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101. Smithsonian Folklife Festival Pahiyas, A Philippine Harvest Pahiyas, a Tagalog word meaning gems or something of value given to strengthen a relationship, became a theme of a program that was organized, in part, to connect Americans, and particularly Filipino Americans, with the cultures of the philippines. http://www.si.edu/folklife/festival98/phil98.htm |
102. Alleba Filipino Directory Philippines Arts And Humanities > Performing Arts directory of websites related to the philippines, Arts and Humanities, Performing Arts. Gongs are found throughout the Philippine tribal cultures. http://www.alleba.com/Arts_and_Humanities/Performing_Arts/ | |
103. Tanikalang Ginto Www.filipinolinks.com Philippines : About The Philippines philippines Filipino Philippine Islands PI. Various cultural information on the philippines which includes visual arts, performing arts, literary and http://www.filipinolinks.com/About_the_Philippines/more2.html | |
104. Courses Lessons focus on various aspects of Philippine culture, as well as the social and Introduction to the cultural aspects of Philippine languages and http://www.hawaii.edu/filipino/courses.htm | |
105. Jeepneys No other icon of Philippine culture epitomises more the utter pompousness of the Filipino. For in trumpeting the jeepney as the symbol of our ingenuity, http://www.geocities.com/benign0/agr-disagr/2-jeeps.html | |
106. Institute Of Philippine Culture - News - Gender Relations And Household Economic Training Room, Institute of Philippine culture Ateneo de Manila University This presentation lies at the intersection of the considerable scholarly http://www.ipc-ateneo.org/news/?aid=113 |
107. Institute Of Philippine Culture - Publications Institute of Philippine culture Copyright© 2002 Institute of Philippine culture. All rights reserved. For questions, comments, or suggestions, http://www.ipc-ateneo.org/publications/?id=20 |
108. Philippines: Lahing Kayumanggi Dance Ensemble Through the invitation of the Cultural Center of the philippines or/and the Philippine Folk Dance Society the group performed at the http://world-fest.org/philippines.php | |
109. Tagalog On Site we invite other lecturers to speak on Philippine culture. We choose speakers who relate the study of Philippine culture with history, literature, http://members.aol.com/tagalogusa/PROGRAM.HTML | |
110. Tagalog On Site TOS invites respected authorities on Philippine culture, arts, He has done extensive research into Philippine culture, resulting in two pioneering works http://members.aol.com/tagalogusa/STAFF.HTML | |
111. Filipinasmag.com»BestKept So it is with Philippine culture. There are so many different influences that come into the mix that a homogenous culture is hard to define and I am not http://www.filipinasmag.com/Main/BestKeptSecret.htm | |
112. User Talk:Al-Andalus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia He s just merely stating the fact that Philippine culture is shaped by outside Philippine culture is unique in its own right. So, be proud of it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Al-Andalus | |
113. Studyabroadpage Insight into the Philippine culture will be gained by visiting major historical sites, recreational facilities and practicum experiences interacting with http://nursing.truman.edu/studyabroad/Syllabus_culture.html | |
114. SFA-AGR-560-05 PHILIPPINE culture SHOW, PRODUCTS DRAW RAVES AND BRISK SALES IN HAIFA, ISRAEL. 12 August 2005 The Philippine Embassy in Israel reported to the Department http://www.dfa.gov.ph/news/pr/pr2005/aug/pr560.htm | |
115. Mission, Vision & Objective To increase international understanding of Philippine culture for TO PROMOTE PHILIPPINE culture FOR INCREASED UNDERSTANDING AND IMPROVED RELATIONS WITH http://www.dfa.gov.ph/about/mission.htm | |
116. Global Nation | INQ7.net of it with family and friends has always been a central part of Philippine culture, as it could surely double as a handbook on Philippine culture. http://www.inq7.net/globalnation/col_mam/2003/may02.htm | |
117. Ambibo.com: The Philippines' Regional Ezine V5.0: Ballet Manila In Chicago ChicagoÂs Philippine cultural group, Tahanan, proudly hosts Ballet ManilaÂs inaugural visit to Chicago. Ballet ManilaÂs only Chicago performance in 2005 http://www.ambibo.com/ambibo5.0/archives/2005_06/000814print.php | |
118. Ambibo.com: The Philippines' Regional Ezine V5.0: Ballet Manila In Chicago ChicagoÂs Philippine cultural group, Tahanan, proudly hosts Ballet ManilaÂs 127 Lopez Jaena St., Biasong, Dipolog City, philippines 7100 Tel 011 063 http://www.ambibo.com/ambibo5.0/archives/2005_06_000814.php | |
119. Cyberbayan.org culture.Filipino . It started as an index of the dozen or so Philippine web sites on line at the time and grew to over 500 links by 1996. http://www.cyberbayan.org/ | |
120. UNESCO World Heritage Centre - World Heritage List Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam (2002) Cultural Landscape and Baroque Churches of the philippines (1993) Tubbataha Reef Marine Park (1993) http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/ | |
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