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81. The Baldwin Project: Buccaneers And Pirates Of Our Coasts By Frank R. Stockton A Pirate of the Gulf from buccaneers and pirates of Our Coasts by Frank R.Stockton. But upon one point these privateers, who so often acted as pirates, http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=stockton&book=buccaneers&story=gulf |
82. ABC-CLIO Online Catalog pirates and privateers of the Americas the lives and timesof the most colorful buccaneers from the mid17th to early 18th centuries. http://www.abc-clio.com/products/overview.aspx?productid=109556 |
83. 'Pirates Of The Americas' Page At Spirit Of America Bookstore While the pirates, buccaneers, privateers corsairs of the XVIIth and XVIIIthCenturies were often British or French or Spanish, the skulland-crossbones http://www.genordell.com/stores/spirit/pirates.htm | |
84. Pirates: Terror On The High Seas (by Angus Konstam: Dead Men Tell No Tales.com books pirates 16601730, buccaneers 1620-1700 and privateers and pirates1730-1830. privateers pirates 1730-1830. Introduction. Chronology http://www.deadmentellnotales.com/page/DM/PROD/GN/PTHS2 | |
85. Privateers & Pirates, 1730-1830: Dead Men Tell No Tales.com This book describes the world of privateers and pirates in detail, exploringtheir ships, (aka Pirate 16601730), buccaneers (aka buccaneers 1620-1700), http://www.deadmentellnotales.com/page/DM/PROD/GN/PP | |
86. Journal Of Social History: Rum, Sodomy, And The Lash: Piracy, Sexuality, And Mas Chapter two opens by making essential distinctions among buccaneers, privateers,and pirates, then sketches what the author calls the piratical subject, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2005/is_1_35/ai_79151305 | |
87. Cruise Critic Message Boards - Privates And Buccaneers privateers are legalized pirates where as buccaneers are more renegades whopillage without regard. as it was explained to me. Caroline http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=212779 |
88. Pirates, Buccaneers & Privateers - An English Graphical Bibliography pirates, buccaneers privateers An English Graphical Bibliography (BlackPirate Library paperback digest) published by Gaywood Press (Hank Janson http://larryvoyer.com/Piratical/pirate pages/pulp-paperbacks.htm | |
89. Pirates, Buccaneers & Privateers - An English Graphical Bibliography pirates, buccaneers privateers An English Graphical Bibliography. - DIMENOVELS, PENNY DREADFULS and PULPS-. Chronology of Pirate related Penny http://larryvoyer.com/Piratical/pirate pages/dime_novels_pennys3.htm | |
90. Cap'n Eli's Online School Of Swashbuckling By the late 1600 s however, the buccaneers as an organised pirate force were dying privateers could claim that they were not mere pirates as they were http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~elliottk/pirate/vocab.html | |
91. Pirates At Astros I have been on a pirate theme all semester (due almost entirely to my to admitsome longstanding affection for buccaneers, privateers and the like). http://www.aspma.com/term/pirates-at-astros.html | |
92. What's New Aug 8, 2005 Pirate History Famous pirates, privateers, buccaneers, and CorsairsS. Jul 17, 2005 - Pirate Festivals-Renaissance Faire http://search.freefind.com/find.html?id=48621011&w=0&p=0 |
93. Bibliography pirates privateers Cindy Vallar s monthly articles on piracy Also containsExquemelin s The buccaneers of America. Jolly Roger Pirate Journal http://www.crimeculture.com/earlyunderworlds/Contents/Bibliography.html | |
94. Tortuga Most of the pirates/privateers are English or French. Eventually the buccaneerswere privateers only in name and attacked anything that wasn t French. http://blindkat.hegewisch.net/pirates/tortuga.html | |
95. Port Royal Privateers Membership is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who has an interest inpirates, buccaneers, privateers and the like. Dues are nominal at $30 for the http://www.portroyalprivateers.org/ | |
96. Port Royal Privateers Membership Application Membership is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who has an interest inpirates, buccaneers, privateers and the like. Please copy and paste the text in http://www.portroyalprivateers.org/appl.htm | |
97. Books Of Biographics Of Pirates & Privateers Biographies of pirates privateers. (** = Book is in editor s library) The biography of the buccaneer, naturalist, explorer, who sailed around the http://www.noquartergiven.net/bibl5.htm | |
98. PIRATES privateers had letters of marque. These letters could save them from punishment.One of the most dreaded pirates of all was Edward Teach, or Blackbeard. http://ecani.com/pirates/ | |
99. Pirate -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article pirates with commissions from a government are called privateers or (A pirate (A Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West Indies for the http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/p/pi/pirate.htm | |
100. Napoleonic Books Privateers And Pirates 1730 To 1830 Osprey Click to Buy privateers and pirates, 17301830. The tales of pirates and buccaneershave grabbed the attention of most at some stage or another, http://www.napoleonguide.com/books_osp_privateers.htm |
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