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         Physics History:     more books (100)
  1. Physics History from Aapt Journals
  2. A History of Physics by Florian Cajori, 1962
  3. From Quarks to Quasars: Philosophical Problems of Modern Physics (Pittsburgh Series in Philosophy and History of Science)
  4. Selected Stories: Physics-Astrophysics, Mathematics, History of Science by T. Rassias, 1982-03
  5. Center on the Periphery: Historical Aspects of 20Th-Century Swedish Physics (Uppsala Studies in History of Science)
  6. Fullerene C60: History, Physics, Nanobiology, Nanotechnology by Djuro Koruga, Stuart Hameroff, et all 1993-05
  7. American Physics in Transition: A History of Conceptual Change in the Late Nineteenth Century (History of Modern Physics and Astronomy) by Albert E. Moyer, 1983-01-01
  8. A History of Physics by charles reichen, 1964
  9. Science on the great plains: The history of physics and astronomy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (University of Nebraska studies) by M. Eugene Rudd, 1992
  10. Explaining quantum spontaneous symmetry breaking [An article from: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics] by C. Liu, G.G. Emch, 2005-03-01
  11. A History Of Physics by Charles-albert Reichen, 1970
  12. Project Y: The Los Alamos Story. Part I: Toward Trinity. Part II: Beyond Trinity. (History of Modern Physics, 1800-1950, V. 2)
  13. Kelvin's Baltimore Lectures and Modern Theoretical Physics: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives (Studies from the Johns Hopkins Center for the History & Philosophy of Science) by Lord Kelvin, 1987-09-22
  14. Physics & history.: An article from: Daedalus by Steven Weinberg, 2005-09-22

121. Physics In The Nineteenth Century
Although the final conceptual aim was to create a unified physics that Of the many influences on the development of physics in the nineteenth century
Physics in the Nineteenth Century
Diane Greco, M.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
arked by an ever-increasing emphasis on quantification and by a search for mathematical laws to describe observed phenomena, the nineteenth century encompassed a distinctive phase in physics research (or, to use period terminology, natural philosophy) both in Britain and on the Continent. This period witnessed the rise of the laboratory and of sophisticated techniques and technologies for measuring and eliciting phenomena, as well as the establishment of large institutes (such as the Physikalische-Technische Reichsanstalt in Berlin) to conduct physical research both for the state and often indirectly for private concerns. Although the final conceptual aim was to create a unified physics that is, to create a set of fundamental laws governing all physical phenomena physics also served the commercial, military, and political needs of different burgeoning and expanding industrial nations. At this time, the main objects of study were the so-called imponderables: light, heat, electricity, and magnetism. Although study of each imponderable was conducted quite apart from the others in the early years of the century, by the end of the century each of these objects was treated as "different manifestations of the same fundamental energy," as a contemporary, J. B. Stallo, put it in 1880. This shift from a physics of matter to one of energy occurred in concert with a gradual rejection of mechanical models of an ether.

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More Information

123. The School Of Physics At The University Of Edinburgh
Research details, contact information, resources for prospective students, and seminars.
School of Physics Feedback Text only Physics at Edinburgh is a world-class centre, with the 5th largest body of researchers in the UK Information For Information About Quick Links Prospective Undergraduates Contacts and Maps Prospective Postgraduates Research ... studentships now available in all research areas! WWW

124. Experiment In Physics
On the uses, value, and epistomelogy of experiment. By Allan Franklin, University of Colorado.
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Experiment in Physics
Physics, and natural science in general, is a reasonable enterprise based on valid experimental evidence, criticism, and rational discussion. It provides us with knowledge of the physical world, and it is experiment that provides the evidence that grounds this knowledge. Experiment plays many roles in science. One of its important roles is to test theories and to provide the basis for scientific knowledge. It can also call for a new theory, either by showing that an accepted theory is incorrect, or by exhibiting a new phenomenon that is in need of explanation. Experiment can provide hints toward the structure or mathematical form of a theory and it can provide evidence for the existence of the entities involved in our theories. Finally, it may also have a life of its own, independent of theory. Scientists may investigate a phenomenon just because it looks interesting. Such experiments may provide evidence for a future theory to explain. [Examples of these different roles will be presented below.] As we shall see below, a single experiment may play several of these roles at once. If experiment is to play these important roles in science then we must have good reasons to believe experimental results, for science is a fallible enterprise. Theoretical calculations, experimental results, or the comparison between experiment and theory may all be wrong. Science is more complex than "The scientist proposes, Nature disposes." It may not always be clear what the scientist is proposing. Theories often need to be articulated and clarified. It also may not be clear how Nature is disposing. Experiments may not always give clear-cut results, and may even disagree for a time.

