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61. New York State Dispute Resolution Association, Inc. Reduce School Violence by Teaching Peace peer mediation is a voluntary, nonpunitive process that helps students resolve disputes before they escalate http://www.nysdra.org/articles/article_details.asp?ID=100 |
62. DCPS - Student Intervention Services Which Schools Are Required To Have peer mediation Programs? What are the Benefits of Having a peer mediation Program? Who are the peer Mediators? http://www.k12.dc.us/dcps/peaceableschools/peacablepeermediate.html | |
63. Teaching Conflict Resolution These are commonly referred to as (1) peer mediation, (2) Process Curriculum, (3) Peaceable Classrooms, and (4) Peaceable Schools. In all four approaches, http://www.wthr.com/global/story.asp?s=371955&ClientType=Printable |
64. School-Based Conflict Resolution Bibliography Teachers are able to focus on teaching, and our in school suspension rate has decreased peer mediation Program Point Pleasant Beach High School http://www.headstartinfo.org/infocenter/guides/adr_conf.htm | |
65. Peer Mediation In Chautauqua County, N.Y. Schools Teaching conflict resolution to elementary, middle and high school students peer mediation is a concept that has been used with great success in schools http://www.mediate.com/articles/jalmc.cfm | |
66. Conflict Resolution, Delinquency And Violence By teaching young people how to manage conflict, conflict resolution education peer mediation Recognizing the importance of directly involving youth, http://www.mediate.com/articles/shabazz.cfm | |
67. Conflict Resolution/ Peer Mediation (CRPM) The curriculum can be presented by (a) teaching the lessons within each unit Materials for training students to be peer mediators include the manual, http://www.coe.ufl.edu/CRPM/materials.htm | |
68. National Youth Violence Campaign · Articles, Interviews & More! Research Results From The Teaching Students To Be Peacemakers Program (TSP) Does conflict resolution and peer mediation training really work? http://www.violencepreventionweek.org/?menu=resources&l=3 |
69. Peer And Cross-Age Tutoring peer mediation, peer leadership, and cooperative learning. peer tutors may simply be good teachers. Teaching behaviors that were found to be http://www.nwrel.org/scpd/sirs/9/c018.html | |
70. Project MUSE Teaching the fourstep peer mediation process as an integrated component of the academic curriculum occurs in much the same way as implementing the http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theory_into_practice/v043/43.1stevahn.html | |
71. Using Peer Mediation Helps Students Resolve Conflict In this process, students take turns acting as peer mediators for their class or school. The principles that govern peer mediation can be applied at home, http://www.desotoschools.com/cline 09-25-01.htm | |
72. Character Makes A Comeback peer mediation Has Power BullyÂProofing as Antidote Teaching Values as the Core. The learning of good oldfashioned values, once a homegrown, natural skill http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/todayschild/comeback.htm | |
73. YCWA | Peer And Cross-age Teaching peer and crossage teaching is the eighth of the nine basic Youth Crime Watch peer teaching is when students teach each other, and since students listen http://www.ycwa.org/nine/teach.htm | |
74. UWF News | Top Story Archive UWF peer mediators currently train and teach students at Woodham High School, The UWF student peer mediators teach their younger counterparts listening http://uwf.edu/uwfMain/press/topstoryarch.cfm?emailID=13198 |
75. Journal Of Negro Education, The: Teaching All Students How To Manage Conflicts C Full text of the article, Teaching all students how to manage conflicts peermediation programs anchor disciplinary efforts of this sort. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3626/is_199607/ai_n8746767 | |
76. Theory Into Practice: Integrating Conflict Resolution Training Into The Curricul Successfully integrating conflict resolution and peer mediation training into the defining conflict and teaching students how to identify concrete http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NQM/is_1_43/ai_114784813 | |
77. MENU TITLE Conflict Resolution Fact Sheet. Series OJJDP By teaching young people how to manage conflict, conflict resolution Most conflict resolution and peer mediation programs, an estimated 7500 to 10000, http://www.ncjrs.org/txtfiles/fs-9755.txt | |
78. Student Activities Then the peer mediator meets with that student to talk about the problem. They teach others to talk about and solve their problems. Back to Top http://www2.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/fairview/students.htm | |
79. NAFCM National Association For Community Mediation After reviewing several articles regarding student/peer mediation, Teaching conflict resolution to elementary, middle and high school students is as http://www.nafcm.org/pg1001.cfm | |
80. The Peer News (January 4, 2005) Even with the existence of peer mediation, if individuals believe the climate is This study examined whether peer teaching enhances diversityfocused http://www.peer.ca/thepeernews10.html | |
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