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81. Apple - Support - IMovie
iMovie tutorials Through the use of easyto-follow movies, step-by-step instructions, Share your feedback with us and help make iMovie even better.
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82. StudyWorks! Online : Press Release: MathSoft To Host The Physics Classroom
“The physics Classroom complements the StudyWorks online Web site, The physicsClassroom includes “The physics Tutorial” covering all concepts of basic,,NAV9-53_SAR1219,00.shtml

News and Reviews
StudyWorks! Video News Release
Business Week Online Finds StudyWorks Eases Math and Science Work
MathSoft Awards StudyWorks Grant to Brady Independent School District ... Classroom Resources
Press Release: MathSoft to Host the Physics Classroom
Physics Tutorial to Continue as Top Resource for High School Physics Students Through StudyWorks! Online, July 31, 2001
The Physics Classroom ), an extremely popular tutorial Web site written for high school physics students. The Physics Classroom will supplement MathSoft's StudyWorks Web site (, a leading educational site devoted to math and science education for students in grades 6-12. The Physics Classroom, originally developed as a volunteer project in 1996, was created by physics teacher Tom Henderson at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois. Due to the site's popularity, the server load became excessive for the school to support. Rather than dismantle the site, which receives over 1,000 visitors per day and is linked to by approximately 750 other Web sites, the school began to search for a host to support The Physics Classroom. MathSoft, the developer of the award-winning StudyWorks! product lines, was selected because of the complementary nature of its Web site, its high quality math and science software products and its pioneering use of collaborative e-learning technology to advance math and science learning.

83. On-Line Technology Practice Modules - PowerPoint
Basic Slide Show Addition Slide Show Advanced tutorials Integration Ideas Giving a test A physics test covering the concepts of graphing linear,

Daily Dose of the Web
Links for K-12 Teachers On-Line Practice Modules Microsoft PowerPoint Anyone planning to use PowerPoint in their classroom should read Scoring PowerPoints by Jamie McKenzie.
Basic Slide Show Addition Slide Show Integration Ideas Slide Shows to Download ...
Get the PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft
Basic Slide Show - XP on 7/3/05 Basic Slide Show - Office 97 If you are doing professional development training with this set of lessons, download a pre-training and post-training survey to evaluate your training effort Handouts to be used to support teaching of Creating a short slide presentation including all graphics, but none of the navigation links found on each page. H andouts to be used to support teaching of Creating a short slide presentation including very few graphics. Use this is your printing budget is limited.

84. Tutorial Links
He has written a number of bestselling books on physics and Cosmology that are Provides an online physics tutorial. Explore physics concepts through a
Astronomy Education, Tutorials Click on any of these topics to go to that section Astronomy Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Glossaries Astronomy-Physics Glossary University of Oregon
Astronomy Resources on the Net Dictionary

CalTech Astronomical Glossary

NOAA Solar Glossary
Bill Arnett
Author of the Nine Planets, and contributor to many SEDS projects. His web site provides links to the Nine Planets, Web Nebulae, Messier Objects, The Worlds largest Telescopes, and many other useful links. Mr. Arnett has made many remarkable contributions to amateur astronomy.
Mel Bartel

Richard Berry
Author of, "The Handbook of Astronomical Imaging Processing" and, "Build Your Own Telescope" and many other exceptional books for the amateur astronomer. Richard is a member of the ISS-AT (Amateur Telescope) team and has been instrumental in the implementation of this project which is supported by the Astronomical League. T he International Astronomical Union honored Richard by designating Asteroid 3684 as Berry . Richard's educational web site and books are a good starting point for getting started in Astrophotography and CCD work.

85. Research In Physics Education
RET (Research and Education Tool) is a tool that we have developed to help delivertutorials. physics Logo Mississippi State University Logo
Department of
Physics Education
A dmissions
nline Forms ... aduate


raduate ... s ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WEB-BASED TUTORIALS Increasingly, the Internet is being used to deliver online courses and content to help enhance learning in offline courses. In science, and in particular physics, this use has included online activities that were meant to replace homework and sometimes laboratories. As a result, there is a growing demand for systematic assessment of the effectiveness of the Web-delivered learning environments. Our group is conducting experiments focusing on the efficacy of Web-delivered visualization tutorials designed to teach kinematics and optics. In our research, we get volunteers to complete media enhanced interactive tutorials and we compare their performance and attitude to a volunteer control group. We also examine the student interaction with the various elements of the tutorial by examining logs and by videotaping them. Along with these experiments, we have been collecting Force Concept Inventory data since Fall 1998 semester. We are hoping that this data will provide us with a baseline data for future research. We attempt to base our tutorials on results already published by the Physics education research community as well as results published by other education researchers.

