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Owls: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
1. Owls - EnchantedLearning.com owls are nocturnal hunters with eyes that face forwards. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/birds/info/Owl.shtml | |
2. My Owls Of The World History, information, sounds, pictures of owls, and an owl quiz. http://myowls.tripod.com/ | |
3. The Motorcycle Collection Of The Owls Head Transportation Museum This Maine museum has a number of motorbikes with good photos and historical description. Planes and cars are the major part of the collection. http://www.ohtm.org/mcpage.html | |
4. BabyOwls - Go To Bed Kid! Entertainment for moms during the long hours awake at night with the baby. Read, submit writing and take polls. http://www.babyowls.com/ | |
5. The Town Of Owl's Head Maine Homepage Provides information about local government, history, population, education, economy, and services. http://www.midcoast.com/~owlshead/ | |
6. A Treasury Of Macrame Owls Treasury of owls formed in macrame, offered by Bill Davenport. http://www.billdavenport.com/owls/owls1.html | |
7. RiceOwls.com :: Rice Athletics :: The Official Athletics Site Of Rice University Official home of the Rice University Athletics Department. http://www.riceowls.com/ | |
8. The Owls Of North Dakota Includes color photos and descriptive information on owls occurring in North Dakota. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/owls/owls.htm | |
9. Temple Athletics - Men's Basketball owls official web site with news, roster, schedule, statistics. http://www.owlsports.com/sports/mbball/ | |
10. The Owl Pages - About Owls - Photos, Calls, Books, Art, Mythology And More. Everything to do with owls Detailed descriptions of different species, including photos and sounds. Also includes mythology, art, books, collectables and http://www.owlpages.com/ | |
11. The Owl Pages - About Owls - Photos, Calls, Books, Art, Mythology Everything to do with owls Detailed descriptions of different species, including photos and sounds. Also includes mythology, art, books http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
12. Owls Of North America - The Owl Pages owls of North America The Owl Pages. owls of North America. Tyto alba Common Barn Owl Otus flammeolus Flammulated Owl Megascops kennicottii http://www.owlpages.com/species.php?location=North America |
13. The London Owls - Sheffield Wednesday London Supporters Club Travel, social activities, newsletter, results, fixtures, squad details, and photographs. http://www.londonowls.co.uk/ |
14. Biology And Conservation Of Owls, Title Page Proceedings of an international symposium held in February 1997 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. http://www.ncrs.fs.fed.us/epubs/owl/ | |
15. Owling.com - Photos, Calls And Info On N & C Amer Owls Photos, calls, and species accounts of North American owls. http://www.owling.com/ | |
16. The Barn Owl (Tyto Albq) The Owl Rehabilitation Research Foundation Ontario Canada, reports that barn owls consume twice as much food for their weight as other owls. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
17. Welcome To The Owls Head Transportation Museum, Celebrating Transportation Histo The owls Head Transportation Museum exhibits and operates a large collection of pioneerera aircraft, antique automobiles, engines, bicycles, carriages and http://www.ohtm.org/ | |
18. OwlCam Home Page Sights and sounds of a pair of Barred owls nesting in Massachusetts, plus nest box building instructions and photos of the Great Gray Owl in Rowley. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
19. Owl Printout- EnchantedLearning.com Printout on owls, mostly nocturnal birds related to hawks. There are about 162 different species of owls alive today, inhabiting a huge variety of http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/birds/printouts/Owlcoloring.shtml | |
20. Sheffield Wed Official Site NEWS owls 11 Manchester City. Friendly ends all-square - match report from Hillsborough http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
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