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         Physics History:     more books (100)
  1. The Oxford Guide to the History of Physics and Astronomy
  2. From Clockwork to Crapshoot: A History of Physics by Roger G. Newton, 2007-01-31
  3. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, 1998-09-01
  4. The Trouble With Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next by Lee Smolin, 2007-09-04
  5. Black Bodies and Quantum Cats: Tales from the Annals of Physics by Jennifer Ouellette, 2005-12-01
  6. Forces and Fields: The Concept of Action at a Distance in the History of Physics by Mary B. Hesse, 2005-06-17
  7. Landmark Experiments in Twentieth Century Physics by George L. Trigg, 1995-04-19
  8. The Rise of the Standard Model: A History of Particle Physics from 1964 to 1979
  9. The History of Physics by Isaac Asimov, 1984-05
  10. Concepts of Space: The History of Theories of Space in Physics: Third, Enlarged Edition by Max Jammer, 1994-01-07
  11. Evolution of Physics by Albert Einstein, Leopold Infeld, 1967-10-30
  12. Quantum Generations: A History of Physics in the Twentieth Century by Helge Kragh, 2002-03-04
  13. Energy, Force and Matter: The Conceptual Development of Nineteenth-Century Physics (Cambridge Studies in the History of Science) by Peter M. Harman, 1982-04-30
  14. Thirty Years that Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory by George Gamow, 1985-07-01

181. Fusion Energy And Plasma Physics Research At PPPL
Fusion energy and plasma physics research at the Princeton Plasma physics Laboratory. Located in Princeton, New Jersey.
The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) is a collaborative national center for plasma and fusion science. The Laboratory is managed by Princeton University for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science. An associated mission for PPPL is to provide the highest quality science education in fusion energy, plasma physics, and related technologies.
DOE Office of Science Celebrates 2005 World Year of Physics Search
Contact PPPL

About PPPL
PPPL: Fueling the Future
2004-2005 Colloquium Series


August Issue
25th Anniversary Issue
Teamwork Credited

for DIII-D Fast-wave Milestone
PPPL Provides Small Plasma Lab to Goshen College ...
Licensing Agreement Signed to Commercialize Nuclear Detection Technology Developed by PPPL PPPL is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy is part of the DOE Office of Science and is managed by Princeton University. DOE Eurekalert USDOE and Other Fusion Links U.S. Fusion Energy Program Policy Information ... Download PPPL Logo Updated: 23 August 2005 Send questions or comments to Anthony R. DeMeo

182. Health Physics Instrumentation Collection
Photos and descriptions of radiationrelated items from the past, including dosimeters, electroscopes, ionization chambers, radioactive sources, safety posters, quack cures, geiger-mueller counters, fluoroscopes used to fit shoes, and x-ray apparatus.

183. Ask The Experts
Ask questions and check out the archives, organized by topic.
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Curious about physics and astronomy? Just send us your questions! Click here to submit your question Search Answers New Answers What 2 constellations or clusters of stars can we see all year long? How can you make oil sink in water? What is the Discrete Fourier Transform? What are quantum numbers? And how many are there? ... Does ozone occur naturally at ground level and is it safe to breathe? New Questions Try answering these questions: if your answer is good we will publish it and with three or more published answers you will enter The Experts Hall of Fame If there would be some antimatter in my bedroom and it would collide with matter, what would happen? - asked by: sebastian I've heard that there is a limit beyond which the polishing of a surface increases friction rather than decreasing it. Is it true? - asked by: Rajesh Which element contains the most isotopes? - asked by: Alla Shchirov Click here for more unanswered questions.