86. Homework Helper
Jiskha Homework help The best homework help on the net questions, The -Learn basic physics concepts and review them in the physics Tutorial.
Search Net Facts Subject Index Facts Encyclopedia Newspapers USA/World ... HOME
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HOMEWORK HELPER Grades 1 - 6 Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12 College ... Other Homework Links ELEMENTARY - Homework Help For Grades 1 - 6 Homework Center READING
  • Children's Literature Web Guide - Massive and well-organized, with links to nearly every worthwhile children's reading site. WRITING
  • Common Errors in English - A concise list of the most common errors in English usage ARITHMETIC
  • APlus Homework Helper - Homework Helper will allow you to input a problem and your answer. It will then figure out if your solution is correct JUNIOR HIGH - Homework Help For Grades 7-8 Infoplease Homework Central MATH
  • BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper: English
  • The 50 States of the United States - A quick resource for fun facts about each of the nation's 50 states, including when they achieved statehood SCIENCE
  • Amateur Science
  • Mad Scientist Network - The mad scientists from Washington University Medical School in St. Louis will answer questions in 25 areas of science, from anatomy and chemistry to zoology.
  • StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers - introduction to the solar system and space exploration for youngsters.
  • 87. Search The Internet And Find Websites-The Library-University Of California, Berk
    online Tutorial and other help online tutorial and links to more directories ofall kinds. More subject directories. Suggestions for planning your Web
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    Full text of billions of web pages. All have AND default & accept " " to make phrases. Ranks by site popularity
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    searching Teoma Teoma Advanced Search Teoma Search Tips: For Boolean OR, capitalize OR, no ( ). Ex:  ucb OR cal Quotes or + before words searches common or stop words.

    88. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results
    PSIgate (Physical Sciences Information Gateway) is the physical sciences hub Educational material Gases Chapter Seven Science help online Chemistry

    89. (IUCr-Crystallographic Education Online) Educational Resources
    Crystallographic Topology 101, a tutorial by CK Johnson, The Topology ofCrystallographic Groups An Introduction to Crystal physics. by Ervin Hartmann
    Crystallographic Education Online
    Educational Resources
    Aperiodic Crystallography
    • QuasiTiler 3.0 by Geometry Center, University of Minnesota. QuasiTiler draws Penrose tilings and their generalizations.
    Applied Crystallography
    Biological Structures
    Crystal Growth
    Crystal-structure Analysis

    90. Illinois Online Network: Educational Resources
    The Illinois online Network (ION) is a collaboration of all community Simulations with 3Dimensional graphics can replicate physical demonstrations.
    Learning Styles and the Online Environment Everyone has their own "style" for collecting and organizing information into useful knowledge, and the online environment can be particularly well suited to some learning styles and personality needs. For example, introverted students often find it easier to communicate via computer-mediated communication than in face-to-face situations. Also, the online environment lends itself to a less hierarchical approach to instruction which meets the leaning needs of people who do not approach new information in a systematic or linear fashion. Online learning environments are used to their highest potential for collaborative learning which complements many students' learning styles, and independent learners have also found online courses to be well suited to their needs. Because learners have different learning styles or a combination of styles, online educators should design activities that address their modes of learning in order to provide significant experiences for each class participant. In designing online courses, this can best be accomplished by utilizing multiple instructional strategies. Below is a table of the most common learning styles. These descriptions reflect different channels of perception (seeing, hearing, touching/moving): Learning Style Preference for information acquisition Visual/Verbal Prefers to read information

    91. Frequently Asked Questions
    Physical Address. . . 00C0-A8-F1-79-8F DHCP Enabled. . . . . Yes To display these tutorials, choose help Tutorial Open Tutorial. Install issues
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  • 92. HTML TUTORIAL - Jump Start
    contents are sufficient to allow you to get a fairly sophisticated page online.The tips and suggestions focus on providing extra notes to help explain
    SURFING IN THE DARK ...A Beginner's Odyssey INTRO

    Offset HTML for Border Backgrounds

    This page: Topic 1 To minimize page size and download times, the article has been
    broken into several web pages accessible via the menubar above.
    Bells 'n Whistles Web Graphics The Tutorial is a
    Key Resource! (If you're viewing a hard copy, you may find this article on the
    internet at URL: ) ON THIS PAGE: General:
    Etiquette HTML Introduction HTML Resources ... Checking Your Work This tutorial is provided by Primeline Chemical Systems. Come see us at the Primeline Website! REMARKS W-h-a-a-t Ever find yourself reading about html and discovering that some crucial bit of information was missing...and saying to yourself; "w-h-a-a-t"? We sure did, and spent countless hours digging out the details. Stick with us, and we'll share what we've learned over the months in the School of Hard Knocks. Of course, everything we tried worked...NOT!! What we'll try to do here is share with you the pitfalls we tumbled into and the tricks we learned, and perhaps help to speed your journey. We want to be friendly, reasonably understandable, and at least a little fun...but to give you enough depth to do an excellent job with your html. Examples are explained in considerable depth to give beginners a leg up from the outset. We'll frequently say the same thing in different ways in an attempt to provide better clarity for different readers. Don't be offended if the language is beneath your own level of understanding!

