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41. Indigenous Peoples And Neotropical Forest Conservation Forestdwelling indigenous peoples possess vast knowledge of the natural systemsin which Kuna Yala, protecting the San Blas of panama. (ed. E. Kemp). http://www.macalester.edu/environmentalstudies/MacEnvReview/indigenouspeoples.ht | |
42. Amazon Alliance - Amazon Update: May 2001, No. 68 The Amazon Alliance for indigenous and Traditional peoples of the Amazon Basin indigenous peoples Millennium Conference. May 613. panama City, panama. http://www.amazonalliance.org/upd_may01_en.html | |
43. Mexico | MADRE: An International Women's Human Rights Organization Plan Pueblapanama Plan Puebla panama, spearheaded by President Vicente FoxMexico and indigenous peoples in Chiapas are denied access to health care, http://www.madre.org/countries/Mexico.html | |
44. Indigenous Peoples - OHCHR The international character of treaties with indigenous peoples and the utilization La Autonomia del Pueblo Kuna en panama By Sr Atencio López Martinez http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/treaties.htm | |
45. Human Security Gateway - Assessment For Indigenous Peoples In Panama indigenous people in panama face discrimination, poor health and low literacylevels. However, any risk assessment must address the three main indigenous http://www.humansecuritygateway.info/data/item46543060/view | |
46. Seattle Declaration Listed below is the indigenous peoples Seattle Declaration developed by the panama; Chaz Wheelock, Great Lakes Regional indigenous Environmental http://maorinews.com/writings/papers/other/seattle.htm | |
47. Health Of Indigenous People A Challenge For Public Health The initiative for health of indigenous peoples was launched due to the panama and Honduras have published documents on the health of indigenous peoples http://www.paho.org/English/DPI/100/100feature32.htm | |
48. Americas Program | Articles | Indigenous Communities In Latin America A classic example of megaproject logic is the Plan Pueblapanama (PPP), Ecuador and Venezuela grant indigenous peoples collective intellectual property http://americas.irc-online.org/citizen-action/focus/0207indigenous_body.html | |
49. Indigenous Peoples Council On Biocolonialism indigenous peoples believe the discussions on an international regime for accessand benefit Instituto de Desarrollo Integral de Kuna Yala (panama) http://www.ipcb.org/issues/agriculture/htmls/2004/pr_cop7.html | |
50. Indigenous PeoplesOpposition To The HGDP An assembly of indigenous peoples worldwide who met prior to the UN Conference A meeting of indigenous leaders from throughout the US, Canada, panama, http://www.ipcb.org/resolutions/htmls/summary_indig_opp.html | |
51. Indigenous People's Secretariat Produced at the indigenous peoples Secretariat (Canada) Other materialincluded panama s Act 20 which protects TK and the collective property rights of http://www.cbin.ec.gc.ca/ips/ibin25.cfm?lang=e |
52. Indigenous People's Secretariat panama City, panama, The indigenous peoples Millennium Conference. 8 WashingtonDC, USA, GEF NGO Consultation. 9 11 Washington, DC, USA, GEF Council http://www.cbin.ec.gc.ca/ips/ibin20.cfm?lang=e |
53. Minorities At Risk (MAR) indigenous peoples. panama. BLACKS. 356. 0.1300. ethnoclass. panama. CHINESE ethnoclass. panama. indigenous peoples. 164. 0.0600. indigenous peoples http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/latintbl.htm | |
54. Caribbean Amerindian Centrelink: Add URL - A Bravenet.com Free Links (Studies of the psychology of panama s indigenous peoples, the Kuna.) Sistemi eculture / Systems and cultures Rate It! It s a site about crosscultural http://pub19.bravenet.com/freelink/show.php?usernum=1631509558 |
55. MM November 1995 In 1993, a coalition of indigenous peoples in panama formed the indigenousPanAmerican Highway Commission (IPAHC), which has sought a voice in upcoming http://multinationalmonitor.org/hyper/mm1195.07.html | |
56. WAR And PEACE A The History of indigenous peoples in America by Michael Tailor, Winter, 2005 C The Plan Pueblapanama indigenous Rights in Mexico and Central http://www.stanford.edu/class/e297c/INDIGENOUS PEOPLES.htm | |
57. Indigenous Peoples' Rights & Advocacy Organizations panama 1, panama. Association Cultural Sejekto Coordinating Body for theIndigenous peoples Organization of the Amazon Basin Jiro Larco Herrera 1057 http://www.aaanet.org/committees/cfhr/orgindig.htm | |
58. Human Organization: Participatory Research Mapping Of Indigenous Lands In Darien The methodology shows how indigenous peoples can work with researchers in datacollection indigenous peoples, Embera, Wounaan, Kuna, rain forest, panama http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3800/is_200301/ai_n9226087 | |
59. Human Organization: Participatory Mapping Of Community Lands And Hunting Yields indigenous peoples living in the rain forest regions of Central America havedetailed mental indigenous peoples, hunting, rain forests, Bugle, panama http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3800/is_200301/ai_n9226068 | |
60. Bank Information Center USA: Indigenous Peoples Letter To IDB Requesting Adoptio At this moment we, the indigenous peoples, are suffering. With your help, we canensure that Marcial Arias panama FPCI Fundacion para la Promocion del http://www.bicusa.org/bicusa/issues/misc_resources/1205.php | |
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