125. SSDOO Education: Activities For Students
Space science activities for elementary and secondary students in astronomy, physics, life sciences, and space technology.
Space Science Activities for Students
The following activities are sponsored by current and former SSDOO staff members:
The following activities are recommended for students in the Greenbelt, MD vicinity:
Other Useful Links: Return to SSDOO Education home page Author: Carolyn Ng Contact Person: Nathan L. James,, (301)286-9789

126. APS Forum On Physics And Society Newsletters
Quarterly newsletter; articles on nuclear proliferation, nuclear power and energy policy.
Physics and Society is the quarterly of the Forum on Physics and Society, a division of the American Physical Society. It presents letters, commentary, book reviews, and reviewed articles on the relations of physics and the physics community to government and society. It also carries news of the Forum and provides a medium for Forum members to exchange ideas. Opinions expressed are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the APS or of the Forum. Contributed articles (up to 2500 words, technicalities are encouraged), letters (500 words), commentary (1000 words), reviews (1000 words), and brief news articles, are welcome. Send them to the editor or (for reviews) to the reviews editor. Macintosh disks (accompanied by hard copy) are welcome, as is hard copy. Editor: Al Saperstein; co-editor: Jeff Marque. For names of other editors, see the list of officers on the Forum Homepage. Layout: Amera Jones

2001 Issues Choose from...

127. Fortran 90 And HPF Programs
Fortran 90 and HPF Programs Related to the Book An Introduction to Computational physics , by Tao Pang, Cambridge University Press (1997).
Fortran 90 and HPF Programs Related to the Book
Book Title: An Introduction to Computational Physics
Author: Tao Pang
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Place: New York
Publication Date: September, 1997
ISBN's: 0-521-48143-0 (hardback); 0-521-48592-4 (paperback)
List Prices: $110 (hardback); $42.95 (paperback)
Other Info: 393 Pages; 7 x 10; 30 Line Diagrams; 5 Tables; 94 Exercises; Bibliography and Index Please Note:
  • No warranties, express or implied, are made for any materials at this site. Chapter 1. Introduction
    • Program 1.1 : One-dimensional motion under a harmonic force.
    Chapter 2. Basic Numerical Methods
  • 128. Women In Physics At Toronto
    Events calendar, articles, and links.
    Women in Physics
    at the University of Toronto
    Welcome to the Women in Physics Web Page at the University of Toronto. This page contains information about the Department of Physics as well as links to other sites of interest to female students. Many of us here in the department are striving to improve the atmosphere for women. Get involved! The support you can receive from other women in the department can only enhance your experience here at U of T.
    NEW: Give Anonymous Feedback to the GIC here!
    Summary resolution on enhancing the role of women in physics (from IUPAP General Assembly conference, October 2002)
    Statistics on Women in Physics in Canada in 2002 - Not what you may think!
    A Brief History of the Gender Issues Committee at UofT Physics! ...
    Women in Science Web Pages
    Check out the Women in Physics
    "Cosmo" Quiz
    This page last updated April 9, 2002 by
    Web page design and construction by Wendy Taylor and Erica Bird.

    Return to University of Toronto Physics

    129. AAS Solar Physics Division
    Greenbelt, Md Members, organization, news, meetings, contacts.
    Join now via HTML or PDF application form Get your e-mail via SolarMail Read the latest SolarNews Search the SPD membership list About the SPD Officers Members ... Links
    Next meeting:
    The 2006 SPD meeting will be held in
    Durham, New Hampshire, 2006 June 25-30.
    The meeting will be held on the UNH campus and a wide range in housing options from air conditioned, internet wired dorm rooms to the elegant New England Center hotel will be available. The LOC is considering a golf tournament and hikes on Sunday before the meeting. Durham NH is served by airlines flying out of Portland ME, Manchester NH, and Boston MA.
    Jim Ryan (LOC Chair), Ed DeLuca (SOC Chair)
    Past meeting:
    The 2005 SPD meeting, held jointly with the AGU's Joint Assembly in New Orleans, was a resounding success. Links to details about the Hale and Harvey Prize talks can be found on the new Prizes page. Return to the main AAS web page Last redesign 2005 August 25 - S. Cranmer
    Last revised 2005 August 26 - J.B. Gurman