184. Exploratorium: Sport Science
Housed within the walls of San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts, the Exploratorium is a collage of 650 science, art, and human perception exhibits. This web section concentrates on the physics underlying sports.
What's the science behind a home run? Why do curveballs curve? Learn about the game Find out how this extreme sport is governed by the principles of momentum, gravity, friction, and centripetal force. Learn skateboarding history, technology, and more Find out how surfing the Web can help you surf the waves ; Make forecasts, learn about the physics of balance, and more. - Find the answers to common Sport! Science questions.
Ask Us Archives
- Answers to questions you've asked.
Missed the exhibition ? You can still read about it and view VR movies. Check out RealVideo clips of top mountain biker, Ruthie Matthes. Learn about frames and materials from a custom bike maker. Try interactive javascripts that calculate braking distances and energy consumption. And lots more!

185. International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP)
This program combines resources and scientific communities on an international scale using a complement of several missions, along with complementary ground facilities and theoretical efforts, to obtain coordinated, simultaneous investigations of the SunEarth space environment over an extended period of time.
What's Hot
General Info Science Participating Missions Curator: N. Jaquith

186. Department Of Nuclear Physics & Bio Physics
At Faculty of Mathematics and physics Address, email contacts, achievements. Some english links point to slovak documents.
Department Of Nuclear Physics and Bio Physics Nuclear Physics section Biophysics section DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND BIO PHYSICS phone: +421-2-65423446 Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics fax: +421-2-65412305 Commenius University e-mail: Mlynska Dolina www: 842 48 Bratislava 4 Slovenska verzia Slovakia Contacts
Komentáre k tejto WWW stránke odo¹lite na antalic Hlavná stránka:
Posledná aktualizácia: 28.8.2005

187. Quotations In Physics
Gathered by the Salt Lake Community College physics Department.
Quotations in Physics
Learning is ever in the freshness of its youth, even for the old.
All things will be in everything; nor is it possible for them to be apart, but all things have a portion of everything.
We are all inclined to direct our inquiry not by the matter itself, but by the views of our opponents; and, even when interrogating oneself, one pushes the inquiry only to the point at which one can no longer find objections.
St. Augustine:
If you do not ask me what is time, I know it; when you ask me, I cannot tell it.
Francis Bacon
Let every student of nature take this as his rule that whatever the mind seizes upon with particular satisfaction is to be held in suspicion.
John Ball: The idea that we shall be welcomed as new members into the galactic community is as unlikely as the idea that the oyster will be welcomed as a new member into the human community. We're probably not even edible. John Berrill: Everything that you could possibly imagine, you will find that nature has been there before you. Jean Bodin, 16th Century political philosopher:

188. Cavendish Laboratory HEP Group Home Page
Includes an overview of research activities, details of how to apply to be a graduate student, and information about health and safety issues.
High Energy Physics Group Welcome to the Home Page of the High Energy Physics Group. We are a part of the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge
23 August 2005 Two new theory Research Associate posts are being advertised on our jobs page (follow the theory link). 19 July 2005 A new Research Associate post to work at the ILC is being advertised on our jobs page HEP Group members and contact information . Come and see what we look like, and how to get in touch. How to find us at the Cavendish Laboratory (updated information 28 March 2002) and staying in Cambridge. How to apply to be a Graduate Student. An overview of our research in both experimental and theoretical particle physics. Seminars and Graduate Lectures (Updated 4 January 2005 with Seminars for Lent Term 2005, Joint DAMTP-Cavendish Seminar list and Graduate Lectures for 2004-2005) The Computing resources page (Rewritten 23 September 2004). Any posts on offer within the group? Check out our Jobs Page. (Updated 23 August 2005 - several RA posts) Health and Safety issues.

