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Home - Basic_P - Physics Journals |
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81. PhysNet - Physics Related Free-access Journals PhysNet journals lists physics related journals, which are freely available (=free fulltext) on the net. http://www.physnet.de/PhysNet/journals.html | |
82. The American Institute Of Physics -- Physics Publications And Resources Online journals of pages of free and useful information on physics. http://www.aip.org/aiphome.html | |
83. Journals Of The American Physical Society Physical Review Special Topics physics Education Research; (5/6/05); Users of the APS journals on Scitation can now search all APS content from any APS http://publish.aps.org/ | |
84. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Australian Journal Of Physics A journal for the publication of original research in all branches of physics. Print journal is no longer published, but the electronic archive is available. http://www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajp/ | |
85. E-Journals In Physics And Astronomy - Physics-Astronomy Library, UC Berkeley Electronic journals in the physicsAstronomy Library. Access may be limited to University of continued by Journal of physics D Applied physics 1968 (v. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/PHYS/ejournal.html | |
86. PCCP A Journal of European Chemical Societies. http://www.rsc.org/is/journals/current/pccp/pccppub.htm | |
87. Publishing/Journals Resources - PhysicsWeb physicsWeb, The web site for physicists, physicsWorld, Institute of physics, Electronic Publishing, online products and services. http://physicsweb.org/resources/index.cfm/Publishing/Journals/ | |
88. SpringerLink - Publication Papers on the nature, the structure, genesis and functions of biological membranes, and on the physics and chemistry of artificial membranes with a bearing on biomembranes. http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00232/index.htm | |
89. Welcome To QCLDB II A literature database on ab initio MO calculations published in major journals of Chemistry, physics and Computer Science since 1978. http://qcldb2.ims.ac.jp/ | |
90. Nanotechnology Institute of physics monthly journal for aspects of nanoscale science and technology http://www.iop.org/journals/nano | |
91. Springer - Physics & Astronomy Applied physics A One of the Ten Leading journals The impact factor of Applied physics A (2.231) Applied physics B - An International Top Journal http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-10100-2-71132-0,00.htm | |
92. Trinity Physics: Welcome Course descriptions, major requirements, student resources, facilities tour and links to research journals and agencies. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phys/ | |
93. Wiley-VCH - Astronomische Nachrichten Founded in 1821 by H.C. Schumacher, is one of the oldest astronomical journal worldwide still being published. Features papers on a variety of issues ranging from cosmology, extragalactic research, cosmic hydrodynamics, stellar physics, interstellar matter, solar and planetary physics to geodetic astronomy. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2228 | |
94. Journals On Clifford Algebras And Physical Applications This journal publishes research papers and notes, expository and survey articles, book reviews, reproduces abstracts and also reports on conferences and workshops in the area of Clifford Algebras and their applications to other branches of mathematics and physics, and in certain cognate areas. http://www.clifford.org/journals/jadvclfa.html | |
95. Online Particle Physics Information - Journals & Reviews SLAC Library Online Particle physics Information. http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/pdg/journals.html | |
96. G-Cubed - Home Electronic journal of the American Geophysical Union and the Geochemical Society, which publishes articles related to the physics and chemistry of the Earth. News and FAQ, subscription information, instructions for authors and reviewers, and indexes. http://www.agu.org/journals/gc/ |
97. REVTeX 4 Home Page A macro package to aid LaTeX submissions to American Physical Society, American Institute of physics, and some other journals. http://authors.aps.org/revtex4/ | |
98. Nonlinearity Focuses on nonlinear phenomena in mathematics, physics and other sciences. http://www.ioppublishing.com/Journals/no | |
99. Physics Library Offering interlibrary services and document delivery, including online, collections include videos, UG theses, and Sci Fi. Databases and resources include Socrates, CRC Handbook of Chemistry physics, electronic journals for physics and Astronomy, SLAC-SPIRES, preprints and working papers, INSPEC at LANL-Article Index, 1969-present, technical reports, SciSearch at LANL-Article Citation Index, 1945-present, dissertations and theses, ADS Astrophysics Data System, Melvyl U.C.'s Library Catalog, ArXiv.org E-Print Archive and more. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/physics/ | |
100. Springer - Home The premier publisher of scientific books, journals, and electronic media. Specializing in medicine, mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering, life sciences, geosciences, and computer science. http://www.springer-ny.com/ | |
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