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121. History And Philosophy Of Science And Technology 34200 history of Mathematics (3 credits). philosophy. 3050030600 history ofphilosophy I and II (6 credits) 32300 philosophy of Mind (3 credits) http://www.ccny.cuny.edu/HPST/Geninf.html | |
122. The Philosophical Society Of England Chartered to promote the study of practical philosophy among the general public , unconfined to the university system. http://www.philsoc.co.uk/ | |
123. International Institute Of Hermeneutics An autonomous, international, and interdisciplinary research institute, founded to foster and articulate a general hermeneutics, a task demanding an intensive interdisciplinary collaboration on a level that does not yet exist in the contemporary university. It has a particular concentration in philosophy, religious studies, and comparative literature. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/iih/ | |
124. Christian Philosophy And Apologetics general information on apologetics and Christian philosophy, email discussion list, essays, links, and recommended books. http://apologetics.johndepoe.com/ | |
125. Hegel's Lectures On The Philosophy Of History Full text of Hegel s Lectures on the history of philosophy. 11 philosophy ofhistory means nothing but the thoughtful consideration of it. http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/hi/hiconten.htm | |
126. The Stoic Forum International Stoic Society's Open forum. You are welcome to post practically anything you care to about the philosophy, content or aims of Stoicism in general or the society in particular. http://www.windowoncyprus.com/stoic_forum.htm | |
127. Edina Sedation Dentistry - Find A Great Dentist In The Edina Area! general dentist. Credentials, treatment philosophy, hours, map. http://edinasedationdentist.com/ | |
128. Www.aikiway.com Offers instruction on the application of Aikido philosophy to business, as well as general Aikdio instruction in Watsonville. http://www.aikiway.com |
129. Cognition And Xenodochy Home Page The philosophy of simple and mobile life including a synthesis of epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, general semantics, psychology, and motivation, with an explanation of the biological basis of prejudice. http://www.xenodochy.org | |
130. Pentagon Dental Group general dentists. Credentials, treatment philosophy, hours, map. http://www.pentagondental.com/ | |
131. Butler University The Department of philosophy and Religious Studies offers majors and minors in philosophy and religious studies as well as a combined major. The religious studies major offers students the opportunity to engage in critical and sympathetic study of various religious traditions, to study religious literature, to examine more general questions regarding the nature of religion, and to examine their own religious heritage and experience. http://butler.edu/philrel/ |
132. Cosmosofy Organization promoting a universal religion and ethical society. Information on its general philosophy and proposed changes in worldgovernment. http://www.cosmosofy.org/ | |
133. I. Philosophy. General Introduction. By Professor Ralph Barton Perry. 1909-14. L I. philosophy. general Introduction. By Professor Ralph Barton Perry. 190914. Lectures on the Harvard Classics. http://www.bartleby.com/60/141.html | |
134. The Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Draws from public domain sources for both its classic philosophical etexts collection and for portions of some articles. James Fieser, Ph.D., general editor. http://www.iep.utm.edu/ | |
135. Being And Becoming In Modern Physics Discusses implications of general relativity for the philosophy of time; by Steven Savitt. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/spacetime-bebecome/ | |
136. ClayGate 900 : History 901, Hegel, Georg. philosophy of history (SparkNote by Adam Rzepka). 901,Peter Rasmussen s history Page Historians and Philosophers http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/900.htm | |
137. Ãîáðî ïîæà ëîâà òü Ãà ñà éò ÃÃñòèòóòà "Ãûñøà ÿ à Official site with general information include educational programs, organization structure, and religious library. http://srph.ru/ | |
138. Baalbek general and subjectspecific philosophy resources, along with arts, news and travel links. http://www.baalbek.org/ | |
139. The Philosopher: Online Philosophy Magazine And Journal The Philosopher is the oldest general philosophy Journal in the world, and attempts to publish accessible articles that are philosophical in method. Associated with the Philosophical Society of England. Site includes journal contents and selected fulltext articles. http://www.the-philosopher.co.uk/ | |
140. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle Isaac Newton Resources (annotated links on Newton s history and works) (Isaac VoS will thus be an open platform serving the needs of both general and http://vos.ucsb.edu/ | |
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