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Origami Paper Folding Geometry: more detail | |||||||
81. Origami: Complexity In Crease (Again) origami is the art of folding uncut sheets of paper, usually squares, into decorative origami geometric constructions are part of a family of pure http://pr.caltech.edu/periodicals/EandS/articles/LXVII1/origami.html | |
82. Opera Directory Gift boxes hand made by folding paper or fabric using origami techniques. masks, geometric shapes, oversized folds, and tessellations. origami Models http://portal.opera.com/directory/?cat=8670 |
83. ARTTalk - FREE Copy - Vol. 11, No. 11 - Paper Craft the Japanese with the origins of origami, paper folding actually originated Originally, only geometric folding was allowed because of the religious http://www.arttalk.com/archives/vol-11/artv1111-3.htm | |
84. The Geometry Junkyard: Unfolded Polyhedra This geometry Forum problem of the week asks for the number of different hexominoes, How to form regular polyhedra from folded strips of paper? http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/unfold.html | |
85. The Fold-and-Cut Problem (Erik Demaine) Take a piece of paper, fold it into any flat origami, and make one complete straight cut (ie, a cut along a line). Now unfold the pieces, and see what you http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~edemaine/foldcut/ | |
86. Activity Subject: Teacher uses a 6 or 8 inch square of paper (recycled, waxed, or origami) to demonstrate regarding geometric terms revealed with each fold of the paper. http://www.scopeonarope.lsu.edu/classroom/lessonplans/ORIGAMI/georigami.html | |
87. NTTI Lesson: Patty Paper And Origami A Tool For All Students If origami paper is used each student may make one unit and the class When folded along a line of symmetry and cut there will be two right trapezoids. http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/nttidb/lessons/kc/paperkc.html | |
88. Origami Tag Search Results - Shadows.com paperfolding.com. 2 users Last action 7/7/2005 by aprice The geometry Junkyard origami. 1 users - Last action 6/17/2005 by tagcrawler http://www.shadows.com/tags/origami | |
89. Origami Math As students use their fine motor skills to fold and crease paper into fun their origami projects to look at the interesting patterns and geometric http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/instructor/April04_origami.htm | |
90. Geometric Paper Folding: Dr. David Huffman Geometric paper folding Dr. David Huffman. Nov 1996. Horiz Bar. David Huffman has been creating some very complex and original folded structures. http://www.sgi.com/misc/grafica/huffman/ | |
91. From Fred Galvin Galvin@math.ukans.edu Subject Re Straight Dmitry Fuchs and Serge Tabachnikov, More on Paperfolding , American Mathematical Monthly, Robert Euclidean constructions and the geometry of origami. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/paperfold | |
92. Origamido Studio: Teach With a wide range of experience teaching origami, papermaking, and paper sculpting to Students will fold multiples of origami unit puzzle pieces and http://www.origamido.com/what-we-do/teach.html | |
93. Froebel USA History / Biography (14) origami / Paperfolding (9) Parenting (4) Mathematical origami Mathematical origami Buy 1 Mathematical origami now, $13.50 http://rs184.securehostserver.com/~froebelu/catalog/default.php/cPath/22_34 | |
94. History Of Origami origami (pronounced ori-GA-me) is the Japanese art of paperfolding. The Moors used paperfolding to create geometric figures because their religion http://library.thinkquest.org/5402/history.html | |
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