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81. CS 838 - Topics In Parallel Computing - Spring 1999 There is a couple of books on parallel algorithms and parallel computing youmight find useful as PVM and MPI2 are C/C++ parallel programming libraries. http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~tvrdik/cs838.html | |
82. LIACC --- Annual Plan For 1998 -- Declarative Programming And Parallel Computing Go up to Top Go forward to parallel computing. Declarative programming and parallelcomputing. Research in this area is being sponsored by the following http://www.liacc.up.pt/aplan98/englpl98_2.html | |
83. LIACC --- Annual Report 1997 -- Declarative Programming And Parallel Computing Declarative programming and parallel computing. Projects. In this area during1997 there were 9 ongoing projects. The total effort at LIACC was 12.8 http://www.liacc.up.pt/arep97/englrep97_3.html | |
84. Programming Of Parallel Computers Uppsala University Department of Information Technology Scientific computing,programming of parallel Computers 200409-14 http://www.it.uu.se/edu/course/homepage/algpar1/ht04/ | |
85. Parallel Programming Resources IBM is offering parallel programming workshops for SP 2 users. parallel computing,an excelant introduction to parallel programming and the use of PVM. http://www-math.cc.utexas.edu/math/parallel/bytopic.html | |
86. PCOMP parallel and High Performance computing (HPC) are highly dynamic fields. is not an exhaustive compendium of all links related to parallel programming. http://www.npaci.edu/PCOMP/ | |
87. Distributed Parallel Computing Using Navigational Programming This paper supports the claim that the NavP approach is better suited for generalpurpose parallel distributed programming than either MP or DSM. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/pan04distributed.html |
88. IBM Research | IBM Research | Putting The POWER In Parallel Computing IBM to sponsor POWER processorbased parallel programming challenge in 2005 ÂAt IBM we are seeing that the parallel computing approach solves many of http://domino.research.ibm.com/comm/research.nsf/pages/d.compsci.power.html | |
89. Qango : Science: Computer Science: Supercomputing And Parallel Computing: Progra Home Science Computer Science Supercomputing and parallel computing programming, Suggest a Site. Science, etc. Categories http://www.qango.com/dir/Science/Computer_Science/Supercomputing_and_Parallel_Co | |
90. Qango : Science: Computer Science: Supercomputing And Parallel Computing: Progra Home Science Computer Science Supercomputing and parallel computing programming Message Passing Interface (MPI), Suggest a Site http://www.qango.com/dir/Science/Computer_Science/Supercomputing_and_Parallel_Co | |
91. Parallel Programming Using C++ - Department Of Computing Science, University Of Most programming systems for highperformance parallel computers widely used byscientists and engineers to solve complex problems are so-called universal http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/research/library/0-262-73118-5.php | |
92. Pearson Education - Introduction To Parallel Computing Introduction to parallel computing, Ananth Grama, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar, of parallel computing from introduction to architectures to programming http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/Bookshop/detail.asp?item=100000000005961 |
93. Parallel Computing parallel computing in scalable distributed shared memory multiprocessor system 4. Multiprocessor programming. 4.1. parallel Speedup. Amdahl s Law http://www.informatik.tu-clausthal.de/~tchernykh/Scripts/Parallel_Computing.html | |
94. Upcoming Compiler And Parallel Computing Conferences HIPS 2004 9th Int l Workshop on HighLevel parallel programming Models andSupportive The Internet parallel computing Archive s events list. http://www.cs.rice.edu/~roth/conferences.html | |
95. IPCA : Parallel : Occam PDF Introduction to parallel computing computing parallel programming http://www.hensa.ac.uk/parallel/occam/ | |
96. Programming For Parallel And High-Performance Computing programming for parallel and HighPerformance computing Jonathan Wang sBookshelf on parallel computing, including Distributed Batch Processing, http://www.kanadas.com/parallel/ | |
97. Parallel Computing Research parallel computing Research Caltech s Summer Research Program for Women inFinal Year. Education / Outreach. EDUCATION / OUTREACH http://www.crpc.rice.edu/newsletters/sum99/ |
98. UC Berkeley CS267 Home Page: Spring 1999 Applications of parallel Computers. Spring 1999. TuTh 12302, 310 Soda Resources for parallel machines, programming, tools, applications, http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~demmel/cs267_Spr99/ | |
99. WANG'S BOOKSHELF (Parallel Computing) Welcome to Jonathan Wang s Bookshelf on parallel computing parallel ProgrammingSystems For Workstation Clusters Craig Douglas http://www.umcs.maine.edu/~shamis/wang.html | |
100. Parallel Computing Toolkit: Product Information Programs written using parallel computing Toolkit are platform independent andcan run on any computer for which Mathematica is available. http://www.wolfram.com/products/applications/parallel/ | |
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