The Sun Artist Takes A Walk by Bob Miller Preface Bob Miller first started taking friends outside the Exploratorium to show them his discoveries about images and sunlight in the summer of 1975. At the time, he was building the exhibit Holes In A Wall and was fascinated with the way single images of the sun that shone through pinholes could combine in so many unexpected ways. It wasn't long before Bob became convinced that all light is in the form of images. He set out to show this in a whole series of exhibit sculptures that include Image Mosaic, Christmas Tree Balls, Sophisticated Shadows and many others. Over the years, Bob's Image Walk has evolved into an Exploratorium institution. It has been nourished continually by the comments and questions of visitors, interns, Explainers and Exploratorium staff. An Image Walk can last an hour, or a day. It always begins outside the museum with a single image of the sun, and it ends inside with exhibits on images and shadows. It can lead almost anywhere. Bob Miller has created many of the best-loved exhibits on light and color, including the Sun Painting. Science Learning Network Inquiry Resources Exploratorium | |