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         Papua New Guinea History Regional:     more detail
  1. Village on the Edge: Changing Times in Papua New Guinea by Michael French Smith, 2002-03
  2. Historical Dictionary of Papua New Guinea, Asian/Oceanian Historical Dictionaries No. 37.(Book Review) (book review): An article from: The Australian Journal of Politics and History by Clive Moore, 2003-03-01
  3. Peter Donovan. For Youth and the Poor: History of the De La Salle Brothers in Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand 1906-2000.(Book Review): An article ... the Australian Catholic Historical Society by Mary Kneipp, 2003-01-01
  4. Law and Order in a Weak State: Crime and Politics in Papua New Guinea.(Book Review) (book review): An article from: The Australian Journal of Politics and History by Clive Moore, 2003-03-01
  5. My gun, my brother, the world of the Papua New Guinea colonial police 1920-1960.(Review) (book review): An article from: The Australian Journal of Politics and History by Max Quanchi, 2000-03-01
  6. The 1992 Papua New Guinea Election: Change and Continuity in Electoral Politics. (book reviews): An article from: The Australian Journal of Politics and History by Mark Turner, 1997-01-01
  7. Charles Abel and the Kwato Mission of Papua New Guinea, 1891-1975.(Review) (book review): An article from: The Australian Journal of Politics and History by Clive Moore, 2000-03-01
  8. Migration and Transformations: Regional Perspectives on New Guinea (Asao Monograph ; No. 15) by Andrew J. Strathern, 1995-03

61. Center For Conservation In Papua New Guinea :: Saint Louis Zoo
The Saint Louis Zoo made history with the birth of an echidna in 1996 and has The papua new guinea Conservation Center focuses on improving awareness
Site Map Search Contact Press Room Selected shortcuts for... - Zoo Visitors - Educators - Students - Members - Donors - Sponsors - Event Planners - Prospective Staff - Professional Peers - Media - Regional Community - Mission - History - Organization - Economic Impact ... WildCare Institute Echidnas in Papua New Guinea
Center for Conservation in Papua New Guinea
Location: Papua New Guinea Project Managers: Alice Seyfried Species: Echidna Priority: High
Papua New Guinea (PNG) has the longest lizards, the tallest tropical trees and the biggest butterflies in the world. Its high species count and endemism put it in the world's top ten countries for biodiversity, so establishing protected wildlife areas is critically important to prevent extinctions. Destruction of the rainforest threatens the continued existence of the diverse community, which includes the Matschie's tree kangaroo and the long-beaked echidna. Unless there are projects to observe and conserve mammals like the Short-beaked Echidna currently studied at the Saint Louis Zoo other unique PNG communities will also continue to suffer. A favorite of the Children's Zoo , this porcupine-looking, egg-laying mammal may provide hope for the survival of its own species as well as other PNG flora and fauna.

62. Ministry Of Foreign Affairs And Trade: Pacific Division - PNG Political, Economi
papua new guinea’s most important and broad connection is with Australia. new Zealand and PNG are close partners at both the regional and bilateral

Providing information about New Zealand's international relations
Pacific Division Tel: Fax: Papua New Guinea Country Paper - July 2005 Key Facts Relations with New Zealand
Key Facts G eneral Official Name
Independent State of Papua New Guinea Land Area
462,840 sq km Population
5.5 million (May 2004 estimate)
Population growth estimated to be 3% Capital City
Port Moresby Official Language s
Tok Pisin (Pidgin English), English and Hiri Moti (around Port Moresby) plus over 800 other distinct languages

63. Papua New Guinea 2000 Population And Housing Census
We are papua new guinea s Central Statistical Agency with a mission to providea full The conduct of the population censuses has a short history in PNG.
National Statistical Office of Papua New Guinea
We are Papua New Guinea's Central Statistical Agency with a mission to provide a full range of relevant and timely statistics on population, social and economic activities for the National Executive, State Agencies, Business and Individuals so as to provide the basis for information, decision making, research and discussion within community Site Map Catalogue of Publication Purchasing Statistics
The 2000 Census was conducted in July 2000 and was a national count which involved a lot of Government departments and statutory bodies. The census officials visited 22,399 geographical census units to collected the census data. The total persons that were counted during the census period 9th-15th July 2000 were 5,190,786. This includes the North Solomons Province. Some main findings from the 2000 Census were PNG Total Population, PNG Total Man Population, PNG Total Female Population, Southern Regional Population, Highlands Regional Population, Momase Regional Population, Islands Regions Population, PNG Average annual Growth Rate (1980-2000), Southern Regional Average annual Growth Rate (1980-2000)
THE CENSUS ORGANISATION The National Statistical Office (NSO) has a mandate as stipulated in the Statistical Services Act (1980) to conduct the census for the country at a regular interval. Under this Act, NSO maintains the role as the central executing agency for the conducting of censuses and surveys with support provided by appropriate line agencies towards coordinating and execution of various components of the census/survey operations.

