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181. Institute Of Physics Official site of the institute located in Petrodvorets with general and scientific information, also with personal pages. http://www.niif.spb.su/ |
182. Welcome To SINP MSU Official site of the institute located in Moscow, includes some information on scientific achievments of the institute, general information, staff and news. http://www.npi.msu.su/ |
183. Jobs At CERN And Recruitment Programs For Students, Fellows And Associates Human resources portal for CERN, the world's largest particle physics laboratory. (this replaces a broken link in the current category list) http://humanresources.web.cern.ch/humanresources/external/general/HN-recruitment | |
184. Race Sim Central Forums - Racer Free Car Simulation Provides current news and discussion topics on Racer in general, tracks, physics, and cars. http://forum.rscnet.org/forumdisplay.php?f=111 |
185. Institute Of Physics Publishing Text, monographs and reference works for the physics community, popular science titles aimed at the general reader. http://bookmarkphysics.iop.org/ |
186. PSYCHE: Volume 2 And debate on physics and Mind in general http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/psyche-index-v2.html | |
187. PC Gamer (PC) Review, by Daniel Morris There's just no getting over the iffy physics of the table and the general blahness of the whole package. Score 24% http://www.pcgamer.com/reviews/archives/review_2000-08-17ap.html |
188. James A. Yorke Professor of mathematics and physics at the University of Maryland, U.S., known to the general public for coining the mathematical term of chaos in 1975. Includes publications and contact information. http://www-chaos.umd.edu/~yorke/ | |
189. Center For Applied Physics Studies general information, facilities and funding, research, faculty, staff and students. http://www.phys.latech.edu/official/research/caps.htm |
190. Physics Department, Tufts University Offers undergraduate, master's, and PhD programs. Information about current research in high energy physics, condensed matter, general relativity and cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics, and biophysics. http://ase.tufts.edu/physics/ | |
191. ScienceDirect Info The search for supersymmetry probing physics beyond the standard model With the launch of the physics backfiles on ScienceDirect, breakthrough research http://www.info.sciencedirect.com/backfiles/collections/physics/index.shtml | |
192. Physics And Astronomy Department (Bowdoin) The Department of physics and Astronomy is located on the third floor of the Searles Science Building. Our department office is Searles 319, and the email http://academic.bowdoin.edu/physics/ | |
193. Bates Physics And Astronomy Department The study of physics, generally regarded as the most fundamental of the sciences, Introductory courses in physics and astronomy are designed to give http://abacus.bates.edu/Faculty/Physics/ | |
194. Wikipedia Talk:WikiProject Physics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia During the big cleanup in May CategoryGeneral physics topics was Some time has passed, so I nominated CategoryGeneral physics topics for deletion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Physics | |
195. CSC Course material in computational physics in Finnish and Swedish CSC books relevant for physicists (mainly in Finnish) Multimedia material http://www.csc.fi/physics/ | |
196. Quiz Hub Quiz Hub is the fun userfriendly online interactive learning center. http://quizhub.com/ | |
197. PHY211: Laboratory PHY211 logo. Java Visualizations Used for Lab Introduction Units in Mechanics Plotting Graphs Adding and Subtracting Vectors Sliding Friction http://www.pa.uky.edu/~phy211/ | |
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