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81. Wendy Hamblet Husserl: The Impossible Dominion Carleton University Student Journal of philosophy paper. explicitly the graveobjection to the very viability of phenomenology as philosophy. http://rideau.carleton.ca/philosophy/cusjp/v18/n1/hamblet.html | |
82. Husserl Philosophy - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Phenomenological Reduction in the philosophy of Edmund Husserl, in F. Elliston and phenomenology modern school of philosophy founded by Edmund Husserl . http://www.questia.com/search/husserl-philosophy | |
83. Kristen Brown S Homepage NineteenthCentury German philosophy, phenomenology, philosophy of Embodiment phenomenology, philosophy of Embodiment, Nietzsche and Feminist philosophy http://home.millsaps.edu/brownkm/ |
84. Home Page Of Robin Rollinger phenomenology and Analysis Essays in Central European philosophy Scientificphilosophy, phenomenology, and Logic The Standpoint of Paul Linke , http://www.angelfire.com/ky/rollinger/ | |
85. Dictionary Of Philosophy Of Mind - Phenomenology The term phenomenology is often used in a general sense to refer to to aPure phenomenology and to Phenomenological philosophy, First Book, trans. http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~philos/MindDict/phenomenology.html | |
86. UCF Philosophy Department Research and Teaching Interests phenomenology, philosophy of embodiment, Her areas of expertise include Continental philosophy, phenomenology, http://www.cas.ucf.edu/philosophy/jaeger.php | |
87. STAFF Department Of Philosophy The Wittgenstein Archives Research interests include existensialism, phenomenology, philosophy of religionand science ethics. Claus Huitfeldt Førsteamanuensis Claus Huitfeldt http://www.hf.uib.no/i/Filosofisk/staff.html | |
88. Some Remarks On Modernity And Post-modernism Postphenomenology a philosophy of radical difference The post-phenomenologicalwing of contemporary French philosophy can be traced to the work of http://www.artsci.lsu.edu/fai/Faculty/Professors/Protevi/DG/lecture1.html |
89. Pathways To Phenomenology And Analytic Philosophy A guide to contemporary philosophy for beginners and more advanced readers. http://www.formalontology.it/pathways_philosophy_two.htm | |
90. Ideas Pertaining To Pure Phenomenology And To A Phenomenological Philosophy From Edmund Husserl, *Ideas Pertaining to a Pure phenomenology and to aPhenomenological philosophy First Book*, trans. F. Kersten (Dordrecht Kluwer, http://www.mun.ca/phil/phil3920/ideas.shtml | |
91. RICHARD L. TIESZEN phenomenology, Logic, and the philosophy of Mathematics, Essence inphenomenology , a talk in the SJSU philosophy Colloquium, November 1998. http://www2.sjsu.edu/depts/philosophy/peronalpages/tieszen/cv.htm | |
92. PHIS - Course The early Heidegger (19191923) Between theology, phenomenology, philosophy oflife, and neo-Kantianism. Organizers. Dan Zahavi, ph.d., dr. phil. http://www.phis.ruc.dk/phisact/coursedz.html | |
93. EpistemeLinks.com: Journals For Existentialism And Phenomenology philosophy and Phenomenological Research was founded in 1940 byMarvin Farber, who edited it for forty years. Since 1980 it has been at Brown,...... http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Journals.aspx?Format=Both&TopiCode=Exis |
94. HJG: Research In Phenomenology , Deals with phenomenological philosophy in a broad sense, includingoriginal phenomenological research, critical and interpretative studies of...... http://www.history-journals.de/journals/hjg-r00304.html | |
95. Edmund Husserl Husserl saw phenomenology as a psychology that distinctly separated the physicalfrom the to a Pure phenomenology and Phenomenological philosophy(1913). http://home.earthlink.net/~potterama/Michele/projects/hyper/husserl.html | |
96. Humanist.Archives.Vol.15: 15.321 Interesting Sources it is not clear to what extent his phenomenological philosophy of technology is Studies in phenomenology and Existential philosophy) by Don Ihde, http://lists.village.virginia.edu/lists_archive/Humanist/v15/0308.html | |
97. Metanexus Institute Phenomenon and Theory An Investigation of the Phenomenological philosophyof Hans The phenomenology of Hans Lipps, The philosophy of Religion of http://www.metanexus.net/metanexus_online/show_article.asp?8846 |
98. Centre For Philosophy And Phenomenological Studies - Home Page Has the aim to promote through electronic media philosophical inquiries andexchanges of philosophical findings as well as pedagogical pursuits by http://www.csudh.edu/phenom_studies/ | |
99. Philosophy Faculty At Rice - Steven Galt Crowell My main field of interest is twentieth century European philosophy, especiallyphenomenology (the philosophy of Edmund Husserl) and its development in http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~crowell/ | |
100. Indo-Pacific Journal Of Phenomenology Buddhist phenomenology A Philosophical Investigation of Yogacara Buddhism andthe Ch eng Weishih Lun. Professor Plamen Gradinarov http://www.ipjp.org/ | |
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