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161. Wm. Kent Johnson, M.D., F.A.C.S., P.A. -- General Surgeon Houston general Surgeon. Offers descriptions, explanations, and treatments of common surgical problems. The importance of practice philosophy, scope of practice, and credentials are emphasized. (Texas) http://www.surgerydoc.com/ | |
162. Silver.Cat.Studios | Signs&Graphics | 215.917.8303 A downto-earth webzine covering environment, politics, philosophy, and life in general. http://www.thesilvercat.com | |
163. Powell's Books - Philosophy And Government, 1572-1651 (Ideas In Context) By Rich philosophy in history Essays in the Historiography of philosophy SubjectGeneral; Subject history 17th/18th Century; Subject history http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=0521438853 |
164. Yi Hwang (T'oegye) Article adapted from the 1994 Routledge Encyclopedia of philosophy, briefly discussing this philosopher's relation to Korean NeoConfucianism in general. http://faculty.washington.edu/mkalton/T'oegye.htm | |
165. Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Philosopher Biography and some general philosophy links. http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96jun/rousseau.html | |
166. Feminist Reflections On The History Of Philosophy-Springer Philosophy (general) Feminist work in the history of philosophy has come of age as an innovative fieldin the history of philosophy. This volume marks that accomplishment with http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-40385-22-33725194-deta | |
167. Index To The New Zealand Health Information Network Classes in hatha yoga and meditation, individual yoga therapy. Christcurch and Kaiapoi class locations. Site includes general information about yoga philosophy and practice. http://www.nzhealth.net.nz/yoga/index.html | |
168. Classics In The History Of Greek Mathematics-Springer Philosophy (general) Book This volume includes a selection of 19 classic papers on the history of Greekmathematics that were published during the 20th century and affected http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-40385-72-33842931-0,00 | |
169. Sparsabhumi - Buddhist And Indological Studies Selected Resources for the Study of Buddhism, Indian philosophy and Culture and the Encounter between India and the Western World (Buddhist Texts in Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Central Asian Languages, Chinese and in Modern European Languages, Sanskrit Literature in general, Other Indian Languages Texts, Buddhist and Indian Art and Western Classical Texts of Interest to the Indologist and the Buddhist Scholar) http://www.anu.edu.au/asianstudies/ahcen/coseru/index.html | |
170. Welcome To The Vermont Kung Fu Academy Teaching Yin Style Baguazhang in the lineage of Dr. Xie Peiqi. Includes curriculum, class schedule, staff, philosophy, guidelines and general information. http://www.vermontkungfu.com | |
171. Jiyushinkai Aikibudo Dojo locations, photographs, seminars, books and videos, teaching staff, philosophy and general information. http://www.jiyushinkai.org/ |
172. Troop 651 Boy Scouts Of America In San Marcos, California Includes links, calendar of events, general troop information, and troop philosophy. http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Meadows/4651/ | |
173. Rand Afrikaans University Department of philosophy Auckland Park, South Africa - BA, MA, MPhil (Ethics), PhD. In English and Afrikaans. http://general.rau.ac.za/philosophy/ |
174. Physical Arts - The Holistic Approach To Martial Arts, Health And Personal Fitne Extensive description and media on general martial arts training with information on martial arts philosophy and coming events. http://physical-arts.com |
175. BUBL LINK: Women In History Subjects united states history general, women in history DeweyClass 305.42 Subjects philosophers, women in history DeweyClass 190 http://bubl.ac.uk/link/w/womeninhistory.htm | |
176. Philosophical Terms And Methods Terms to know when studying philosophy. http://www.princeton.edu/~jimpryor/general/vocab/glossary.html | |
177. Martial Arts International Organization based in New Jersey, USA. Features class timetable, instructor biographies, philosophy, events and general background information of interest. http://hillsidejiujitsu.home.mindspring.com/ |
178. Pagan-Shadows More philosophy than not. general pagan information. http://pagan-shadows.tripod.com | |
179. Reporter 11/3/98: Regulations For Examinations: Notice By The General Board: Nat Natural Sciences Tripos, Part II, history and philosophy of Science philosophy and history of psychology and the cognitive sciences. http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/reporter/1997-8/weekly/5732/21.html | |
180. September 2005 Synthetic Zero A personal journal on art, philosophy, design, science, postmodern culture, architecture (in the general sense), ideas, events, observations. http://www.syntheticzero.com | |
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