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61. Sculture Info African art Tribes and sculptures. The city of owo, to the southeast of Yorubaland near the frontier with the Edospeaking peoples, developed an art http://users.telenet.be/african-shop/sculpture-info.htm | |
62. [enviro-vlc] NWFP-Digest-L No. 6/02 Part 1 Or 2 Peruvian farmers and indigenous people denounce patents on maca extract However for centuries the people of owo in Ondo State have depend= http://www.undp.org.vn/mlist/envirovlc/072002/post75.htm | |
63. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #27 (23/05/03) Owing to the primitive character of the people, and to the limited time at my from africa , indigenous Knowledge World Wide Newsletter, March 2002, p. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_27.html | |
64. Prophets Without Honour This he did in spite of his own conviction that his indigenous African As a result, his writings on West African peoples and their customs are even more http://www.africansocieties.org/n3/eng_dic2002/taiwoeng.htm | |
65. Religion In Nigeria and broadcast over the Radio Eternal Life Wins africa (ETLF) in Monrovia, Liberia. The titles of the programs were Edikworo Christ Nno Kpukpru owo in http://www.lutheranmedia.net/nigeria/articles/religioninnigeria.htm | |
66. Consulate General Of Nigeria Much has been said and written about Nigeria, her people and culture, Ibadan was until recently the largest indigenous African city. http://www.nigeria-consulate-ny.org/This is Nigeria_files/m_history_people.htm | |
67. My Listings African indigenous Religion like all religions accepts God as the The beautiful African clothes were considered native and educated people did not wear http://www.iccsus.org/IstConf/310.html | |
68. Orilonise: The Hermeneutics Of The Head And Hairstyles Among The Yoruba In eastern Yorubaland, especially at owo, the women sometimes divide their hair This essay is excerpted from Hair in African Art and Culture (2000), http://www.tribalarts.com/feature/lawal/ | |
69. A The Benin Example in africa and the Lakato Hypothesis (West african Journal of Ajisafe, AK, 1945, Laws and Customs of the Benin People, Kash and Klare http://www.cgore.dircon.co.uk/a1a.htm | |
70. World Arts West : San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival : History : 1999 Dance is a shared language, a common bond between people. Choreography arranged from the indigenous dance by Maria de la Rosa and Tony Ferrigno http://www.worldartswest.org/edf/history/1999.html | |
71. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, WHAT HAS CULTURE GOT TO DO WITH IT Eliminating the indigenous identity seems to have been a very firm For keys to the core value system of African people, we must be willing to see value http://www.isser.org/5th Merchant bank.htm | |
72. AfricanPoetry have developed within the African people s tradition of poetry. indigenous African poetic techniques. Angus Calder, Jack Mapanje, and Cosmo Pieterse http://www.fb10.uni-bremen.de/anglistik/kerkhoff/AfricanLit/AfricanPoetry.htm | |
73. Section II: Development And Applications Of Rapid Assessment Procedures In Afric procedures for environmental contaminant assessments with indigenous people RAPID ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES (RAP) are a recent phenomenon in African http://www.unu.edu/unupress/food2/UIN08E/uin08e0a.htm | |
74. MSN Encarta - Print Preview - African Art And Architecture The Dogon people of southern Mali cultivate grain on a plateau at the top The Olowo Palace in owo, southeastern Nigeria, had as many as 100 courtyards. http://encarta.msn.com/text_761574805___22/African_Art_and_Architecture.html | |
75. Art/Auctions: African & Oceanic Art Auction At Sotheby's November 11, 2004 Lot 79, Ram s Head Altarpiece, Yoruba, owo Region, 14 inches high See The City Review article on the Fall 1999 African and Oceanic Art auction at http://www.thecityreview.com/f04strib.html | |
76. Art Bulletin, The: Aworan: Representing The Self And Its Metaphysical Other In Y Yoruba (African people) / Art Art, Nigerian / Criticism, interpretation, etc. See Rowland Abiodun, The Kingdom of owo, in Drewal et al., 101. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0422/is_3_83/ai_84192647/pg_16 | |
77. Nigeria, Map And Flag africa, Nigeria Pictures. Nigeria Photos and Pictures and Forum Introduction Map Geography People Government Economy Communications http://www.greatestcities.com/Africa/Nigeria.html | |
78. Human Rights And The Environment - OHCHR The petitioner alleged that FAP is an anti environment and anti- people project. 123 White Paper on Water Policy for South africa, 1997, para 2.1.4 http://www.unhchr.ch/environment/bp4.html | |
79. Nigerian People And History **PEOPLE AND HISTORY Ibadan was until recently the largest indigenous African city. Located along the edge of a thickly wooded forest belt, http://www.nigerianembassy-brasilia.org.br/history.html | |
80. BNW : Biafra Nigeria World Message Board: The Voice Of A New Generation: THE MIN (2) People who are able to rise above the influence of their emotional and The, and only then, can the ageold indigenous African saying common among http://messageboard.biafranigeriaworld.com/ultimatebb.cgi/ubb/get_topic/f/2/t/00 | |
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