council for Excellence In Government, a non-profit political consultancy in D.C., where she conducted research on human resource allocation in the federal government. In addition, she spent a summer with the City of Philadelphia 's Office of Management and Productivity focusing on the implementation of accountability and cost-saving initiatives. She also worked on the Ed Rendell for Governor campaign. Since graduating, she has returned for a year on Cape Cod working in the local office of Congressman William Delahunt. Ethan Byler

71. Catholic Educational Leadership Course Descriptions
Methods and Materials in Teaching Religion in Catholic Schools (23) fund raising, purchasing and expense planning and monitoring procedures.
Catholic Educational Leadership Course Descriptions
0707 - 640. Foundations of Catholic Education (3) This course will cover an historical, philosophical, sociological, and political study of American Catholic education in the context of the original common school and today's public school. 0707 - 641. School Law and Private Education (2-3) Analysis of principal legal and constitutional issues in federal and state law affecting educators, including liability, contract law, and major church-state rulings. 0707 - 642. Moral Development (3) Study of the cognitive developmental theory of moral development, comparing and contrasting it with other major theories. Review of the materials, research, and methods related to moral education. Practicum relating research and educational practice required. 0707 - 643. Religious Educational Leadership (1-3) Analysis and discussion of effective ways to organize, evaluate, and improve religious education in church-related schools. Specific questions of staff development are addressed. 0707 - 644. Curriculum and Instruction Leadership in Schools (3)

72. USC Catalogue: General Information About USC: A Brief History
Toward these ends, he launched an overwhelmingly successful fundraising effort . A new Teaching Library was in advanced stages of planning.
Catalogue 2004-05
Contents Past Catalogues Related Links ... Student Life PDF version of this chapter
A Brief History
Los Angeles was little more than a frontier town in the 1870s, when a group of public-spirited citizens with a reverence for learning first sought to establish a university in the region. Although the "city" still lacked paved streets, electric lights, telephones and a reliable fire alarm system, the effort to create an institution of higher education in Southern California, led by members of the region's Methodist Episcopal Conference, found an enthusiastic reception among the more far-sighted residents, who were eager to advance their community. In 1879, three community leaders Ozro W. Childs, a Protestant horticulturist; former California Governor John G. Downey, an Irish-Catholic businessman; and Isaias W. Hellman, a German-Jewish banker and philanthropist deeded to the Board of Trustees of the nascent University of Southern California 308 lots, which were located in an area designated "West Los Angeles," near the intersection of Vermont Avenue and Exposition Boulevard. A portion of the land, which was located within the original land grant establishing "El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles," was to be reserved for the actual campus. Sales of the remaining lots would create an endowment to provide the seeds of financial support for the institution. More than an act of generosity, the gift of land was an expression of confidence in the future.
Era of the Founders (1880-1921)

73. Education World® The Educator's Best Friend
Backto-School planning for your first day at school. Earn your teachingdegree 100% online at University of Phoenix
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74. July 19, 2005 Panama Project Update
They have been preparing for a soccer tournament fundraiser and El BongoThe Volunteers in El Bongo continue to polish their teaching skills with
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2005 Panama Project Updates July 19, 2005 Rio de Jesus:
The week started off with a fun birthday celebration for one of the Volunteers in Rio de Jesus. English classes have continued to be a great success; many of teenagers now greet each other and the Volunteers in English and carry on basic conversations. The community is eager to begin work on the community clean-up project early next week. El Centeno: This week the Volunteers report they are becoming closer than ever to their host families and to community members in El Centeno. They have been preparing for a soccer tournament fund-raiser and organizing a women’s soccer team. In addition, the Volunteers spoke about AMIGOS at a local health fair. They are excited to start remodeling the communal space next week! Buena Vista This week the Volunteers got all the supplies necessary to begin construction on the community park! In addition, they have been working hard on organizing the second annual Buena Vista health fair that is coming up soon. English classes have been rolling right along, and the Volunteers are eager to break ground on the new park early next week.

