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21. Basic Peer Mediation: Conflict Resolution In Schools This workshop explores the development of peer mediation programs in schools. It will teach the peer mediation process which involves understanding origins http://www.nccre.org/workshops/mediation.htm | |
22. CRU Institute.org conflict resolution and peer mediation. Some may ask, Why teach young people to be mediators instead of teaching them anger management and basic http://www.cruinstitute.org/?ARTICLES:OPPORTUNITY_&_CHALLENGE |
23. CRU Institute.org conflict resolution and peer mediation. The manuals, each over 200 pages., show you how to teach the sophisticated process of sitdown mediation. http://www.cruinstitute.org/?CURRICULUM |
24. Fall 1996 - Peer Mediation Programs (CAREI) peer mediation helps to teach students that there is an alternative to peer mediation programs are an attempt to teach students a more peaceful, http://education.umn.edu/CAREI/Reports/Rpractice/Fall96/programs.htm | |
25. Fall 1996 Teaching Students To Be Peacemakers (CAREI) Implement peer mediation programs. 6. teach followup lessons to refine and upgrade students skills in using negotiation and mediation procedures. http://education.umn.edu/CAREI/Reports/Rpractice/Fall96/students.htm | |
26. Charlottesville City Schools | Peer Mediation Program Mission. The mission of the peer mediation program is to teach conflict management and communication skills, while ensuring a peaceful school environment. http://www.ccs.k12.va.us/programs/mediation.html | |
27. Cover Story - Teaching The ABC’s Of Peace the District to teach peer mediation to our older elementary students. It should be noted that the introduction of our peer mediation program is not http://www.educationupdate.com/archives/2003/nov03/issue/cov_peace.html | |
28. Print All Sections Teaching Students To Be Peacemakers teach students, faculty, and staff how to mediate schoolmates conflicts and After the initial 20 training lessons are completed, the peer mediation http://modelprograms.samhsa.gov/print.cfm?pkProgramid=238 |
29. By Request.... | October 1998 teach conflict resolution skills peer mediation and conflict resolution programs teach students skills to settle their differences creatively, http://www.nwrel.org/request/oct98/article7.html | |
30. BHP, Peer Mediation Resources A wellconducted peer mediation program can teach students alternative strategies to aggression and withdrawal for settling conflicts. http://www.state.ky.us/agencies/behave/bi/pm.html | |
31. Great Web Resources For Teachers We have not attempted to sort them according to the virtues they teach because they all A list of helpful sites for Conflict Resolution/peer mediation. http://www.goodcharacter.com/TchrRsrcLst.html | |
32. House In The Wood Summer Camp And Retreat Center peer mediation Floater (1 opening) teach peer mediation skills and supervise peer mediation program. Able to adapt to changing job responsibilities. http://www.houseinthewood.org/Jobs/Summaries.htm | |
33. Peer Mediation Our school has a program called peer mediation. This program consists of Grade 6 Their job is not to stop conflicts but rather to teach children how to http://www.ten.sd53.bc.ca/PeerMediation/PeerMediation.html | |
34. To Adapt - Retain The Objectives, And Don T Change The Grade Level To meet student needs, teach the objectives in a different way and evaluate the A list of helpful sites for Conflict Resolution/peer mediation. http://w3.rcs.sk.ca/ss/adaptations/bullying.htm | |
35. Safe Positive Schools Lessons at teach grade level come with curriculum infusion activities, stories, peer mediation programs offer student opportunities to learn and to deal http://www.scs.sk.ca/sps/ | |
36. Peer Mediation peer mediation trains pupil mediators to help their peers to resolve conflicts. Terrace Road School mediation programme attempts to teach all pupils how http://www.terraceroad.swansea.sch.uk/schemes/peermediation.php |
37. The School Mediator: Peer Mediation World-Wide I have long known that peer mediation is practiced outside of North America. I would have classes to teach kids how to recognize their emotions, http://www.schoolmediation.com/newsletters/2003/10_03.html | |
38. School Mediation Associates peer mediation Empowers Students Just as teachers don t teach students algebra by solving problems for them, adults don t teach young people to resolve http://www.schoolmediation.com/books/resolvingconflict/chapter3.html | |
39. ESR Metro The mediation gathering happened in May this year. 175 peer mediators from At the teachin, we introduced our newly completed teacher resource guide, http://www.esrmetro.org/archive/yearinreview6_01.html | |
40. Peer Resources - Qualified Peer Trainers, Peer Program Consultants, And Peer Ser CRU Institute Specializing in peer mediation in schools, this organization Products and services to teach conflict resolution through peer mediation. http://www.peer.ca/peertrainers.html | |
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