    93. Internet Public Library: Mathematics
    arXiv is an eprint service in the fields of physics, mathematics, This isa set of rather in-depth mathematics tutorials, written at the upper-college
    dqmcodebase = "/javascript/"
    Subject Collections



    ... Mathematics This collection All of the IPL Advanced The study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities, using numbers and symbols.
    Resources about algebraic topics, including homework help.
    Calculators and Tables
    Mathematical calculators, computation, and tables, including math history.
    Calculus and Advanced Mathematics
    Advanced topics including calculus, fractals, and chaos.
    Geometry and Trigonometry
    Resources for geometry and trigonometry.
    Resources on the history of mathematics and famous mathematicians.
    Probability and Statistics
    Topics include probability, statistics, and uncertainty.
    Resources in this category:
    You can also view Magazines Associations on the Net under this heading. Mathematics e-Print archive
    "arXiv is an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. The contents of arXiv conform to Cornell University academic standards. arXiv is owned, operated and funded by Cornell University, a private not-for-profit educational institution. arXiv is also partially funded by the National Science Foundation."
    Ask Dr. Math!

    94. XRD And Crystallography Resources
    MDI Jade 6.5 help (in Adobe Acrobat Format) The Windows help file information XRay Diffraction online Tutorial Very mathematical tutorial from The
    To open this frame in its own Window, click here
    A Resource Page for X-Ray Diffraction
    This page is divided into five sections: Local Resources for Lab Users (a section), Crystallography and X-Ray Diffraction Tutorials, Radiation Safety Information and Tutorials, Crystallography and XRD Links, and Links to Vendor Web Sites. Some documents require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader which may be downloaded free from Adobe Corporation Note: For ease in reading, navigating and printing pages linked here, each of the links below will open in a new web browser window. To get back to this links page when you are done, just close your browser window and you will find this one below it.
    MDI Jade 6.5 Help (in Adobe Acrobat Format)
    The Windows Help file information accessible from the operator's console in Jade 6.5 converted into Acrobat PDF files with a Web-page index. Jade 6.5 is an incredibly powerful program, but a difficult one to learn about without some significant "offline" study. This is provided for that purpose. This is not openly acessible to users outside of our department.

    95. General Research Resources Subject Guide
    online guide or tutorial online help from search screens is available.Remote access Yes, via proxy server. MAS Ultra School Edition via EbscoHost
    General Research Resources
    Alphabetical List Subject List Quick Links Trials ... Proxy Server
    Subject List
    General Anthropology/Ethnography Art Astronomy ... Academic Search Elite via EbscoHost Description: Indexes and abstracts articles from 3,232 journals with full text for 2,037 sources, covering a range of academic areas such as
    Coverage: 1984-present
    Full-text: Yes, 1985-present for some titles
    Online guide or tutorial: Online help available
    Remote access: Yes, via proxy server or through BadgerLink BadgerLink Description: BadgerLink is a project of the Division for Libraries, Technology, and Community Learning of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Through BadgerLink libraries and the public can access online magazine and newspaper indexes and resources.
    Coverage: Depends upon the database
    Full-text: Some
    Online guide or tutorial: BadgerLink information available at

    96. UW Colleges Electronic Resources And Online Databases, A-C
    online guide or tutorial online help and search guides are available. Remote accessYes, via proxy server. Academic Search Elite via EbscoHost
    Electronic Resources and Online Databases
    Quick Links
    BadgerLink CQ Researcher EbscoHost ... Proxy Server
    Alphabetical List of Resources
    A B C D ... P - Q - R S T U - V - W - X - Y - Z
    Citation Linker
    If you have a journal or book citation and would like to see if the full-text for it is available online, select Citation Linker and enter the information you have. If it is available, you will be presented with a menu of full-text options. If it is not available online, you will be given options to either find it in the UW Colleges library catalog or request it on interlibrary loan via ILLiad.
    Accessing Restricted Electronic Resources From Off-Campus Via the Proxy Server
    For a general search tool to find out what database or databases index, abstract, and/or provide full-text content for specific periodicals, see the Jake service from Yale University. campus library for further information regarding accessing these resources via proxy server or for instruction on how to use these databases. - A - via Internet Public Library Description: Provides a step-by-step guide to researching and writing a paper, tips in finding information in cyberspace and in your library, and links to great online resources for research and writing.

