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41. Welcome To The Planetary Studies Foundation (PSF) Promoting study of the planets and astronomy in general. News and events, and related articles. http://www.planets.org/ | |
42. Why Do Stars Twinkle While Planets Do Not? The planets in our solar system, much smaller than stars, are closer and can beresolved as Since planets represent several points in object space, http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/twinkle.html | |
43. Jupiter general information, some statistical data and links. http://www.nineplanets.org/jupiter.html | |
44. Exploring The Planets - Asteroids Offers general scientific overview with history and images by the National Air and Space Museum. http://www.nasm.si.edu/research/ceps/etp/asteroids/index.htm | |
45. NASA's Solar System Exploration: Planets: Jupiter: Overview general features and data about the planet and its satellites. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Jupiter |
46. When Did The Asteroids Become Minor Planets? asteroids as a subcategory of the planets until it published its general Astronomische Nachrichten 1932, general Index to Volumes 181210, 213-338. http://aa.usno.navy.mil/hilton/AsteroidHistory/minorplanets.html | |
47. List Of Registered Participants Talbi Dahbia, CNRS, talbi at mnhn.fr, Abstracts, ISM,planets,general. Tapia Mauricio,Instituto de Astronomia, UNAMEnsenada, mt at astrosen.unam.mx http://aramis.obspm.fr/DUSTY04/php/index.php | |
48. Frequently Asked Questions About General Astronomy general Astronomy. Compiled by Dr. John Simonetti of the Department of Physics Are the planets in our solar system likely to be destroyed when the sun http://www.phys.vt.edu/~jhs/faq/astronomy.html | |
49. The Center For Star & Planet Formation - General Research Areas general Research Areas. Origins of our Solar System need text Searches forextrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around solartype stars using Doppler http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cspf/cspf_research.html | |
50. Extrasolar Planets Web Sites general professional Web sites relevant to extrasolar planets. From the Extrasolarplanets Encyclopaedia. ©,1996 Jean Schneider Observatoire de Paris http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/planets/sites.html | |
51. Charting The Planets What other characteristics of the planets follow the same general pattern as thenumber of moons? 6. The rings of Saturn are believed to have a lot of icy http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/teacher_resources/charting_the_planets.ht | |
52. American Astronomical Society :: Education: General Astronomy The Terrestrial planets are the planets in between the Sun and the Characterizedas ÂEarthlikeÂ, they are rocky planets with weak magnetic fields that http://www.aas.org/education/general.htm | |
53. BBC Education - AS Guru - General Studies - Science - The Paranormal - Are We Lo All life on the planet s surface would be killed on contact with the UV light!So, if we are to look for life on other planets, scientists will be looking http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/asguru/generalstudies/sciencetechnology/23paranor | |
54. Objects - Planets planets general. collage of NASA planet pictures image from NASA website.You are here Haggart Observatory Favorite Objects planets (general) http://depts.clackamas.edu/haggart/WhatsUp/Planets.htm | |
55. Astronomy Center Main Level general Public. Subjects Astronomy / Terrestrial planets / Mars;Astronomy / None; Astronomy / Planetary Astronomy; Astronomy / Space http://www.compadre.org/astronomy/search/search.cfm?gs=222&SS=579&b=1 |
56. Astronomy Center Subjects Astronomy / general Astronomy / Celestial Mechanics; Astronomy /Terrestrial planets; Astronomy / general Astronomy / Lunar Phases http://www.compadre.org/astronomy/search/search.cfm?gs=222&SS=587&b=1 |
57. The Last Domain VGA Planets Solar Federation (general) Bohemian Class Survey Ship Will make planetswarmer until climate type 50 is reached. Eros Class Research Vessel Will make http://www.thelastdomain.com/tldraceguides-general.asp?Race=1 |
58. The Last Domain VGA Planets Bird Men (general). general Advantages Ships Info The Birdmen are verygood at spying on enemy planets. They can use their http://www.thelastdomain.com/tldraceguides-general.asp?Race=3 |
59. ASP: Good Astronomy Activities On The WWW planets and Satellites general. Changing Faces Solar Planetary Rotation.Students model and explore how we tell a body in space is rotating. http://www.astrosociety.org/education/activities/astroacts03.html | |
60. Planets Alignments In 2000 - Griffith Observatory Prophecies of chaos, whether triggered by planets or not, will be part of thegeneral An especially good general treatment is at the National Solar http://www.griffithobs.org/SkyAlignments.html | |
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