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81. CCSS NJC School Peer Mediation Program School mediation, also known as peer mediation, is a form of alternative and gain more teaching time, because they have fewer discipline problems. http://www.co.clark.nv.us/social_service/NJC_SPMP.htm | |
82. Clark County, Nevada - Neighborhood Justice Center School Peer Mediation Program peer mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution which teaches all and gain more teaching time, because they have fewer discipline problems. http://www.co.clark.nv.us/Parks/N.J.C/NJC_SPMP.htm | |
83. Middle And High School Conflict Resolution in the Middle School A Curriculum and Teaching Guide Students Resolving Conflict peer mediation in Schools http://www.esrnational.org/MidHigh.html | |
84. Eastfield College -- Education Net, Chat rooms and other resources to exchange ideas and teaching methods with other teachers Waipahu High School, peer mediation program information http://www.efc.dcccd.edu/er/LAC/LEdu.html | |
85. CRInfo The Conflict Resolution Information Source - peer mediation has become very popular in schools all over the world. One major one is teaching children problemsolving skills at a young age means http://v4.crinfo.org/CK_Essays/ck_peer_mediation.jsp |
86. Peer Mediation peer mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process. Teaching students the skills for solving conflicts not only improves their lives, http://www.lassd.org/peer_mediation.htm | |
87. Students With Challenging Behaviours: A Bibliography For K-12 - Index Of Suggest peer mediation Finding a Way to Care Teaching Social Skills to Children and Youth Tribes A New Way of Learning Together Use Your Words! http://www.sasklearning.gov.sk.ca/curr_inst/iru/bibs/speced/sugguse.html | |
88. Michaels Associates: Peer Mediation : The Complete Guide To Resolving Conflict I implementing and supporting a peer mediation Program. There are three chapters One describes how to start a peer mediation program; Two provides http://www.michaelsassociates.com/miva/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=MA&Pro |
89. Safe From Harm: Give Peace A Chance Close, who s been teaching since 1965, is the champion of peer mediation in Cleveland. After she started teaching conflict curriculum in her classroom and http://www.asbj.com/security/contents/0898vail.html | |
90. (Vol. 3, No. 1 - Spring 1999) The teaching approach, known as looping, called for Irvin and three experienced and all students on their team will become trained in peer mediation. http://www.middleweb.com/CSLV5Irvin.html | |
91. Mediation Training At Quabbin Mediation, Orange, MA The training director has 14 years of experience teaching mediation and conflict resolution. peer mediation training takes place in elementary, middle, http://www.quabbinmediation.org/html/training.html | |
92. R&I_Peer_Mediate_&_Character_Ed New school initiatives that focus on character education, peer mediation and service Title Teaching Character Education Through ServiceLearning. http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/ber/webpages/RI_Peer_Mediate__Character_Ed.html | |
93. Community Mediation Services peer mediation empowers students to develop solutions to their own conflicts. The peer mediation Program provides an implementation plan with three core http://www.aclink.org/mediation/main/peer.asp | |
94. Conflict Resolution And Peer Mediation - Middle And High School Guide Volume II Shaping a Better World, A Teaching Guide on Global Issues, Gender Issues. These programs include peer mediation and broader conflict resolution http://www.njsbf.com/njsbf/student/conflictres/middle_high.cfm | |
95. Peer Mediation Program Reduces Student Conflict In Chautauqua County, N.Y. Schoo JALMC Brings peer mediation to Chautauqua County, NY Schools Teaching conflict resolution to middle and high school students is as important to, http://www.jalmc.org/peer/peermed.htm | |
96. March/April 2002 Teaching Guide March/April 1999 p30. Zillions Teaching Guide peer mediation is an alternative to fighting and being punished. Kids helping kids control their anger http://www.zillions.org/ztg-99-03/peace.htm | |
97. Isd#361 | Fhs | Peer Mediation And also, we do peer mediation. We help our fellow students try to peer Educators for the 8th grade health classes, teaching them the ENABL curriculum. http://www.isd361.k12.mn.us/schools/fhs/peer_mediation.shtml | |
98. Autism Study,Peer Mediation Program,Social Skills peer mediation Program The integration programs consisted primarily of social Teaching social skills to students with autism to increase peer http://www.jgcp.ku.edu/Grants/Abst-Autism.htm | |
99. MASI - Peer Mediation - SIU School Of Law - ADR Clinic As a community service, our law students offer peer mediation training which grows Elementary Perspectives 1 Teaching Concepts of Peace and Conflict. http://www.mediatenow.org/schoolpeer/adrclinic.asp | |
100. ESR Metro To read the study, entitled Teaching Conflict Resolution An Efffective We supported 171 peer mediators and trained over a hundred parents. http://www.esrmetro.org/programs_conflict.html | |
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