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41. Oregon Librarians Answer Questions Through Online Chat We are funded through the Oregon State Library and staffed by librarians in Oregon. We are also using volunteered staff time from oregon libraries, http://www.tutor.com/press/GovTech_11092004.htm | |
42. Position Announcement THE UNIVERSITY OF oregon libraries EUGENE, OR 974031299. Position Announcement. Science Librarian, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. http://www.gwla.org/jobs/uor-science.html |
43. LISNews.com | N2H2 Censorware Blacklists Oregon Libraries Network N2H2 Censorware Blacklists oregon libraries Network Seth Finkelstein writes According to the the oregon libraries network s staff information blog, http://www.lisnews.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/25/0730242&tid= |
44. Curriculum Vitae Microforms Coordinator, University of oregon libraries. Manuscript processor, University of Oregon Knight Library, Special Collections University http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/iemls/resour/mirrors/rbear/resume.html | |
45. Records Manager, University Of Oregon University Records Manager , University of oregon libraries, Special Collections University Archives. This new position provides the opportunity for a http://www.lib.washington.edu/nwa/UORecMngr.html |
46. Oregon Library : Free Information On Public Libraries In Oregon Oregon Library System oregon libraries Data Information and Profiles for Library. http://www.librarybug.org/state-Oregon.html | |
47. Oregon Library : Free Information On Public Libraries In Oregon Oregon Library System oregon libraries Data Information and Profiles for Library. http://www.librarybug.org/city-Oregon.html | |
48. [Libs-Or] All Oregon Libraries As a fundraiser for the Oregon Library Association s Statewide Summer Reading Program, CSD is creating a librarythemed calendar for 2005. http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/pipermail/libs-or/2004-September/002439.html | |
49. WHATÂS GREAT ABOUT OREGON LIBRARIES Oregon public libraries rank 2 in circulation per capita in the US (2003). Oregon public libraries rank 8 in local operating income per capita. http://egov.oregon.gov/OSL/Whats_great.htm | |
50. Interactive Media Group | University Of Oregon Libraries Develops webbased projects for a variety of instructional, research, and presentation initiatives. http://nmc.uoregon.edu/ | |
51. Library Jobs: Pacific States Scope Positions posted on libsor, a mailing list for oregon libraries. Most jobs are located in Oregon or elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest. http://www.libraryjobpostings.org/pacific.htm | |
52. University Of Oregon Libraries Public Web Guidelines Exceptions University of oregon libraries or UO Libraries as linked text /or in a graphic (as in current template banner). Address information that includes at a http://iris.uoregon.edu/wag/Webtools/guidelines/exceptions.html |
53. University Of Oregon Libraries Skip headers and go directly to page content University of oregon libraries The UO Libraries assign librarian subject specialists to each academic http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~jqj/edtech/edtech_support.html | |
54. Interactive Media Group | University Of Oregon Libraries Interactive Media Group University of oregon libraries. Room 31, Media Services  Knight Library Telephone 541/3461995 E-Mail imginfo@uoregon.edu http://img.uoregon.edu/contact.html | |
55. North Santiam Library District Committee Overview of library services with plans and proposals for establishing additional libraries. District plans and needs, organization, volunteer opportunities. http://www.northsantiamlibraries.org/ | |
56. State Of Oregon: State Library Provides state government with information services, blind and handicapped reading materials, along with leadership, grants, and local assistance to local libraries. Located in Salem. http://oregon.gov/OSL/ | |
57. OLA Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 1996 List of the state's Carnegie libraries with dates, grants and whether they are still in use as libraries. http://www.olaweb.org/quarterly/quar2-1/carnegie.shtml | |
58. L-net Lnet is an online reference service provided by oregon s libraries. You may chat live with a librarian or e-mail us your question. http://www.oregonlibraries.net/ | |
59. Western Pacific Chapter, AALL A regional chapter of the American Association of Law libraries. Covers Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, the U.S. Pacific Territories, and Western Canada. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/westpac/ | |
60. L-net Participating Libraries Participation is open to all libraries in oregon. If your library would like to participate, oregon State University, The Valley Library, Corvallis http://www.oregonlibraries.net/libraries.shtml | |
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