    130. APS News Online Limericks
    physics limericks from the contests sponsored by the American Physical Society!
    This page has moved, please make a note of this.
    Your browser should automatically be redirected to the new location.
    If your browser does not move, click on the link below:
    APS News Online Limericks

    131. Acoustics And Vibration Animations
    Dan Russell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Applied physics at Kettering University in Flint, MI
    Acoustics and Vibration Animations
    Dan Russell
    , Ph.D., Associate Professor of Applied Physics at Kettering University in Flint, MI The links below contain animations which visualize certain concepts concerning acoustics and vibration. The choice of animations coincides with topics covered in the courses PHYS-382, Acoustics I: Sounds and Sources , and PHYS-482, Acoustics II: Sound and Vibration , which I teach at Kettering University. The contents (and links) of this page were last updated May 7, 2003
    Acoustics I: Sounds and Sources
    Basic Wave Phenomena
    Sound Waves and Radiation from Sources

    132. Science On High-Energy Lasers: From Today To The NIF
    An overview of science performed with high energy lasers, including five scientific areas (astrophysics and space physics, hydrodynamics, material properties, plasma physics, radiation sources, and radiative properties).
    Science on High-Energy Lasers:
    From Today to the NIF
    Facility Definitions

    Material Properties

    Plasma Physics
    Radiative Properties

    Richard W. Lee
    Richard Petrasso
    Roger W. Falcone
    To help you find specific subject areas, we have also provided a document map showing all the sections and subsections. Last modified on February 1, 1996
    If you have technical questions about this page contact: Richard Lee ( and Science on High-Energy Lasers: From Today to the NIF

    133. Physics 1996
    Awarded to David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, and Robert C. Richardson. The press release contains a good (technical) discussion of the superfluidity of helium3.
    The Nobel Prize in Physics 1996
    "for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3" David M. Lee Douglas D. Osheroff Robert C. Richardson 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize USA USA USA Cornell University
    Ithaca, NY, USA Stanford University
    Stanford, CA, USA Cornell University
    Ithaca, NY, USA b. 1931 b. 1945 b. 1937 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1996
    Press Release

    Presentation Speech

    Illustrated Presentation
    Other Resources
    The 1996 Prize in:


    Physiology or Medicine
    Literature ... Economic Sciences Find a Laureate: Who will win this year? Don't miss the Prize Announcements! » Games and Simulations » SITE FEEDBACK ... TELL A FRIEND Last modified April 14, 2005

    134. The University Of Michigan Health Physics Web Site
    Information and links from the University of Michigan health physics students.

    About Members Resources ... Additions/Updates Search: Quick Links Current Topics Introduction Research Resources Organizations and Societies ... Educational Resources
    Welcome to the University of Michigan Health Physics Web Site: An internet resource for radiation, nuclear, and health physics topics. The "Quick Links" menu to the left provides listings of resources and information on the following topics: Current Topics: Contains information regarding cellular phones, food irradiation, and depleted uranium. Introduction (to Radiation): Provides an introduction to radiation, terminology and its part in human lives. Organizations and Societies: A listing of radiology and health physics societies. Professional Resources: Provides information, company information and other resources for the health physics professional Educational Resources: A source of information for students interested in the nuclear and health physics related fields.