64. Papua New Guinea - Wikitravel
What papua new guinea lacks in a developed tourist infrastructure, guinea isSean Dorney s papua new guinea People, Politics, and history Since 1975.
Papua New Guinea
From Wikitravel
Flag Quick Facts Capital Port Moresby Government constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy
Currency kina (PGK) Area total: 462,840 sq km
land: 452,860 sq km
water: 9,980 sq km Population 5,172,033 (July 2002 est.) Language English spoken by 1%-2%, pidgin English widespread, Motu spoken in Papua region
note: 715 indigenous languages Religion Roman Catholic 22%, Lutheran 16%, Presbyterian/Methodist/London Missionary Society 8%, Anglican 5%, Evangelical Alliance 4%, Seventh-Day Adventist 1%, other Protestant 10%, indigenous beliefs 34% Papua New Guinea is an island nation in Australasia Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Regions
2 Destinations

3 Understand

4 Get In
PNG has 11 regions (7 on the main island and 4 island regions): edit
What Papua New Guinea lacks in a developed tourist infrastructure, it more than makes up for in, well, pretty much anything else. Typical highlights for the traveler include:

65. Asian Studies | The WWW Virtual Library
Resources on the history of Armenia from ancient to modern times. track ofleading information facilities in the field of papua new guinea studies.
Asian Studies :   en es fr zh
The WWW Virtual Library
Asian Studies
Quick search: Asian Studies Asian Studies
Over 10 years of continuous service to the online community; Provision of expert information services, by the experts, for the experts. This research tool is produced by the Internet Publications Bureau, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra.
this resource in English is indexed under: Asian Studies
Armenian History
Armenian History
Resources on the history of Armenia from ancient to modern times.
this resource in English is indexed under: Asian Studies History Regional Studies
Asian Continent
... Asian Continent
This document keeps track of leading information facilities pertaining to the whole of the Asian continent.
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Asian Studies Electronic Mailing Lists
Asian Studies Electronic Mailing Lists Electronic mailing lists associated with the extensive Asian Studies Virtual Library network. this resource in English is indexed under: Asian Studies Asian Studies WWW Monitor Asian Studies WWW Monitor The Asian Studies WWW Monitor (ISSN 1329-9778) was established 21 April 1994. The journal, a pioneering and the only publication of this kind in the world, provides daily abstracts and reviews of new/updated online resources of significance to research, teaching and communications dealing with Asian Studies. It is published by the Internet Publications Bureau, RSPAS, National Institute for Asia and the Pacific, ANU. The periodical forms a key element of the global, cooperative project Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library.

66. UNHCR - About Us - Regional Office For Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea
UNHCR logo and About Us title bar regional Office (Australia, new Zealand, by the regional Office for Australia, new Zealand, papua new guinea and the
You are in: About Us
Today's date: Map of the area covered by the Regional Office for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific. Click on the image above to view a larger map The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is an impartial, non-political humanitarian organisation mandated by the United Nations to lead and co-ordinate international action for the world-wide protection of refugees and the resolution of refugee problems. With headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and branch offices in 115 countries, UNHCR has two key and closely related aims: to protect refugees and to seek ways to help them restart their lives. Click here for UNHCR Headquarters website.
In the Canberra, the Regional Office for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific provides legal, resettlement and information services:
The Legal Protection Unit liaises with governments in the region on refugee and asylum policy. It provides training for officials working with refugees and advises authorities on best international standards in respect to legislation, policy and procedures. UNHCR also monitors the application of the Refugee Convention in the region and intervenes in individual cases when they raise important issues of principle, which set standards for the wider protection of refugees.

67. UNHCR - FAQs - Regional Office For Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea And
UNHCR logo and FAQs title bar regional Office (Australia, new Zealand, papua A history of the Refugee Convention grey pixel. 1951 Convention Q A
You are in: FAQs
Today's date: Frequently Asked Questions What is UNHCR?
How many refugees are there today?

What does the UNHCR office Canberra do?

