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41. Physics Journals And Newsletters physics journals and Newsletters. Physics Courseware Communicator Physics Education News American Journal of Physics Center for History of Physics http://newton.physics.wwu.edu:8082/jstewart/scied/physics/physjour.html | |
42. List Of Semiconductor Physics Journals â Steve Sque, University Of Exeter List of Semiconductor physics journals. Steve Sque, University of Exeter. A list of journals relevant to our research, originally stolen from the kind James http://newton.ex.ac.uk/research/qsystems/people/sque/journals/ | |
43. Inside CDL: Institute Of Physics Journals Institute of physics journals statistics. Institute of physics journals. Background Account Numbers Names With Corresponding UC Campuses XLS http://www.cdlib.org/inside/assess/external_vendor/iop/ | |
44. Cookies Required Compilation of physics authors that have published in American Institute of physics journals. http://authors.aip.org/ | |
45. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Physics/Publications/Journals The Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal A resource for cutting-edge issues PhysicsFinder The American Institute of physics journals Index - The http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Physics/Publications/Journals | |
46. Edinburgh University Library: Resources By Subject: Physics Journals University of Edinburgh Library enhancing teaching, learning and research. Resources by subject. http://www.lib.ed.ac.uk/resbysub/physjr.shtml | |
47. KCL: ISS - Physics Information Resources: Journals The following is a selection of the physics journals currently taken by King s, where a link is shown an online version of the journal is available. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/iss/schools/hlsp/pse/phys/physjournals.html | |
48. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Physics - Journals LookSmart.com version General Physics Magazines and Journals Offers a selection of 10 physics journals. Read abstracts and tables of contents, http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=217473 |
49. Health Physics Journal Highlights Archive Health Physics Journal Highlights Archive. Use the links below is view highlights of past Health physics journals. 1999; April 1999 May 1999 June 1999 http://hps.org/hpspublications/journalarchive/ | |
50. Physics - Selected Online Journals Key physics journals This is a selected list of the top ten physics journals as European physical journal. D, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics http://www.lib.muohio.edu/subjects/Physics/ejournals/ | |
51. E-Resources At PSU Library The following are fulltext journals in physics made available by the PSU Library. Journal of Physics G Nuclear and Particle Physics. v. 17- , 1991- http://www.lib.pdx.edu/resources/ejournals/physics.html | |
52. Physics / Astronomy Research Guide - Journals physics journals are housed at both the Seeley G. Mudd Science Library and the The following is a list of physics journals to which the Libraries have http://libraries.claremont.edu/research/rguides/doc.asp?doc=265&guide=32 |
53. Physics Journals - Physics Forums Physics Forums is a science and physics community. http://www.physicsforums.com/journal.php | |
54. Physics Journals - Physics Forums Physics Forums is a science and physics community. http://www.physicsforums.com/journal.php?s=&journalid=10196&action=view |
55. Binghamton Univ. Libraries: About IoP Electronic Journals (Institute Of Physics) , The full text of Institute of physics journals to which we have......IoP Electronic Journals (Institute of Physics). Full Text Content, Some http://library.lib.binghamton.edu/databases/info.html?id=458&subject=37 |
56. World-Wide Web Resources - Physics American Institute of physics journals and American Physical Society Institute of Physics Electronic Journals, offering fulltext access to 18 journals. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/physics.html | |
57. CAP Journals Canadian Undergraduate physics journals CAP Other Journals Canadian Journal of Physics Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Quebec Science http://www.cap.ca/news/journals.html | |
58. ALA | Internet Resources: Physics Many of the society publishers of physics journals provide electronic access to their New Journal of Physics. A peerreviewed, all-electronic journal http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues2000/march1/physics.htm | |
59. CNI 1995 Spring Project Briefings: TORPEDO Electronic Dissemination of physics journals and Technical Reports on The APS publishes some of the world s leading physics research journals the http://www.cni.org/tfms/1995a.spring/torpedo.html | |
60. American Institute Of Physics Journals Online access to the complete collection of 38 research journals published by AIP in all areas of physics, approximately 1997current. http://libweb.sonoma.edu/search/db/aiponline.html |
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