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41. Encyclopedia: Piracy pirates who operated in the West Indies were known as buccaneers. pirates withcommissions from a government are called privateers or corsairs, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Piracy | |
42. Pirates_page pirates Brief information on pirates, buccaneers and privateers - includes pirates, privateers, buccaneers - A look at piracy in North America and the http://www.ability.org.uk/pirates.html | |
43. Pirates And Privateers Links pirates and buccaneers in the History of Panama Summaries of famous piratesand privateers of the 17th and 18th centuries, pirate flags, and pirate http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/pirates | |
44. Pirates And Privateers Articles The original buccaneers were hunters who lived on Hispaniola in the Caribbean . pirates and privateers http//www.suite101.com/articles.cfm/pirates http://www.suite101.com/articles.cfm/pirates | |
45. UoR Part-time Prospectus - Pirates Or Privateers? Buccaneering In The Irish Sea How close are our romantic ideas of pirates, buccaneers and privateers to reality?This dayschool investigates activities in the Irish Sea from 1763 to 1785 http://www.rdg.ac.uk/conted/parttime05/CD1SC1005.htm | |
46. Continuing Education - Pirates Or Privateers? Buccaneering In The Irish Sea 1763 How close are our romantic ideas of pirates, buccaneers and privateers to reality?This dayschool investigates maritime activities in the Irish Sea from http://www.rdg.ac.uk/conted/course05/CD1SC1005SYL.htm | |
47. Pirates In Paradise Festival, Key West Once again, Key West and The Florida Keys will play host to pirates, buccaneers,privateers and other nefarious Brethren of the Coast from around the world. http://piratesinparadise.com/entertainment/ | |
48. Pirates From The Book Palace pirates Of The Caribbean buccaneers, privateers, Freebooters and Filibusters14901720, pirates Of The Caribbean buccaneers, privateers, Freebooters and http://www.bookpalace.com/acatalog/Home_Pirates_505.html | |
49. Pojo's WizKids Pirates Of The Spanish Main Constructable Strategy Game - News, T Your source for info, tips, and fun about regarding the pirates of the The Seven Seas are a dangerous place, full of buccaneers, privateers and Ghosts. http://www.pojo.com/pirates/index.shtml | |
50. Research Guide M4: Pirates And Privateers: NMM PORT Cordingly, D, pirates An illustrated history of privateers, buccaneers and piratesfrom the sixteenth century to the present (Salamander 1996) 341.362.1 http://www.port.nmm.ac.uk/research/m4.html | |
51. Pirates And Privateers Of The Caribbean: New & Used Books Search Result For Pira pirates of the Caribbean buccaneers,privateers,Freebooters and Filibusters14931720 By Cruz Apestegui Hardcover / 238 Pages / Chartwell Books / September http://www.fetchbook.info/Pirates_And_Privateers_Of_The_Caribbean.html | |
52. Pirates In The Bahamas from cow catching buccaneers and privateers to down right pirates who privateers were distinguished from pirates (but often times worked at http://islands.thebahamian.com/pirates.html | |
53. Pirate And Buccaneer Biographies pirates, buccaneers privateers like Blackbeard, long John Silver, Anne Bonny,Black Sam Bellamy, Sir Francis Drake, Captian William Kidd, Captain, http://www.blacksheepancestors.com/pirates/ | |
54. Pirates!: Brigands, Buccaneers, And Privateers In Fact, Fiction, And Legend reference author, title, language for ISBN0816027617 pirates! Brigands,buccaneers, And privateers In Fact, Fiction, And Legend. http://my.linkbaton.com/isbn/0816027617 | |
55. Barrie to give vivid narratives of buccaneers, privateers, and just plain pirates . A close look at three infamous buccaneers and pirates Henry Morgan, http://www.piratehunter.info/pirateweb4.htm | |
56. SpadeSearch Results Listings-PIRATES- Legendspirates and privateers - The romantic pirates, buccaneers, and privateerswe grew up on may bear little resemblance to the reality, here is a guide http://www.mralliance.org/listings_piracy.htm | |
57. Fortunecity - Down Page The actions of these privateers/pirates was one of the reasons that Philip 1603 led to the replacement of privateers by bands of lawless buccaneers such http://victorian.fortunecity.com/manet/394/page24.htm | |
58. Pirates!: Fact, General History buccaneers and they were usually distinguished from privateers, who had official The buccaneers were pirates who, during the 16th and 17th centuries, http://www.piratesinfo.com/fact/general_(4).html | |
59. History Of Piracy pirates information, history of piracy and pirates, famous pirates. buccaneers and they were usually distinguished from privateers, who had official http://www.piratesinfo.com/detail/detail.php?article_id=44 |
60. Not Just For Kids Page Sea robbers have been called by many namespirates, buccaneers, corsairs, (A clearinghouse for info on pirates, privateers, and nautical history.) http://users.safeaccess.com/olsen/njfkpirates.html | |
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