    97. NCSA -- A Beginner's Guide To HTML
    Once you become familiar with HTML and check the many online and hardcopy Logical styles tag text according to its meaning, while physical styles
    About Us NCSA Alliance TeraGrid Expeditions Atmospheric Discovery Community Codes Performance Engineering Data Quest ... Scientific Workspaces Outreach EOT Community Partnerships Private Sector Program User Information Getting Started Consulting Training Alliance Resources News Access Online data link Newsletter Press Room ncsa
    A Beginner's Guide to HTML
    Primer intro Printable version Part 1 Part 2 ... Download the PDF version This is a primer for producing documents in HTML, the hypertext markup language used on the World Wide Web. This guide is intended to be an introduction to using HTML and creating files for the Web. Links are provided to additional information. You should also check your local bookstore; there are many volumes about the Web and HTML that could be useful.
    • Getting Started
      Getting Started
      Terms to Know
      World Wide Web
      World Wide Web
      Standard Generalized Markup Languagea standard for describing markup languages
      Document Type Definitionthis is the formal specification of a markup language, written using SGML
      HyperText Markup LanguageHTML is an SGML DTD
      In practical terms, HTML is a collection of platform-independent styles (indicated by markup tags) that define the various components of a World Wide Web document. HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee while at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva.

    98. Webmath
    Offers interactive homework help in prealgebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry,calculus, statistics, and real world math. From
    Teachers: Create online, autograded assignments for your students. Click here. Home Math for
    General Math K-8 Math ... Other Stuff
    Welcome to Webmath! Are you stuck on a math problem? We'd like to help you solve it. Here are three options we can offer you:
    • Click on one of the tabs above. You'll find over 100 instant-answer, self-help, math solvers, ready to provide you with instant help on your math problem.
    • Find a problem that's similar to yours by browsing through more than 1,300 completely solved math problems.
    • Ask a math expert about your math problem.
    • Quick jump to math help: Click to select Ask a Math Expert Calculus, Derivatives Calculus, Integration Calculus, Quotient Rule Calculus, Solved Integrals Coins, Counting Combinations, Finding all Complex Numbers, Adding of Complex Numbers, Calculating with Complex Numbers, Multiplying Complex Numbers, Powers of Complex Numbers, Subtracting Conversion, Area Conversion, Lengths Conversion, Mass Conversion, Power Conversion, Speed Conversion, Temperatures Conversion, Volume Data Analysis, Finding the Average

    99. Physics Tutorial By Roman Goc
    The aim of this tutorial, or kind of textbook of physics, This should helpin understanding physics and makes these Web pages the equivalent of a
    Physics tutorial
    by Roman Goc
    Professor of Physics at A. Mickiewicz University Poznan, Poland
    Physics is a very interesting branch of science. Yes, it really is. The only requirement for this statement to be true is that you understand the laws of physics. Once you understand them you will find physics not only interesting, but very useful. The aim of this tutorial, or kind of textbook of physics, corresponds with its title. The explanations of any physics problem in this tutorial start at elementary school level and continue to University student level. At any stage of studying the problem in this tutorial you can jump to more advanced explanations, skipping information you are already familiar with. Such a structure makes this tutorial more universal. There are numerous exercises and problems at the end of each chapter, some of them solved, some left as “homework” assignments. This should help in understanding physics and makes these Web pages the equivalent of a complete textbook - theory + exercises. It is an ambitious project to prepare such tutorial or, if you prefer, encyclopedia, or to put it even differently, a kind of online textbook of physics. Building it requires time. As I am still an active teacher at the University, I can only spare a few hours a week for composing this tutorial. In such circumstances completing this task will take some time. Therefore I will put new additions on the site as I write them. This means that each time you enter these pages there will be a little more things to study. All kinds of comments are welcome and every part of this tutorial may become better thanks to your feedback.

    100. DUMC Library - Searching CINAHL (Ovid)
    physical restraints elderly research. Identify CINAHL subject headings which The Ovid system will help you translate your terms to appropriate subject
    Main Searching CINAHL (Ovid) Scope of CINAHL
    Getting Started Formulating a Search ... Help!
    Scope of the CINAHL Database
    Cardiopulmonary Technology Physical Therapy Emergency Service Physician Assistant Health Education Radiologic Technology Medical/Laboratory Technology Therapy Medical Assistant Social Service/Health Care Medical Records Surgical Technology Occupational Therapy Selected journals are also indexed in the areas of consumer health, biomedicine, and health sciences librarianship. The database also provides access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of professional practice, educational software and audiovisual materials in nursing. The database covers 1983 to the present and is updated monthly.
    Getting Started
    The Ovid search system, developed by Ovid Technologies, Inc., provides a user-friendly interface for searching MEDLINE and the other bibliographic databases listed below. These databases provide subject access to articles published in professional and scientific journals. MEDLINE is the primary database for research in clinical medicine.
  • Open the URL
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