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Philosophy General: more books (100) | ||||
141. Doctor Of Philosophy - General Regulations general Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of philosophy (PhD) In general, a single unit represents attendance once a week throughout the http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ar/students/post/phd.regs.htm | |
142. Brite Smiles Dental Care general dentist. Credentials, treatment philosophy, hours, map. http://www.britesmilesdentalcare.com/ | |
143. Master Of Philosophy - General Regulations Master of philosophy general Regulations as specified under section 8 of the general Regulations for the Doctor of philosophy (PhD) Degree. http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ar/students/post/mphil.regs.htm | |
144. Independent Living Resources / Family Village Links to papers on Independent Living philosophy and lists of Independent LIving Centers. http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/general/indpndt.htm | |
145. Philosophy Reference Sources The Edinburgh encyclopedia of Continental philosophy. general editor Simon The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy. general editor Robert Audi. http://www.bl.uk/collections/wider/philosophyopenaccess.html | |
146. Association Of Search Engine Spammers After much debate on we came to the general conclusion that having an Association of Search Engine Professionals was too hard to manage. Hence we decided it's far easier to have an association of Search Engine Spammers. Membership qualifications, application form, policies, and group philosophy. http://www.aosep.com | |
147. A1-Termpaper 1-800-Termpaper General Philosophy Termpaper Termpapers Term Paper Inventory of prewritten reports on the subject of general philosophy for academic research for students needing model termpapers dissertations essays http://www.a1-termpaper.com/phi-gen.shtml | |
148. Wm. Kent Johnson, M.D., F.A.C.S., P.A. -- General Surgeon Houston general Surgeon. Offers descriptions, explanations, and treatments of common surgical problems. The importance of practice philosophy, scope of practice, and credentials are emphasized. (Texas) http://www.surgerydoc.com/ | |
149. Institute Of Philosophy - General Admission Requirements Institute of philosophy Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. http://www.hiw.kuleuven.be/eng/admission/general.htm | |
150. Silver.Cat.Studios | Signs&Graphics | 215.917.8303 A downto-earth webzine covering environment, politics, philosophy, and life in general. http://www.thesilvercat.com | |
151. WU Libraries Philosophy - General Guides University Libraries Washington University in St. Louis. http://library.wustl.edu/subjects/philosophy/howto.html | |
152. DOJO - The Easy Way To Learn Karate Information and general philosophy by Ramona Iftode. Beginners guide, history, philosophy, club promotion, discussion forums and resources. http://www.dojo.ro/english.htm | |
153. CSU Libraries: Philosophy And Religion Resources Cambridge dictionary of philosophy / general editor, Robert Audi. Cambridge ; New York Cambridge University Press, 1999. 2nd ed. REFERENCE B41 .C35 1999. http://lib.colostate.edu/research/philos.html | |
154. Yi Hwang (T'oegye) Article adapted from the 1994 Routledge Encyclopedia of philosophy, briefly discussing this philosopher's relation to Korean NeoConfucianism in general. http://faculty.washington.edu/mkalton/T'oegye.htm | |
155. Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Philosopher Biography and some general philosophy links. http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96jun/rousseau.html | |
156. Index To The New Zealand Health Information Network Classes in hatha yoga and meditation, individual yoga therapy. Christcurch and Kaiapoi class locations. Site includes general information about yoga philosophy and practice. http://www.nzhealth.net.nz/yoga/index.html | |
157. Sparsabhumi - Buddhist And Indological Studies Selected Resources for the Study of Buddhism, Indian philosophy and Culture and the Encounter between India and the Western World (Buddhist Texts in Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Central Asian Languages, Chinese and in Modern European Languages, Sanskrit Literature in general, Other Indian Languages Texts, Buddhist and Indian Art and Western Classical Texts of Interest to the Indologist and the Buddhist Scholar) http://www.anu.edu.au/asianstudies/ahcen/coseru/index.html | |
158. Welcome To The Vermont Kung Fu Academy Teaching Yin Style Baguazhang in the lineage of Dr. Xie Peiqi. Includes curriculum, class schedule, staff, philosophy, guidelines and general information. http://www.vermontkungfu.com | |
159. Jiyushinkai Aikibudo Dojo locations, photographs, seminars, books and videos, teaching staff, philosophy and general information. http://www.jiyushinkai.org/ |
160. Troop 651 Boy Scouts Of America In San Marcos, California Includes links, calendar of events, general troop information, and troop philosophy. http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Meadows/4651/ | |
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