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161. Palestine Report Weekly independent Palestinian news from the West Bank and Gaza. Includes photo gallery, links, and archives. http://www.jmcc.org/media/reportonline/ |
162. Palestine Media Watch - Jewish Links List of ProPalestinian Rights Jewish Organizations. http://www.pmwatch.org/pmw/links/jewishorganizations.html | |
163. Palestine Capital Studios Television and satellite channel service provider offering uplinkdownlink, news gathering, film production and other facilities. Includes information about the company, projects taken, customers and staff. http://www.pcs.tv/ | |
164. Focus On Jerusalem~Map Room In fact Rome changed the name of ancient Israel to palestine in an effort to erase And so it is that the association of the word palestine came to be http://focusonjerusalem.com/maproom.html | |
165. Palestine Yellow Pages Categorized listings http://www.palestineyellowpages.com/ | |
166. Palestine, Texas Official municipal web site. http://www.palestine-online.org/ |
167. Munazzamat Al-Tahrir Al-Filastiniyah, Bibliography The PLO the rise and fall of the palestine Liberation Organization. alTahrir al-Filastiniyah - Zionism - Jewish-Arab Relations - palestineHistory. http://users.skynet.be/terrorism/html/israel_plo.htm | |
168. Palestinian Independent Commission For Citizens Rights - PICCR The first National Human Rights Institution in the Arab World, ensuring respect for citizens' rights in palestine. Information on their activities, including a newsletter, and listing of publications and reports. http://www.piccr.org/ | |
169. The Palestinian Refugees Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from as Palestinian nationalist Aref elAref explained in his history of the http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/refugees.html | |
170. Palestine Chronicle Internet magazine covering issues related to Palestinian refugees, and other displaced people around the world. News, articles, interviews, editorial commentary, and features on business, and arts and culture. Background information on editorial board, journalists and contributors. http://palestinechronicle.com/ |
171. Comité De Solidarité Avec Les Universités En Palestine Appels, initiatives, programmes d'aide, documents et t©moignages, actualit©s. http://www.solidarite-birzeit.org/ |
172. VOPJ.ORG An association of Jews in Greater Boston working to promote a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians based on mutual respect, justice, and equality. http://www.vopj.org/ | |
173. The Palestine Liberation Organization Table Of Contents Provides information on Fatah, Force 17, Tanzim, and the palestine National Charter. http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Terrorism/plotoc.html | |
174. Www.protection-palestine.org Informations sur le soutien aux universit©s palestiniennes. Actualit©s, documents, programmes d'aides et p©titions. http://www.solidarite-univpalestine.org |
175. East Palestine News Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web. http://www.topix.net/city/east-palestine-oh | |
176. Texas Parks And Wildlife Lake Palestine Fishing tips, location, contact information, access points, amenities, map, and regulations for the lake. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/fish/infish/lakes/palstine/lake_id.htm |
177. Palestine NGOs Network, Welcome To The Comprehensive Portal For NGOs In Palestin A virtual resource center providing online information and communication system for organizations operating in palestine. http://www.palestine-ngos.net/ | |
178. Jewish Friends Of Palestine Online initiative of Jewish activists for a free palestine. Directory, petitions, articles, and complimentary web hosting for related groups. http://www.jewishfriendspalestine.org |
179. Palestine-Net: Tourism In Palestine Tourism in palestine virtual office provides general info, tours, hotels, internet cafe's and restaurants, car rentals, points of interest and gift shops. http://www.palestine-net.com/tourism/ | |
180. Visit Ramallah Travel information about the West Bank city from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. http://www.visit-palestine.com/ramallah/ram-main.htm | |
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