189. DRI Home Page
Research programs focus on water resources and air quality, global climate change and the physics of the earth's turbulent atmosphere, and humanity's historic struggle to adapt to harsh environments.
Search DRI Web About DRI


Annual Reports
Contact Information DRI in Chinese DRI on TV News History Maps and Directions ... K-12 Programs Conferences/Events/Functions Divisions and Centers Labs and Programs Libraries Research Projects ... Desert springs in U.S. west are coming under scrutiny. Under sponsorship of the National Park Service, DRI's Don Sada, aquatic ecologist, has developed a series of investigative protocols aimed at surveying and monitoring desert springs scattered throughout the national parks and historic sites comprising the Mojave Network. more Trans-Arctic-Ocean 2005 multi-national expeditions What is going on up there (in the Arctic Ocean)? The Arctic Ocean is the last major ocean to be explored scientifically. In summer 2005, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) is sponsoring several US scientists (including Dr. G. Berger

190. MathPages: Physics
Articles, leaning towards a mathematical description, on a wide range of topics in physics.
Phase, Group, and Signal Velocity
Lead-Lag Frequency Response

Potential Flow and d'Alembert's Paradox

The Hydrogen Atom
Math Pages Main Menu

191. Alternative Physics
Commonsense alternative explanations of so called relativity effects and many other phenomena. MS Word format.
This page is in the phase of reconstruction. Until I fix it, you can: DOWNLOAD WORD DOCUMENT
Alternative physics based on particles' internal energy model

Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, the page will be up soon. Miodrag (on May the 30th, 2000.)

192. Physics - The Complete Guide To Physics - Articles - Glossary - Examples - Help
Links to sites on topics ranging from quantum physics to biographies of famous physicists.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Physics Homework Help ... Help w(' ');zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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Search Physics From Joseph Andersen
Your Guide to Physics
FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now! Cash to attract physics students
"Physics students will soon be able to apply for a new bursary worth £1,000 a year to study at university.
The Institute of Physics is offering the bursaries to 300 undergraduates beginning their courses next September.
It is hoped it will give a boost to the numbers of students studying physics, by encouraging those who may be deterred by tuition fees."
Thursday September 22, 2005 KAPA - Katrina Affected Physics and Astronomy Community Bulletin Board
" A new web site, the Katrina Affected Physics and Astronomy Bulletin Board, has just been launched, under the auspices of the American Association of Physics Teachers, the American Institute of Physics, and APS.
This bulletin board has been created for Physics and Astronomy faculty, postdocs, and students affected by Hurricane Katrina. Its goal is to connect those needing temporary employment, housing, or other support to offers from secondary and higher education institutions, government organizations, and industry.

193. SDSU Physics Department WEB Page
Includes a list of faculty members, curriculum information, information on outreach programs, employment information, and related links.
SDSU Physics
South Dakota State University Physics Department
Department Information and Physics WWW Links

194. The Space Physics Group At The U. Of Washington
Faculty, students, and staff of the space physics groups at UW
The Space Physics Group
at the U. of Washington
Who We Are:

195. Welcome To The Durham University Physics WWW Site
General departmental information, admissions, research, and course work.
Can't find it? Try the Physics Index
Department of Physics, University of Durham
The local time is 05:07 on 25th-Sep-2005 Postal Address: Department of Physics, University of Durham, Rochester Building,
Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE
E-mail: Find out about Einstein Year 2005 here...
Advances in tiny magnetic microchips pave the way for smaller, cheaper and disposable computers
A team of researchers from Durham University, Imperial College London and University of Sheffield have created a basic computer using magnetic microchips rather than semiconductor electronics, offering a potentially cheaper and simpler way of computing for the future which could be put to new and useful purposes. This research, published in the prestigious international journal Science , follows the team’s groundbreaking first step in 2002 at Durham, when they managed to create a basic computer operation or 'logic gate' using a magnetic microchip. More... See also the Nanoscale Science and Technology group web site.

