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21. The Science House - What's New? Learn activities and demos to amaze your students! be offering an onlinegraduate level course for high school physics and physical science teachers. http://www.science-house.org/whatsnew/archives/whatsnew06092003.html | |
22. Curriculum Helper - MS General Science Keywords activities, biology, earth science, physical science archive ofquestions and answers plus a series of mad labs demos and links to other sites. http://www.ucls.uchicago.edu/resources/citesforstudents/Science/ScienceGen.html | |
23. The Science Spot: K-8 Update 2004 - Surfing The Science Web Explore this large collection of lessons and activities for physical science topics.30. NERDS physical science demos http://sciencespot.net/Pages/K8Update04.html | |
24. Physics Demonstration Road Show Special care is taken to reference activities and demos to specific chapters andunits Area of science. Physics, physical science. Target Grade Levels http://van.hep.uiuc.edu/van/Showdirectory/PDRoadShow.htm | |
25. Experiments And Demonstrations Hands On science Quick and Easy activities from the Southeastern MichiganMathscience Learning lots of goodies here including links to physics demos http://www.mpcfaculty.net/ron_rinehart/bwexpts.htm | |
27. General Chemistry Experiments - Physical Science Sites offering general and physical science are included, too, providing the About Homework Help Chemistry demos / Experiments Chemistry Experiments http://chemistry.about.com/od/chemistryexperiments/ | |
28. MAD.SCI Libe: Demos! Polymers Laboratory activities Dept. Materials science, U. Illinois includesvideo clips of science Hobbyist Physics demos Electricity, mechanics, http://www.madsci.org/libs/areas/demos.html | |
29. K-12 SCIENCE EDUCATION RESOURCES (Bill Beaty's Homepages) Project FREE index science ENC science lessons/activities links ncl physicsdemos Brown U. phys demos U. Texas phys demos MAC Physics Demo http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/edu.html | |
30. Science Experiments For Kids - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Science Beakman s Interactive demos If you have Shockwave you can join in these Here you will find science experiments and other handson activities to help K-8 http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/explore/sci.htm | |
31. Science Projects Experiments - Cool Ideas, Gifts And Lesson Plans From Steve Spa offers hundreds of science experiments and science demos that inspire theimagination and make learning fun! more physical science experiments http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/ | |
32. Using Physical Science Knowledge Use Scientific Knowledge from the physical sciences in RealWorld Contexts There are dozens of additonal science activities at this web site. http://www.svsu.edu/mathsci-center/gspsk.htm | |
33. Teacher Resources bullet, Newton s Apple science activities for all ages new! address bullet,UC Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations - Find demos used for undergrad http://www.reachoutmichigan.org/teachers.html | |
34. On-Line Tutorials & References Biology, Chemistry, Earth science, Math, Physics, Other scienceLink Physicslinks to lessons, activities, and demos. Usenet Physics Frequently Asked http://www.reachoutmichigan.org/learn/tutorials.html | |
35. Online Particle Physics Information - Education Sites Teacher resources include The physical science Activity Manual which contains Physics science Phys/Sci demos This Web site provides over fifty physics http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/pdg/education.html | |
36. CSMTE Links Whelmers (41 physics demos) science activities http//www.mcrel.org/whelmersWonders of Physics (demos+) http//sprott.physics.wisc.edu/wop.htm http://csmte.binghamton.edu/physicslinks.htm | |
37. IPL Kidspace: Science Fair Project Resource Guide Bill Nye The science Guy http//www.nyelabs.com Click on the Home demos link andyou can use the pull The Franklin Institute science Fair activities http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/projectguide/topic.html | |
38. Physical Science Demo Page physical science. Demonstration. Toilet Paper Spreader Bubble in a Bubble Bean Box or What s Up Doc? The Quarter Sandwich A Black Box in a Can http://scied.unl.edu/pages/mamres/pages/demos/physical/physical.htm | |
39. Coming Events - The Faculty Of Engineering, Physical Sciences And Architecture ( Information about events and activities. Physics Demo Troupe The UQ Physics Demo Brainwaves science Festival For activities visit the QIST website. http://www.epsa.uq.edu.au/?page=7587 |
40. Physical Science Revised Online Demo. View an Online Demo of physical science. Benefits For Windowsand Macintosh; Laboratory Manual provides activities that turn abstract http://www.agsnet.com/Group.asp?nGroupInfoID=a93929 |
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