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81. NESCAUM: August 2002 PM-Ozone Event Also below is a plot of the maximum ozone that was recorded on that day. August meteorology. The following description provides meteorological context http://www.nescaum.org/datamaps/Aug02Event.html | |
82. Environment Portal - Search Results Bureau of meteorology (BOM). Commonwealth; ozone layer. My News Page. http//www.bom.gov.au/climate/glossary/ozone.shtml http://www.environment.gov.au/search97cgi/s97_cgi?action=Search&QueryText=Meteor |
83. Earth Science Pages: Meteorology Grumbine s List of Schools with Oceanography and meteorology Programs Harvard Dept. of Environmental Effects of ozone Depletion (Executive Summary) http://www.datasync.com/~farrar/met.html | |
84. FMI - Research - Meteorology Finnish Meteorological Institute. Research meteorology In respect of ozone and climate change research see also headings Middle and upper atmosphere http://www.fmi.fi/research_meteorology/meteorology.html | |
85. Nat' Academies Press, Rethinking The Ozone Problem In Urban And Regional Air Pol Page 93 4 The Effects of meteorology on Tropospheric ozone Introduction Meteorological processes directly determine whether ozone precursor species are http://books.nap.edu/books/0309046319/html/93.html | |
86. World Ozone And Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) - Contributors Australian Bureau of meteorology Belarus State University Nat. ozone Monitoring Research and Education Centre British Antarctic Survey http://meteo.lcd.lu/woudc/contributors_woudc.html | |
87. Max Planck Institute For Meteorology Longterm trends and predictions of tropospheric ozone Tropospheric ozone has Process and budget studies Better quantification of tropospheric ozone http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/~schultz.martin/research.php | |
88. S. Trivikrama Rao Meghan Milanchus Filtering the effects of meteorology on ambient ozone Daniel Chan - Linking changes in ozone to changes in meteorology and emissions, http://www.atmos.albany.edu/facstaff/rao.html | |
89. Can Stratospheric Temperature Trends Be Attributed To Ozone Depletion? Department of meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, UK The effect on stratospheric temperature of changing ozone is investigated by comparing two http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1029/2003JD003897 | |
90. Meteorology Department Weather Data Page Department of meteorology, small weather pictures Archived (Not yet available); ozone Forecasts(ECMWF); Climate and other Global Images http://www.met.rdg.ac.uk/Data/Global/ | |
91. CABO - Climate And Background Ozone Research Group She edited two books summarising the results of the meteorology and air her research on meteorology and ozone under the supervision of Professor Trevor http://www.giub.unibe.ch/~evi/cabo/ | |
92. A Synoptic Climatological Evaluation Of Surface Ozone Concentrations In Lancaste between meteorology and specific air pollutants such as ozone have been an between meteorology and tropospheric ozone levels at those locations. http://www.udel.edu/SynClim/ozone.html | |
93. P1.6 Weekday Ozone Forecasting By The JSU Meteorology Program For The MS DEQ (20 ozone forecasting has been initiated by the JSU meteorology Program through Daily ozone forecasts are now made by meteorology Staff at Jackson State http://ams.confex.com/ams/annual2003/techprogram/paper_51325.htm | |
94. OceanPortal : Top > DATA RESOURCES > Data & Products > Online/Downloadable Data total columns for ozone and NO2; daily global total column ozone; Fleet Numerical meteorology Oceanography Center (FNMOC) Public Products Updated http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanportal/browse.php?cat=631 |
95. Directory Number 3161 AUSTRALIA Bureau Of Meteorology Atmosphere Monitoring of stratospheric ozone levels and solar radiation. Publications Treatises and Results of tests relating to meteorology and the atmosphere. http://www.gsf.de/UNEP/auebmaw.html | |
96. Satellite Meteorology Glossary In meteorology, convection infers vertical movement or upward motions ozone layer A layer in the stratosphere with a maximum of ozone concentration. http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/satmet/glossary/glossary.html | |
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