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21. University Of Pretoria - Department Of Physics - General Information Department of physics general Information. 1. Head of Department The Department of Physics became an independent department in 1909. http://www.up.ac.za/academic/phys/geninfo.htm | |
22. ...:::ICMP:::... General information, departments, Condensed Matter Physics online journal, publications by ftp, links, conferebces, workshops, seminars. http://www.icmp.lviv.ua/ |
23. Fundamental Physics: General Relativity Fundamental physics general Relativity. a number of parameters of General Relativity in new observational domains, and with much improved precision. http://www.rssd.esa.int/SA-general/Projects/GAIA_files/LATEX2HTML/node140.html | |
24. Journal Of Mathematical Physics General Editorial Policies General Editorial Policies. The purpose of Journal of Mathematical Physics (JMP) is to publish papers dealing with the application of mathematics to http://jmp.aip.org/jmp/policy.jsp |
25. Durham Physics General Info Page General Departmental Information Physics Database System (external access version) Absence register etc; Departmental Events Diary http://www.dur.ac.uk/Physics/general/ | |
26. Durham Physics General Physics Interest External Links Links to WWW Pages of General Physics Interest HEPIC (High Energy Physics Information Center, Fermilab) HEP Virtual Phonebook (Fermilab) http://www.dur.ac.uk/physics/external/physicsinterest.html |
27. Northern Illinois University Physics General Information GENERAL INFORMATION. Physics Colloquium Schedule Directions and maps Pictures Davis Hall Observatory News Archive. http://www.physics.niu.edu/general_information.shtml |
28. CDS Agendas - Browse Home Bphysics B-physics general, up. Available Agendas in this category IN THE HIERARCHY. CDS Agenda Home B-physics B-physics general http://agenda.nikhef.nl/displayLevel.php?fid=19&level=3 |
29. Carnegie Mellon Libraries Physics General Information General Information. eMATH; American Mathematical Society Home Page This is the information server of the High Energy Physics Network Resource http://www.library.cmu.edu/Research/EngineeringAndSciences/Physics/physgen.html | |
30. UCSB Physics: General Information Welcome to the Department of Physics at the Job Announcements UCSB Physics Department Jobs Other Physics Jobs Hanan Baddar Fellowship http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/GeneralInfo/GeneralInfo.php3 | |
31. UCSB Physics: General Announcements PHYS 22 General Physics. Physics 21 with a grade of C or better; PHYS 231C Advanced Topics in General Relativity. Prerequisite Physics 231B. http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/Education/courses.php3 | |
32. Helsinki Institute Of Physics: General Information The Helsinki Institute of Physics is a physics research institute that is The HIP research in experimental subatomic physics at CERN falls into three http://www.hip.fi/general/general.html | |
33. Physics General information about courses, schedules, student activities, degree programs, educational initiatives, and facilities with guided photographic tour. http://alpha.centenary.edu/ | |
34. Physics General PhysOrg.com science forums and latest news discussions. http://lofi.forum.physorg.com/forum12.html | |
35. Accounting,Accounting Other,Accounting Technician,Acting And physics general Physics Teacher Education Physiological Psychology andor Psychobiology Physiology Human and Animal Political Science General http://www.universities.com/Search/Degrees/Post-Masters_certificate/ | |
36. BUBL LINK Catalogue Of Internet Resources 530 physics general resources National Institute of Standards and Technology Physics Laboratory Net Advance of Physics Physics Around the World http://bubl.ac.uk/link/linkbrowse.cfm?menuid=6956 |
37. IPCF/Theoretical Plasma Physics General Welcome to IPCF s Theoretical Plasma Physics. What s new. Inverse energy cascades underpin the formation of coherent structures in continuum media such as http://algol.ipcf.cnr.it/ | |
38. Ebackfiles Publisher = Elsevier Science Subject = physics general. Select the starting letter of E BackFiles you want to Browse http://suhrida.library.iisc.ernet.in/ejournals/ebackfiles/elsevier.php?subject=P |
39. Session Information SPASolar and Heliospheric physics general Contributions I (joint with SP) Presiding GM Mason, Department of Physics, University of Maryland at College http://www.agu.org/cgi-bin/sessionssm05?meeting=sm05&sec=SH |
40. Researchers List Theme Statistical physics general Physics Mathematical Physics Keyword statistical physics general physics physics mathematical physics nonlinear physics http://www.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/IRS/ScholarList/ByField/field325_e.html | |
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