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21. Princeton University Press Physics Subject Area: Physics History And Philosophy physics history and Philosophy. Go to Listing by Title Kragh, H. Quantum Generations A History of Physics in the Twentieth Century. http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/physics/phhsphia.html | |
22. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Physics/History Center for History of Physics Has a mission to preserve and make known the The Net Advance of physics history - Review Articles and Tutorials in an http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Physics/History | |
23. Physics: History Science links to pages about physics history. The homepage of the Center for History of Physics at the American Institute of Physics links to exhibits, http://www.hypography.com/links.cfm?id=8658 |
24. Macquarie Physics History Macquarie physics history. The following links provide an informative, perspective on the history of physics at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia http://www.opticsjournal.com/macquariephysicshistory.htm | |
25. Macquarie Physics History for the first time in the history of Macquarie University an issue inherent to our very own academic environment Back to Macquarie physics history http://www.opticsjournal.com/macquariesciencequotes.htm | |
26. LII - Results For "nuclear Physics History" Results for nuclear physics history 1 of 1 Subjects Atomic bomb History Nuclear physics History Science museums Museums New Mexico http://www.lii.org/advanced?searchtype=subject;query=Nuclear physics History;sub |
27. Low Temperature Physics History Low Temperature physics history. History of Low Temperature Physics in Cambridge. The achievement of low temperatures is essentially linked with the http://www.phy.cam.ac.uk/research/QM/history.php | |
28. Department Of Physics: History Of Physics At Xavier History of Physics at Xavier. Quantum Mechanics Conference Time Share Computation. Physics professor teaching Former department members include VC http://www.xavier.edu/physics/history.cfm | |
29. Department Of Physics: History - Quantum Mechanics Conferences History of Physics at Xavier. Quantum Mechanics Conferences. Boris Podolsky A weeklong conference on the foundations of quantum mechanics was held at http://www.xavier.edu/physics/conferences.cfm | |
30. Department Of Physics History Followed by Atmospheric Physics and Xray Crystallography. Over the years many other research programs have been added in tune with the times with phasing http://www.bhu.ac.in/science/physics/history.htm |
31. Balochistan Online Directory » Science » Physics » History AAPT Committee on the History and Philosophy of Physics The Committee on the The Net Advance of physics history - Review Articles and Tutorials in an http://www.balochistan.org/dir/Science/Physics/History/ | |
32. Nobel Prize: Physics History Physics was mentioned in Alfred NobelÂs will as one of the five prize areas to be awarded. In his will, Alfred said that this prize should be awarded to the http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0313040/phys.html | |
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33. ENC Online: Curriculum Resources: American Institute Of Physics History Exhibits American Institute of physics history exhibits exhibits and other online resources for history of physics and allied fields. Grades 9 10 11 12 http://www.enc.org/resources/records/0,1240,031797,00.shtm | |
34. Science Blog Research News In Science, Health, Medicine, Space AAPT Committee on the History and Philosophy of Physics - The Committee on The Net Advance of physics history - - Review Articles and Tutorials in an http://www.scienceblog.com/community/phpodp/odp.php?browse=/Science/Physics/Hist |
35. School Of Physics And Astronomy Local physics history. George Green, miller and mathematical physicist, who was born and lived in Nottingham. Einstein s blackboard Newton was local too http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/physics/resources/history/index.phtml | |
36. The Physics History Page A Personal View of The March of Physics from Antiquity into the Third Millenium. As in the history of science, there are false starts, dead ends, http://www.math.kth.se/~trygger/physics.html | |
37. Science Forums - Physics: History Science forums with active discussion of current issues in science and technology. We welcome everyone. http://www.scienceforums.com/links/browselinks.php?c=147 |
38. Augsburg Physics History Augsburg physics history. In 1957, Dr. Theodore Hanwick left his post as chairman of the Physics Department at Rutgers University to start a physics program http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~steinmet/augsburg/pages/dept.html | |
39. Center For Space Physics History The Center for Space Physics was formed during the 1987/88 academic year by four faculty members from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering http://www.bu.edu/csp/csp_history.html | |
40. Upheaval In Physics: History Of The Light-Speed Debate - Helen D. Setterfield - While we are told in school that the speed of light is a physical constant, many physicists have actually found evidence that the speed of light has been http://www.khouse.org/articles/2002/423/ | |
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