How is UNHCR funded?
Are there asylum guidelines on stowaways or people rescued at sea?
What is UNHCR?
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is the UN Refugee Agency, with a specific mandate to help protect refugees and help solve refugee problems worldwide.
Established in 1951, over the past five decades the agency has helped an estimated 50 million people restart their lives. Today, UNHCR has around 6,540 staff in 116 countries helping some 19 million people.
UNHCR promotes international refugee agreements, monitors government compliance with international law and provides material assistance such as food, water, shelter and medical care to fleeing civilians. UNHCR also seeks durable solutions for refugees whether through voluntary repatriation, integration into country of first asylum, or resettlement to a third country.
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68. MSN Encarta - Papua New Guinea
Great books about your topic, papua new guinea, selected by Encarta editors.Click here Several strong regional separatist movements arose in the 1970s,
Web Search: Encarta Home ... Upgrade your Encarta Experience Search Encarta Upgrade your Encarta Experience Spend less time searching and more time learning. Learn more Tasks Related Items more... Further Reading Editors' picks for Papua New Guinea
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Papua New Guinea Facts and Figures Quick information and statistics for Papua New Guinea Encarta Search Search Encarta about Papua New Guinea Editors' Picks Great books about your topic, Papua New Guinea ... Click here Advertisement document.write(' Page 5 of 5
Papua New Guinea
Encyclopedia Article Multimedia 10 items Dynamic Map Map of Papua New Guinea Article Outline Introduction Land and Resources The People of Papua New Guinea Economy ... History D
Thermal stations burning refined petroleum supply the majority of Papua New Guinea’s electricity. Although the country is a producer and exporter of crude petroleum, it must import the refined petroleum needed for these stations. People in rural areas and in poorer parts of cities and towns rely principally on firewood to meet their energy needs. Hydroelectric stations also generate electricity. E
Finance and Trade
The unit of currency in Papua New Guinea is the kina, which is divided into 100 toea (3.56 kina equal U.S.$1; 2003 average). The Bank of Papua New Guinea is the central bank. Exports in 2003 were $2.1 billion, and imports were $1.3 billion. Like most developing countries, the majority of Papua New Guinea’s export earnings were derived from primary commodities—agricultural, fishing, mining, and forestry products. The principal exports were copper ore and concentrates, coffee, timber, cocoa beans, and palm oil; the principal imports were machinery and transport equipment, other manufactured goods, food, and chemicals and petroleum products. The leading purchasers of exports are Australia, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and the United States; chief sources of imports are Australia, the United States, Singapore, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

69. The History Guy: New And Recent Conflicts Of The World
The island of Bougainville seeks independence from papua new guinea. new and Recent Wars Conflicts of the World. The history Guy Website of
New and Recent Conflicts of the World Home Military History Historical Personalitie What's New ... Site Map The world is a violent place, and for various political, economic, religious and other reasons, wars and conflicts often erupt. The purpose of this web page is to chronicle these conflicts and attempt to explain why they occur and what may result from them. This page contains four current sections and one section not yet completed. The current sections are:
  • Recently concluded or suspended wars and conflicts Major Acts of Terrorism
  • More detail to be added as time allows
    Alphabetical listing. q Afghan War q Al-Aqsa Intifada (Israeli-Palestinian Conflict) (high-risk to become a regional war) q Algerian Civil War q Basque Separatist Conflict q Burma (Myanmar) Civil War Military operations near border areas have brought both rebels and the Burmese government into occasional conflict with neighboring Thailand. q Burundi Civil War The rebels use neighboring Congo as a base to launch attacks, thereby giving the Burundi government reason to involve itself in the Second Congolese War q Colombian Civil War The United States is providing military and logistical support to the government.

    70. Information Gateway Links List Display Page
    Country Links Database Information for papua new guinea Banking regionalDevelopment Banks Asian Development Bank Banking regional Development New Guinea®ion=asia

    71. ReliefWeb » Document Preview » Papua New Guinea: Manam And Langila Volcanos Em
    Related Emergency or Annual Appeals Pacific regional Appeal 05AA062 The PapuaNew guinea Red Cross Society (PNGRCS) has distributed relief items,


    73. Papua New Guinea - University Depts With A Melanesian Focus
    The WorldWide Web Virtual Library - papua new guinea Category Subtree The State Museum of Natural and Cultural history Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice
    The World-Wide Web Virtual Library - Papua New Guinea
    Category Subtree
    University depts with a Melanesian focus ...
    See also Anthropology Custom Matters and Media

    74. Official Web Site Of The Prime Minister Of Papua New Guinea
    ADDRESS TO THE new ZEALAND papua new guinea BUSINESS COUNCIL. Rt. HON. new Zealand and PNG are close partners at both the regional and bilateral levels.

