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41. 2000 Youth Garden Grant Winners WSU coop extension Chelan Cty Wenatchee, WA. UW ext service Brown County GreenBay, WI. Family and Children s Center La Crosse, WI. Summit Elementary School http://www.kidsgardening.com/grants/ygg00.asp | |
42. HIA Contacts Univ. of Arkansas Cooperative ext. service 2301 S. University Ave. PO Box 391 pennsylvania There is a vacancy for State Program Manager. http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
43. Pubs Main coop. ext. Sev., HO221 (free). Agriculture Communications service, MediaDistribution Center, 301 S. 2nd Street, Lafayette, IN, 47901-1232 (Ph http://viticulture.hort.iastate.edu/pubs/pubsmain.html | |
44. Assets Across America State Asset Networks Univ. of Arkansas coop ext. service (CES) www.uaex.edu The University of Arkansascooperative extension service sponsors a Statewide Asset Building http://www.ctassets.org/aaa/statenetworks.cfm |
45. Interregional Research Project #4 Cornell coop. ext. 480 North Main St. Canandaigua, NY, 14424 Texas A M ext.service ext. Plant Pathologist Box 38 Overton, TX, 75684 http://ir4.rutgers.edu/Cindex.cfm?nd=nd&letter=P |
46. POMF 2806 Page GOV PAYROLL OFFICE NUMBER 12050301 USDA coop ext. service ALABAMA C/O THOMAS USDA coop ext service MISSOURI ATTN TAMMY BLACKWELL 802 CLARK HALL http://webwtc.opm.gov/raft/html/pomf2806.shtml | |
47. Selected Pubilcations - John Arthington IFAS, Florida coop. ext. Serv., Animal Science Dept., EDIS Publication AN131 . cooperative extension service, Kansas State University. http://rcrec-ona.ifas.ufl.edu/japp.html | |
48. Ruffed Grouse Society - Coverts Program University of CT coop. ext.Ctr 139 Wolf Den Rd. Brooklyn, CT 062341729 pennsylvania. Allyson Brownlee Muth PSU School of Forest Resources http://www.ruffedgrousesociety.org/covertsprogram.asp | |
49. Division Of Purchasing And Supplies Allegheny County, pennsylvania Administrative Services, Kathy Colosimo,3504493 Penn State coop. ext. Renee Dinkins-Malone, 473-2540 http://www.county.allegheny.pa.us/purchasing/contact.asp | |
51. Reporter's Guide To Pennsylvania Credit Unions call the pennsylvania Credit Union Association at 717234-3156, ext 5221. Cooperative ownership - Credit union members are the only owners of their http://www.pcua.coop/media/reporters_guide.htm | |
52. Penn State Agricultural Council Dairylea Cooperative, Inc. (315)4330100. DairyOne - pennsylvania, (717)867-2489 PA Agricultural Statistics service, (717)787-3904 ext. 204 http://agcouncil.cas.psu.edu/members.html |
53. Suggested References For The Home Fruit Gardener coop. ext. Serv. Univ. of Mass. 55 pp. cooperative extension System is aneducational service that is supported by county, state, and federal monies. http://ssfruit.cas.psu.edu/appendix/appendix3.htm |
54. Rural Business-Cooperative Service pennsylvania. Gerald Ely USDA Rural Development 1 Hollowcrest Complex Phone (570) 8364383 ext.119 Fax (570) 836-4432 gerald.ely@pa.usda.gov http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/coops/cscontac.htm | |
55. Recent Extramural Funding Development of Educational Programs for pennsylvania Pesticide Hyde, Jeffrey A.coop ext Dir Office Agr Econ Rural Soc, $15072, 7/1/04, 6/30/05 http://research.cas.psu.edu/ExtramuralFund.htm |
56. Welcome To Pa Mtn Service Corps Penn State Cooperative extBedford Penn State Cooperative ext-Blair St Vincent College-Career Services St Vincent College-Chem Lab http://www.pmsc.org/sponsorlist.htm | |
57. Service Delivery Area Coordinators FY 03 Penn State Cooperative ext. Â Clearfield County Center for Community Services.SDA Coordinator Diana Dick. 10241 Lincoln Highway. Everett, PA 15537 http://www.papathways.org/SDA_map_list_105.htm | |
58. Yankee Magazine - Gardening Reference Room: Cooperative Extension Services Knowledge and KnowHow cooperative extension Services. Alabama www.aces.edu.Alaska www.uaf.edu/coop-ext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.yankeemagazine.com/garden/knowledge/cooperativeextension.php | |
59. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Elliott, Tammy, extension Agent, 4H, NC Cooperative extension service, NCSU Resource Splst, University of Alaska Cooperative ext. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
60. The Old Farmer's Almanac - Cooperative Extension Services cooperative extension Services. Contact your local state cooperative extension Web www.uaf.edu/coopext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.almanac.com/garden/resource/coopext.php | |
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