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61. Pirates! Exhibition Press Release - Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society And Mus paint a richly evocative portrait of the buccaneers, pirates, and privateers The role played by Âlegitimized pirates or privateers in the American http://www.melfisher.org/piratepressrelease.htm | |
62. Research Unlimited - Order Toll-Free 1-800-345-8588 - Pirates Of all the pirates who sailed the Spanish Main, the buccaneers were the mostpicturesque. pirates AND privateers OF THE CARIBBEAN, Jennifer Marx. http://research-unlimited.com/pirates.html | |
63. Pirates Homepage pirates, buccaneers and privateers find out what these terms mean. Some famouspirates - Henry Morgan, Blackbeard, William Kidd, Bartholomew Roberts, http://www.rochedalss.qld.edu.au/pirates/ | |
64. Pirates Of The Spanish Main pirates, privateers, and buccaneers Informational page with a few graphics.Isle of Tortuga A treasure trove of information and resouces. http://www.sonic.net/~press/ | |
65. Pirates Of The Caribbean : Buccaneers,Privateers,Freebooters And Filibusters 149 Translate this page pirates of the Caribbean buccaneers,privateers,Freebooters andFilibusters 1493-1720 by Apestegui, Cruz Chartwell Books ?\Books. http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/htmy/0785815864.html | |
66. Ocean Mysteries, Legends And Lore Pirate s Plunders Devoted to pirates, buccaneers and privateers. piratesprivateers, buccaneers A look at crime in the name of profit with definitions, http://www.floridasmart.com/sciencenature/ocean/mystery.htm | |
67. Caribbean Pirates These ship captains were known as privateers, legal pirates who turned over aportion The Spanish believed they could force the buccaneers to leave by http://www.mrdowling.com/710-pirates.html | |
68. When The War Ended In 1713, Many Former Privateers Became Pirates, And When the war ended in 1713, many former privateers became pirates, and it was not Beef Island was reputed to be the haunt of renegades and buccaneers, http://www.windsurfing.vi/pirates.htm | |
69. DMS: Pirates Edward England. Captain Edward England. pirates, buccaneers, privateers Swashbucklers Edward Englnd, Edward Seegar, pirates, pirate history http://www.fcasd.edu/schools/dms/pirates.htm | |
70. Under The Black Flag Visitors will learn about the often blurry distinctionsbetween pirates, buccaneers, privateers, and corsairs, and discover thesometimes surprising http://www.antiquesandthearts.com/archive/flag.htm | |
71. Skull Bones, The Jolly Roger Pirate Flag The Jolly Roger flag (or the Jolie Rouge), and its history from the KnightsTemplar to the pirates, buccaneers, corsairs, and privateers of the 16th century http://www.skullandcrossbones.org/ |
72. The Pirates Hold - Pirate Sources buccaneers and pirates of Our Coasts, Frank R. Stockton, on the prevailingattitudes toward pirates and privateers at the turn of the 18th century. http://pirateshold.buccaneersoft.com/pirate_sources.html | |
73. Www.myspace.com/scpc MySpace Profile Southern California Pirate Coalition, 99 years old, Male, SOUTHERN, pirates, buccaneers, privateers, and Corsairs From So Cal http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=192715 |
74. Famous Pirates, Privateers, And Pirate History Some pirates or Âprivateers such as Sir Francis Drake preyed upon ships of acertain At his death in 1688, there were very few of the buccaneers left. http://ga.essortment.com/famouspiratesp_rouj.htm | |
75. We Make History Proudly Presents The 2005 Buccaneers' Ball buccaneers, swashbucklers, pirates, privateers, freebooters They all sailed TheSpanish Main during their heyday of 16501725. http://www.wemakehistory.com/2005BuccaneersBall/2005BuccaneersBall.htm | |
76. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Atlantic Ocean buccaneers Helgoland Bight, Battle of Jutland, Battle of Monitor v. Virginia pirates, corsairs and privateers http://encarta.msn.com/related_761574942_22/naval_warfare_on_Atlantic_Ocean.html | |
77. The Pirate Webring While the pirates, buccaneers, privateers corsairs of the XVIIth and Bonny s buccaneers are the roughest and toughest pirates and privateers in the http://a.webring.com/go?ring=piracy;id=60;random |
78. Treasure Island Contains basic information on pirates, buccaneers, privateers, some famous pirates,and BartholomewÂs Articles which show the rules for his crew. http://english.byu.edu/Novelinks/Novel Pages/Treasure Island.htm | |
79. MGPL Webrary® - Pirate Books The Sea Rovers pirates, privateers and buccaneers. Masefield, John. pirates!Brigands, buccaneers, and privateers in Fact, Fiction and Legend http://www.webrary.org/rs/flbklists/pirates.html | |
80. The Pirate Ring Bonny,s buccaneers are the roughest and toughest pirates and privateers in thepirate world. We entertain at events with fights, cannon, flintlocks and http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=pirate;action=list |
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