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61. Places In The Bible: Bethlehem In Palestine - History, Geography, Religion The earliest human habitation in Bethlehem (today Bayt Lahm, Arabic for house of meat ) dates back to the Paleolithic era, but the earliest reference to http://atheism.about.com/b/a/189149.htm | |
62. Links To Palestine - Economy History Government Culture - Palästina Palestina Links to palestine related web Sites economy history government commerce culture. http://www.arab.de/palest.htm | |
63. ALMISBAH: Regions, Nations And Peoples: Particular Regions: Arabic East: Palesti Keywords, Middle East; arabisraeli conflict; palestine; history; politics; Bibliography of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, history of palestine, http://ssgdoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vlib/ssgfi/subject/almisbah_ssg0302020603_ | |
64. Palestine - History And Our Responsibility Exhibition on palestine accompanied the talk. Part 1 history THIS PAGE URL http//www.inminds.co.uk/palestinehistory-and-responsibility.html. http://www.inminds.co.uk/palestine-history-and-responsibility.html | |
65. British Mandate In Palestine Britain and palestine, 19141948 archival sources for the history of palestine - history - Sources. palestine - Politics and government - 1917-1948. http://www.lib.washington.edu/neareast/brmanpal.html | |
66. ICT Popular Front For The Liberation Of Palestine (PFLP) Articles, updates and history of attacks. From The International Policy Institute for CounterTerrorism, Israel. http://www.ict.org.il/inter_ter/orgdet.cfm?orgid=31 |
67. MidEast Web - Brief History Of Of Palestine, Israel The Israel-Palestine Conflic Provides a brief, balanced, history of the IsraelPalestinian Conflict with links to timeline, maps, articles on refugees and source documents. http://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory.htm | |
68. MidEast Web - Middle East Israel - Palestinian Conflict TimeLine Summary and detailed timelines of the history of palestine and Israel, and of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. http://www.mideastweb.org/timeline.htm | |
69. Palestine Liberation Front history, leadership, terrorist activity and history of attacks. From The International Policy Institute for CounterTerrorism, Israel. http://www.ict.org.il/inter_ter/orgdet.cfm?orgid=29 |
70. The Jerusalem Post - 54th Independence Day Most Crowded Hours in palestine s history A blackout has been ordered for the whole of Jewish palestine. Tel Aviv itself having blacked out on Friday. http://info.jpost.com/C002/Supplements/IndependenceDay/crowded_hours.html | |
71. The Palestine Post Internet Edition Most Crowded Hours in palestine s history. (May 16) Between Thursday night and this morning palestine went through what by all standards must be among http://info.jpost.com/1998/Supplements/1948/lead3.html | |
72. Real History And Jewish Falsification Of Palestine's History Noam Chomsky on the inevitable fate of hostile reviews of Joan Peters fraudulent proIsrael history, From Time Immemorial. http://www.fpp.co.uk/BoD/origins/Chomsky_JoanPeters.html | |
73. The History Of The State Of Israel The history of the state of Israel, from 1517 to the present. In 1923 palestine was divided into two areas by the British  25% of the land (west of the http://ms.essortment.com/palestineislam_rkev.htm | |
74. Art History Palestine- History Of Art Palestine - Art History Palestine In Ottom Information regarding Art history in ancient Ottoman Empire. http://www.easterncorner.com/Palestine.htm | |
75. Descriptive Geography And Brief Historical Sketch Of Palestine Search for. history of palestine, All of Jewishhistory.com, The Occident, Wild West, Civil War. Preface Map of palestine The Boundaries of palestine http://www.jewish-history.com/Palestine/ | |
76. E.thePeople Article Israel And Palestine - History Lesson Part 1 Presence List 0 members and 1 guest are on Israel and palestine history Lesson Part 1 right now. Article Israel and palestine - history Lesson Part 1 http://e-thepeople.org/article/13093/ |
77. Travel In Gaza - Palestine - History - WorldTravelGate.net®- WorldTravelGate.net®Information about Gaza,palestine,history,Gallery,Photos, Restaurants,Hotels,Car Rental,Rentals,Campings,Travel Agencies.! http://www.mideasttravelling.net/palestine/gaza/gaza_history.htm | |
78. Palestine Football Association The official site with team, competitions, results, history, members, and support. English, Arabic http://www.palestinefa.com/ |
79. Friends Of Palestine Palestine S History http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~fop/pages/2pal.html |
80. Encyclopædia Britannica history palestine, history of. CURRENT SUBJECT. palestine, history of. Main Article Index Entry. MORE SPECIFIC SUBJECTS http://www.britannica.com/eb/subject?subjectId=161475 |
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