    75. Papua New Guinea --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    papua new guinea island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Learn aboutthe early history of new York , which was originally called new Amsterdam

    76. Papua New Guinea --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    papua new guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare, who had served as papua Learn about the early history of new York , which was originally called new

    77. Oceania Football Confederation
    In addition, under the deal brokered with the Auckland regional Council, At the OFC congress in papua new guinea, Australia s Sir Arthur George is

    78. • UNIFEM - A Portal On Women, Peace & Security •
    The island of Bougainville/papua new guinea is situated in the southwestern colonial history Bougainville was added to papua new guinea by the Germans,
    Select Conflict or Issue... Abkhazia (Georgia) Afghanistan Angola Bosnia and Herzegovina Bougainville (PNG) Burundi Cambodia Central African Republic Colombia Cote D'Ivoire Cyprus DR Congo El Salvador Fiji Guatemala Guinea-Bissau Haiti Iraq Kosovo Liberia Nicaragua Occ. Palestinian Terr. Rwanda Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia Sri Lanka Sudan Tajikistan Timor-Leste Western Sahara Issue Briefs Displacement DDR Elections Health HIV Justice Landmines Peacekeeping Peace Processes Prevention Reconstruction Reproductive Health Small Arms Trafficking Violence
    Impact on Women

    Humanitarian Situation

    Human Rights
    PeaceWomen - NGOs

    C ountry Profiles, Reports and Fact Sheets on Bougainville
    CEDAW Report: Ratified January 1995, No Report Submitted
    Secretary-General: Latest Report on the situation in Bougainville , 28 March 2005
    Security Council: Latest Resolutions on Bougainville, August 2003
    UN Common Country Assessment, PNG: Document UN Development Assistance Framework, PNG: Document Int. Committee of the Red Cross:

    79. Papua New Guinea 1999: Crisis Of Governance (Research Paper 4 1999-2000)
    The central bank, the Bank of papua new guinea, is the key to financial 4934; Sean Dorney, papua new guinea People, politics and history since 1975,

    Research Paper 4 1999-2000
    Papua New Guinea 1999: Crisis of Governance
    Dr Bill Standish
    Consultant, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Group
    21 September 1999
    Contents Major Issues

    Political Changes and Governance Issues

    The Skate Era

    The Sandline Affair and the Skate Coalition
    Patronage and Factionalism
    Economic Difficulties

    Deteriorating Social Conditions Economic Problems A Foreign Adviser Political Concerns Catholic Bishop's Warning Alarmism about a Coup A Marginalised Parliament A Crisis in Government The Skate Government Self-destructs Poor Governance and Political Partying The Taiwan Misadventure The Dangers for PNG The Politics Climaxes Parliament Decides The Morauta Government Ongoing Challenges Good Governance Issues for Australian Aid Conclusion Endnotes Source: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Major Issues After an acute political crisis the Papua New Guinea National Parliament on 14 July replaced Prime Minister Bill Skate's Government with one led by the former finance official, Sir Mekere Morauta. The Skate Government had emerged after the mid-1997 elections following the revolt by sections of the military protesting against the hiring of Sandline mercenaries to prosecute the Bougainville war. The Defence Force remains factionalised deeply. Mr Skate's Ministry was itself unstable, with three deputy prime ministers in two years. It increasingly politicised the public service, and state activities suffered across the country.

    80. Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority - Related Website Links
    The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) is a regional organization formed by The papua new guinea Business and Tourism.Contains thousands of photo
    You need Javascript enabled to view this site
    Featured Links South Pacific Tourism Organisation
    The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) is a regional organization formed by thirteen member countries in the mid-1980's for the joint promotion of the region as a tourist destination. SPTO is the only organisation in the world totally dedicated to assisting any organisation, large or small, regional or international, involved or wanting to be involved in South Pacific travel and tourism.
    Click on the image to go to the site... Papua New Guinea Business Directory
    The Papua New Guinea Business and Tourism.Contains thousands of photo featuring many tourism destinations in Papua New Guinea and a discussion forum to ask questions and interact with other travellers or locals. This site also offers many tips and information related to travelling in PNG.
    Click on the image to go to the site...
    MTS Discoverer

    PNG's Ultimate Travel Experience
    Click on the image to go to the site...

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