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61. OMAFRA - MAAARO The fundamentals of an integrated pest management program are Feedback and technical inquiries to crops@omaf.gov.on.ca http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/facts/info_turfipm.htm | |
62. Integrated Pest Management Managing crops to reduce buildup of pest populations is an important Successful implementation of integrated pest management for agricultural crops. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/sustainable/peet/IPM/c04aipm.html | |
63. Floriculture: Upcoming Events: Integrated Pest Management For Greenhouse Crops SevenWeek Course Integrated pest management for Greenhouse crops. Massachusetts Extension Floriculture Program French Hall, University of Massachusetts http://www.umass.edu/umext/floriculture/upcoming_events_archive/05_IPM_course.ht | |
64. SMALL FARMS | CROPS Pacific Northwest pest management Control Handbooks Government agencies Analytical labs that perfom pesticide testing Ecological pest management http://smallfarms.wsu.edu/pest/ | |
65. University Of Idaho Pest Management Center INTEGRATED pest management. Â, MINOR crops / IR4. Â, pestICIDE SAFETY EDUCATION PROGRAM. Â, SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE pests of agricultural crops http://www.ag.uidaho.edu/ipm/Pests/cropPests.htm | |
66. University Of Idaho Pest Management Center and programs such as Integrated pest management, Minor crops / IR4, Idaho is working under the Western Integrated pest management Center in order http://www.ag.uidaho.edu/ipm/ | |
67. Texas Pest Management Association Welcome to Online Agriculture from Texas pest management Association! only when needed to preserve the economic viability of agricultural crops. http://www.tpma.org/ | |
68. UConn Integrated Pest Management:IPM-TREE FRUIT CROPS Integrated pest management for Tree Fruit in Connecticut. http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/ipmtrfr.htm | |
69. Crop Protection And Management Research Unit (CPMRU)-Research On Sustainable Pes Research on sustainable pest management systems for southern crops using ecologicallybased, whole-farm approaches More information is available at http://www.scitechresources.gov/Results/show_result.php?rec=1095 |
70. CSIRO - Cotton Pest Management pest management in cotton is increasingly utilising beneficial insects. Helicoverpa spp., the major pests of irrigated grain crops and cotton in http://www.csiro.au/index.asp?id=Field Crops_Genetic Engineering for Pest and Di |
71. Report Of Research 1993-95 - Pest Management FIELD crops. Ecology and management of Helicoverpa moths; management of resistance Helicoverpa armigera is a major pest of broadacre field crops such as http://www.ento.csiro.au/history/rr93-95/pm_fc.htm | |
72. 'Return To The Stone-Age Of Pest Management' Remarks Presented On Behalf Of Cons The increase in insecticide use  4 million to 6 million pounds on crops that people eat As recommended in pest management at the Crossroads (PMAC), http://www.pmac.net/stoneage.htm | |
73. IITA | Research Some projects focus on production systems for specific crops or crop Goal  To enhance the effectiveness of integrated pest management (IPM) research at http://www.iita.org/research/research.htm | |
74. Integrated Pest Management In Cucurbit Crops In South-Central USA: Pest Status, Integrated pest management in Cucurbit crops in SouthCentral USA The pest complex for the cucurbit crops could be divided into four major categories http://www.joe.org/joe/1998august/a3.html | |
75. Potato IPM Area crops Specialist, and Dr. James F. Dill, pest management Specialist. Public meetings such as the annual Potato pest management Conference and http://pmo.umext.maine.edu/potatoes/potato.htm | |
76. Integrated Pest Management Bibliography - Root Crop Pests & Diseases Integrated pest management for tropical root and tuber crops. Crop production annual report 1989 1990 integrated pest management of sweet potato http://www.caisnet.org/bibliographies/ipm/root_crop_pests_diseases.htm | |
77. Entomology And Pest Management There have been and are many approaches to managing pests in crops, gardens, Integrated pest management or IPM provides us with a systematic approach to http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu/mg/manual/ent5.htm | |
78. Issues In S And T, Spring 2000, The Illusion Of Integrated Pest Management Today, pest consultants typically monitor crops and determine when to treat Some are trained in pest management. At best, most are able to diagnose pest http://www.issues.org/issues/16.3/ehler.htm | |
79. Measuring IPM Adoption In South Florida Vegetable Crops Glades Crop Care, Inc. proposes to survey the integrated pest management (IPM) practices of selected vegetablegrowing clientele. The results of this survey http://www.pesp.org/1997/gcc97.htm | |
80. Vegetables (ACIS) Researchbased, desert crop production information on all aspects of vegetable growing including management, pests and diseases, irrigation, and economics. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/ | |
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