    135. Hyperspace Physics
    Visions of the otherworld from several paradigmatic perspectives. alanwatts aleph axis circuits chat crimethinc cybercraft DNA forum forum new hyperspace iching incunabula IRC status leary lilly login mckenna mcluhan news media meme oracle PDFA random RAWilson RSS sabbats shaman thoughtcrime updates warnings who's online To German To Spanish To French To Italian To Portuguese To Japanese To Korean To Chinese Random McLuhan/GlobalVillage
    Linked Documents related to Hyperspace Physics Physics: Big Bang Theory Black Holes are extremely cold Empty space has energy II. Ong's Hat: Gateway to the Dimensions! Michio Kaku on the Theory of Hyperspace Morphogenesis Physics/The Elegant Universe Physics/Try This At Home Quantum Resonance in the Synaptic Field Relativity State-Specific Physics The Great Timestream Bifurcation The infinite complexity of our immediate environment The visible universe could lie on a membrane Vacuum Density Wave Function of the Universe(s) PHYSICS

    136. Laboratory For Atmospheric And Space Physics
    Conducts basic theoretical and experimental research in planetary, atmospheric, magnetospheric, and solar physics.
    General Information Contact Us Staff Information About LASP General Information Contact Us Staff Information About LASP ... Employment

    137. Physics And Astronomy Reference
    Includes physical constants, online unit conversions, periodic table of elements, exact time, fundamental physical formulae and equations.
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    Physics and Astronomy Reference
    • from a heptillionth to googolplex: decimal multiples, prefixes, symbols and common names
    • Greek Alphabet all greek alphabet letter symbols, their names and english equivalents
    • Special Math Constants - Archimedes', e - Natural Logarithmic Base, - Euler's
    • Fundamental Physical Constants most commonly used constants in physics and engineering
    • Astro-physical Constants solar system data, current moon phase, and more ...
    • electron, proton and neutron data, table of nuclides and more ...
    • Air Composition gas composition of air
    • Coefficients of Friction static and kinetic coefficients of friction for various materials
    • Online Unit Conversion conversion of imperial and US units to SI, and physical quantities conversions
    • download sheets of equations, from simple math to complicated quantum relativity
    • Glossary glossary of physics terms, dictionary of definitions.
    • Online Periodic Table interactive periodic tables of elements, chemical data, etc.
    • Materials Safety Info MSDS and other chemical materials safety data sheets
    • current and past winners of prestigious awards in physics, astronomy, etc.

    138. IFE - Institute For Energy Technology
    Norway's national research center for nuclear and energy technology describes its research and development activities in nuclear technology and safety, physics, petroleum technology, energy and environmental technology, materials and corrosion technology, mantechnology-organization, and the OECD Halden Reactor Project.
    @import url(; @import url(; @import url(; Skip to content. home

    About IFE
    Advanced search

    Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) is the research institute for energy and nuclear technology in Norway. IFE's nuclear technology comprises all activities that are related to the Institute's two research reactors, in Halden and at Kjeller. The most important news from Institute for Energy Technology are listed below. Extended Teamwork
    IFE has performed an experiment to generate empirical data on this effect. This concept “Extended Teamwork” implies a concurrent focus on human-human and human-automation co-operation. The new MTO-Labs made it possible to represent an advanced design concept.

    OPC plugin for Picasso

    OPC is an established industry standard for automation and process control applications on the Microsoft Windows platform. During the first half of 2005 we have added features to Picasso to better support accessing data from OPC servers. Below is a brief description of the new functionality and a simple way to download a beta version with the new features available.

    139. Cookies Required
    A weekly multijournal compilation of the latest research on nanoscale systems. Published by the American Institute of physics and the American Physical Society.
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    140. Chemical Physics
    Publishes experimental and theoretical papers on all aspects of chemical physics.
    Home Site map Regional Sites Advanced Product Search ... Chemical Physics Journal information Product description Editorial board Audience Abstracting/indexing ... Special issues and supplements For Authors Guide for authors Online Submission Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Impact factor Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier ... Select your view CHEMICAL PHYSICS
    R.M. Hochstrasser, W. Domcke, H.P. Trommsdorff, G.L. Hofacker

    See editorial board for all editors information
    Online submission now available via:
    Comments and Proposals : We are interested in receiving comments/feedback on our journals but welcome publication proposals for books, electronic products, new journals and co-operation for existing journals. In all cases contact Dr. Egbert van Wezenbeek, Publisher. E-mail:
    Chemical Physics publishes experimental and theoretical papers on all aspects of chemical physics. In this journal, experiments are related to theory, and in turn theoretical papers are related to present or future experiments. The subjects that constitute the main areas of interest for this journal include; subject matter in the fields of spectroscopy and molecular structure, interacting systems, relaxation phenomena, fundamental problems in molecular reactivity, molecular quantum theory and statistical mechanics. In addition to regular issues

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