75. Cirriculum Vitae For Jeffrey A. Smith
fundraising and administration for a program that provided 1 million books to in seven years); fund-raising; teaching; staff and student counseling;
* New uses of computer and information technologies to enhance access to knowledge * Education reforms in developing countries and the United States * Venture philanthropy * US-China relations
1987 - now: Founder/President, The Bridge to Asia Foundation, San Francisco Creation and management of a non-profit organization that helps to provide information to educators and researchers in developing countries. Design and implementation of projects that have delivered 4 million books and journals to more than 1000 universities in China, Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines, and projects and services that provide users in China with electronic access to knowledge worldwide. 1986-87: Executive Director, Foundation for Books to China, San Francisco Fund-raising and administration for a program that provided 1 million books to several hundred Chinese universities. 1985-86: Executive Director, Suicide Prevention and Crisis Center, Monterey, California Development and long-range planning for a social service agency; supervision of 75 volunteers.

A fund Raising Idea from The Hague Appeal for Peace and the communications network, information network, capacity for teaching peace, etc.
FUND RAISING TIPS Rotary Clubs, Other Service Clubs, and Peace - a network of common interest and support worth considering (speak to them, solicit them and/or join them - its another way to expand your influence) List of foundations as potential funding sources A Second List of foundations as potential funding sources NEW WEBSITE RESOURCE ON HUMAN RIGHTS FUNDING The International Human Rights Funders Group (IHRFG) website functions as a resource both for human rights funders as well as for human rights groups and grantseekers, and includes a searchable database of human rights funding and funders. The Illinois Prevent Violence (PV) License Plate raises money to fund statewide anti-violence programs. The purple and white plates, which feature a universal symbol of peace—a soaring dove bearing an olive branch, have raised more than $2 million for violence prevention efforts in Illinois as of September 1998. More than 50,000 Illinois motorists display the plates on their vehicles. For more info,

77. Fund Raising
fundRaising for Anthropology. The RAI has adopted as a priority the improvement under-funded with regard to academic employment, research and teaching.




Web Awards

For information on the RAI please contact the office manager and about the website contact the THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE
London W1T 5BT
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-(0)20 7387 0455 Fax +44-(0)20 7388 8817
Fund-Raising for Anthropology
The RAI has adopted as a priority the improvement of the funding of anthropology in the United Kingdom. This policy was first agreed in 1988, since when some major bequests, gifts and grants have been received. This briefing paper sets out, in question and answer format, why we think anthropology deserves the attention of private benefactors, and the specific aims for which we are raising funds.
What is anthropology?
Anthropology is the study of humanity and includes: social and cultural anthropology (the largest in terms of the numbers of practitioners), the comparative study of human societies, which is undertaken through

78. Classified Post Online
A golden opportunity has arisen for a seasoned fundraiser who is prepared to He or she should have classroom experience of teaching young children,

79. CASE 2005 Summer Institutes :: Educational Fund Raising
Carrie began her career in fund raising at Northfield Mount Hermon School in She received the CASE Crystal Apple Award for teaching excellence in 1997.
Program Print Conference Details Faculty Benefits of Attending ... Conferences Home Faculty Carolyn A. Pelzel, Institute Chair
Vice President for Development
Dartmouth College
Carrie Pelzel was appointed vice president for development in January 2001, having served Dartmouth College for the previous four years as director of development. She is responsible for a staff of more than 160 and for planning and executing the college's current $1.3 billion Campaign for the Dartmouth Experience. Carrie began her career in fund raising at Northfield Mount Hermon School in 1975. During her years there she worked in alumni relations, served as director of development, directed a capital campaign, and eventually became director of external affairs. She then assumed the post of director of development and information services at the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), traveling across the country to work with development officers, heads, and trustees of member schools. She later left NAIS to become executive vice president of The Williamson Group, a computer systems company with a vertical market expertise in providing information systems in fund raising to schools, colleges, museums, and hospitals. During these years, she was also a partner in The Franklin Group, a fund-raising consulting firm specializing in campaign services for independent schools. In 1986 Carrie joined the development staff of Harvard University. She spent 11 years at Harvard, became associate director of university development, and participated in the planning and kickoff of the university's recently concluded $2.3 billion campaign.

80. Bobbie Sherman - Book Bobbie Sherman For Your Corporate Events, Fund Raisers
corporate event planning for fundraisers, corporate parties and charities . Bobby has said that medical rescue work and teaching is the best life

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