196. Philosophical Foundations Of Physics
Positivist view of physics, which had influenced the Copenhagen Interpretation of the Quantum mechanics (CI).
Rudolph Carnap (1966)
Philosophical Foundations of Physics
Chapter 23: Theories and Nonobservables
Source Philosophical Foundations of Physics (1966) publ. Basic Books Inc. Chapters 23 to 26 reproduced here. ONE OF THE most important distinctions between two types of laws in science is the distinction between what may be called (there is no generally accepted terminology for them) empirical laws and theoretical laws. Empirical laws are laws that can be confirmed directly by empirical observations. The term "observable" is often used for any phenomenon that can be directly observed, so it can be said that empirical laws are laws about observable. A philosopher might object that the intensity of an electric current is not really observed. Only a pointer position was observed. An ammeter was attached to the circuit and it was noted that the pointer pointed to a mark labelled 5.3. Certainly the current's intensity was not observed. It was inferred from what was observed. The physicist would reply that this was true enough, but the inference was not very complicated. The procedure of measurement is so simple, so well established, that it could not be doubted that the ammeter would give an accurate measurement of current intensity. Therefore, it is included among what are called observables. Empirical laws, in my terminology, are laws containing terms either directly observable by the senses or measurable by relatively simple techniques. Sometimes such laws are called empirical generalisations, as a reminder that they have been obtained by generalising results found by observations and measurements. They include not only simple qualitative laws (such as, "All ravens are black") but also quantitative laws that arise from simple measurements. The laws relating pressure, volume, and temperature of gases are of this type. Ohm's law, connecting the electric potential difference, resistance, and intensity of current, is another familiar example. The scientist makes repeated measurements, finds certain regularities, and expresses them in a law. These are the empirical laws. As indicated in earlier chapters, they are used for explaining observed facts and for predicting future observable events.

197. Experiences Of TheTwentieth Century Saga
The site provides useful resources on mathematics and physics.
From The Twentieth Century Nurses read and hear English with Dr. Spock Three Mathematicians: Muskhelishvili, Lamb, Joukowski What you want to know about Physics Books in German ... Australia's Discovery Books in English Numerical Analysis Kaliningrad 1965 Earth Sciences' Dawn At Adelaide's Flinders University Mathematics for Learners Rainer Radok

198. Physics Success Stories - American Institute Of Physics
Highlights the important links between federal funding for basic and applied research and development and their economic benefits to society.
advanced search Publications ...
RSS News Feeds

current issue The American Institute of Physics encourages physicists to become engaged in the political process. The following exhibits have been created by the AIP Media and Government Relations Division as information tools for scientists visiting and writing Members of Congress and other decision makers. Physics Success Stories highlight the important links between federal funding for basic and applied research and development and their economic benefits to society. NOTE: For printing purposes, there are no "back" buttons on the following pages. If visiting or writing a member of Congress, we urge you to obtain free, high-quality hardcopy versions of the Success Stories from AIP's Media and Government Relations division. Please e-mail

199. Quiz Hub
Links to online games, puzzles, and quizzes.
- The Fun Online Interactive Learning Center -
Things To Do
Daily News Quiz
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Geography Games
Math Magician

Sample Quizzes Spelling Pictures
Multiplication Facts


U.S. Map Game
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Members Account Password Chess Game Chess Puzzles Concentration Crossword Puzzles ... Tetris Game Quiz Hub - Where Learning Is Fun! If you subscribe to Quiz Hub, you will get access to hundreds of online interactive learning quizzes Subscription Information This website requires the Free Flash Player To make Quiz Hub your home page drag this link onto your web browser's Home button. Join Today Hundreds of Quizzes Subscribe School Free Trial You may copy this graphic. Useful Stuff High School Ace Teachers Hub BioChem Hub Kids Hub, Middle School Hub, and Homeschool Hub have been discontinued. High School Hub is now High School Ace : We Support Lifelong Learning 534 Village Blvd North, Baldwinsville NY 13027, document.writeln(unescape('%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%27%6D%61%69%6C%74%6F%3A%64%79%61%6E%6E%40%73%63%68%6D%69%64%65%6C%2E%63%6F%6D%27%3E%64%79%61%6E%6E%40%73%63%68%6D%69%64%65%6C%2E%63%6F%6D%3C%2F%61%3E'))

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