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41. MPI: Portable Parallel Programming For Scientific Computing MPI Portable parallel programming for Scientific computing MPI Portableparallel programming for Scientific computing Portable parallel programming http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/tutorial/mpibasics/ | |
42. Computer Science At RPI Computer Science Department. Research areas Algorithm design; Bioinformatics; Computational Science and Engineering; Computer Vision; Data Mining and Machine and Computational Learning; Database Systems; Generic programming; Human Computer Interfaces; Networking; parallel and Distributed computing; Robotics; Worldwide computing. Troy, NY. http://www.cs.rpi.edu/ | |
43. 4.2 Modularity And Parallel Computing Another difference between sequential and parallel programming is that in the On a parallel computer, both the finite_difference and global_maximum http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/dbpp/text/node41.html | |
44. Institute For System Programing Offers research and programming in compiler technology and program analysis, computer graphics and visualization, real time systems, discrete mathematics, and parallel computing. http://www.ispras.ru/ | |
45. UC Berkeley CS267 Home Page Spring 1996 Lecture 1, 1/16/96 Introduction to parallel computing Lecture 3, 1/23/96Overview of parallel architectures and programming models Lecture 4, http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~demmel/cs267/ | |
46. EPCC HPF Page Lecture notes and code from a course in parallel programming using HPF. http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/computing/training/document_archive/hpf/ | |
47. High Performance Computing Applications, Institute For Designed to educate science and engineering students in high performance computing with special emphases on parallel computers, system architecture, matrix computation, objectoriented programming, and others. http://www.psu.edu/dept/ihpca/ |
48. Parallel Computing/Programming Conferences parallel computing/programming Conferences Niraj Shah, 28 Apr 2003 Symposium onPrinciples and Practice of parallel programming (PPoPP) http://www.gigascale.org/mescal/forum/186.html | |
49. Computer Science And Software Engineering Department of Computer Science. Research areas include design and analysis of algorithms, computer architecture and VLSI, databases and information systems, mathematics of computation, parallel and distributed computing, artificial intelligence, programming languages and methodology, and theoretical computer science. http://www.cs.concordia.ca/ | |
50. Department Of Computer Sciences Institute of Computer Science. Research areas include theoretical computer science, graph grammars, visual programming, computational linguistics, evolutionary computation, parallel and distributed systems, soft computing, fault tolerance, object oriented systems, pattern recognition, data warehousing, scientific databases, workflow management, performance evaluation, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and simulation. http://www.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/ | |
51. Nan's Parallel Computing Page Introduction to Effective parallel computing (U. Michigan). parallel Distributedcomputing Syllabus (UNC); parallel programming at UNCCharlotte http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/parallel.html | |
52. R. K. Shyamasundar's Home Page Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai Real-Time and Reactive programming, Logic programming, Pi-Calculus and Mobile computing, parallel Programs, programming Languages. http://www.tcs.tifr.res.in/~shyam/ | |
53. Parallel Computing - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Center for programming Models for Scalable parallel computing Cluster Builder Cluster Resources LinuxHPC http//wotug.ukc.ac.uk/parallel/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_computing | |
54. Equation.com MTASK is a parallel programming language for memorysharing environments. LAIPE (Link And In parallel Execute) is a high-performance package for scientific and engineering computing, programmed in MTASK. http://www.equation.com/ | |
55. List Of Publications In Computer Science - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 16 parallel computing. 16.1 The Structure of THE Multiprogramming System;16.2 How to Make a An axiomatic basis for computer programming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_important_publications_in_computer_science | |
56. Computing Science Home School of computing Science. Research labs focus on algorithms and optimization, systems science, computational epidemiology, computer vision, database systems, graphics and multimedia, hardware design, software agents, intelligent software and systems, knowledge representation, logic and functional programming, medical computing, natural language processing, parallel and distributed computing, mathematical sciences, programming languages, simulating and exploring ecosystem dynamics, and distance learning. http://www.cs.sfu.ca/ | |
57. HLRS - Services - Parallel Computing - Programming Models The following parallel programming models are supported on our platforms. science and parallel programming from the Edinburgh parallel computing Centre http://www.hlrs.de/organization/par/services/models/ | |
58. Rostock, University Computer Science Department. Research areas include theoretical computer science, algorithms and theory of programming, computer architecture, information and communication services, parallel and super computing. databases and information systems, programming languages and compilers, simulation, software techniques, and computer graphics. http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/ | |
59. HLRS - Organization - Parallel Computing - Parallel Programming Workshop ONLINE Course material of parallel programming Workshop. 19a, 1710, (020), L,Grid computing Easy Access to Distributed Resources (talk) 2004C lec rm PDF http://www.hlrs.de/organization/par/par_prog_ws/ | |
60. Carleton University - School Of Computer Science Homepage School of computing Science. Research labs focus on object oriented programming, software engineering, pervasive computing, networks, network security, parallel and distributed computing, algorithms, computer vision, database systems, graphics and multimedia, software agents, intelligent software and systems, knowledge representation, logic and functional programming, medical computing, natural language processing. http://www.scs.carleton.ca | |
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